City Council Minutes 10-20-1970 Special Page 2210 Special meeting of Village Council October 19, 1970 Ron Schleif, Franz Swanberg, James Maus, Richard Martie, William Sand- berg in attendance. Robert Davis and Llovd Schnelle representing Planning Commission. Ron Schleif had had a meeting with Gary Pringle during day. At this time we do not know what direction NSP will go. A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20, 1970 at 10:00 A.M. with NSP attorneys and officials. At that meeting we will be obligated to refine line. Discussion of good and bad of mobil home parks. William Sandberg made motion to follow highway 118 north to appropriate property line and south to a point intersecting line on z section line running along north side of F. Klein's directly west to west side of section 15 and section 10 west side as. previously set including half of plant. Lost for lack of second. Read letter regarding county -village planning grant as received from County Auditor. James Maus made motion to adopt plan. William Sand- berg seconded motion. Motion carried. This action follow-up of similar action of 1969. William Sandberg moved to adjourn a 0:30 P.M.. Richard Martie seconded. Motion carried. Don Granl nd, Clerk DCG/lcg Special meeting of Village Council with Planning Commission -- Oct. 20 1:00 P.M. Ron Schleif, Richard Martie, J. Maus, W. Sandberg present. F. Swanberg, absent. Grant Schleif, Robert Davis, Fred Topel, Larry Flake, Gary Pringle present. Meeting called to order by Ron Schleif, mayor. Gary Pringle reported that discussion of morning session with NSP people, Township and Council revealed that NSP will contest splittin7 of plant site for tax purposes. They want to be under one governmental jurisdiction. Indications seem to prefer village. Gary proceeded to explain that these are two methods to proceed: 1. Resolution by the Township and Village to consummate complete merger. 2. Obtain petition of 100 property owner residents in Township re- questing merger. General consensus of assembled persons totry for joint resolution for merger and provide for referendum. Agreement that annexation hearing scheduled for October 21 be continued. Hearing has been rescheduled for January 7, 1071. Adjourne on tion at 3:30 P. M.