City Council Minutes 12-08-1970 Page 2Call to order 8:05 P. M., November- 30, 1970 In attendance: Schleif, Maus# Sandberg, Swanberg. Absent: Martie. Nineteen citizens in attendance. Mayor Schleif explained the purpose of the hearing. General comments favored activation of a municipal H. R. A. Jim Hanna volunteered the aid of the senior citizens to carry out a survey of the need for housing for the elderly. Motion o adjourn by Maus, s6cond by Sandberg. Carried. Ron Schleif, Mayor RPS/log Regular meeting of Village Council Tuesdav, December % 1970 -- 7:30 P. M. Councilmen present: Ron Schleif, Richard Martie, 1^jilliam Sandberg, Franz Swanberg, James Maus. Absent: none. Art McIntire, Ron Michaelis, Thore Yever, Dale Johnson and Gary Pringle also present. Meeting called to order by Pon Schleif. Minutes of previous meetings approved as mailed with deletion of second sentence, third paragraph, minutes of November 24 "Special Meeting" .... "Request for -------- request and expense." Motion for apnroval as amended by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie. Carried. Art McIntire asked for another man to worm on-�a part-time basis to ride patrol (2 man car) on Friday and Saturday nites. Richard Martie appointed to meet with McIntire to study and discuss needs and recommend action to next meeting. Question raised on policing methods for snowmobiles in village. Ron Michaelis reported that snowmobile club is working on a self policing program. Requested to publish Snowmobile no's and Don'ts. Ron Michaelis announced the Civil Defense conference to be held at Monticello High School on January 11. Ron also reported two fires in buildings at the old Wingert farm. Possible arson. 226 December 8, 1970 meeting -- continued Thore Meyer opened the bids on the nroposed pumphouse. Seven bids were received: J. W. Miller Construction 1239919.61 Orvedahl Construction 359900.00 Magnev Construction Co. 339930.00 Berglund -Johnson, Inc. 289900.00 L. A. Shanrk 279300.00 Don Ahlers 349800.00 Karl Dedolnh Construction 309100.00 Thore Meyer then opened bids for installation of pump. Five bids received: Thein Well Co. $39475.43 Layne-Mirnesota 39302.00 Keys Well Drilling 39579.00 Tonka Equipment Co. 39345.00 McCarthy Well Co. 39189.00 Thore to review all bids and report back to special meeting on Dec. 9 at 7:30 P. M. Mayor Schleif reported on his follow-up into the ren uest for an audit to be conducted by the State Public Examiner. A telephone conversation and follow-up letter indicated that Gruys-Johnson were regarded by the State Public Examiner as capable and reputable; that the firm of Gruys- Johnson offer the same services as the State Public Examiner and that an audit by the State Public Examiner, if requested now, could be under- taken sometime in May or June. Dale Johnson, of Gruys-Johnson, reported that they are Foverned by the same rules and procedures as the State Public Examiners. He added that they must report to the S. P. F, all irregularities legal, financial, and procedural. James Maus recommended that we retain Gruys-Johnson as aur?.itors . Sandberg reported on sewer-water.hookur to Pinewood School and stated. that pavment should be made. Ron Schleif referred to minutes of Oct. 149 1Q69 and the Attorney General's opinion that indicated that the methods of arriving at the hook -un charge were not legal. Thore Mever had nreviously been requested to submit a- nronosal_ to study water and sewage usa7e and rate structure. His nronosal for study at a cost of 1500 to '750 was moved. for arnroval by James Maus and seconded by Richard Martie. Thore's study will include a method of computation for hook-up charges and study to determine facilities and cost to non - village users of sewer plant. Motion carried. Report requested from Councilmen Sandberg and Martie on the rate increase proposed by North Central Public Services Company. No decision resulted from the report and discussion. Mayor Schleif indicated he would study the situation and report his findings to the Council. Extensive discussion regarding the billings presented by Pringle & Smith, village attorneys, as to what is covered by _retainer and what is billed on hourly basis. James Maus moved that bills for October and November be approved and paid. Seconded by Richard Martie. Carried. 227 December 81 1970 meeting -- continued. Billing from Fl Backhoe for water and sewer service on West 3rd Street presented in total of $4830.00. Ordered paid in amount of $3356.95. Deductions cover village labor used $276.00, village equipment used $125.00, material supplied by village $524.05, con- ditioning street after job cmmnletion $548.00. Motion ordering payment by James Maus, saconded by Richard Martie. Carried. Request for funding by Senior Citizens center for 1971 favorable by general consensus. Final action t abled to January meeting rending study of funding and control procedures. Several names were considered for the Housing Redevelopment Authority. No appointments made at this time. William Sandberg moved that building permit for addition to home sub- mitted by Dr. Charles Fish be anrroved. Seconded by F. Swanberg. Carried. James Maus and W. Sandberg were avpointed to wage negotiating committee to meet with department heads and study sal_ary schedules. Don Granlund to prepare revort of present income of each employee to committee. Com- mittee to ren -rt to January meeting. Gary Pringle reported on Dutch Elm ordinance. Gary to prepare sample ordinance and clerk to provide cony to each councilman for study. Motion to approve bills was made by James Maus and seconded by Richard Martie. Voting in favor: Maus, Martie, Schleif, Swanberg. Sandberg voting accepting all bills excepting salary for Civil Defense Director on basis of illegality of expenditure of funds. Gary Pringle's memo on Civil Defense statutes is as follows: "The special levy of x'1,000.00 provided for in M.S.A. 12.26 (2) is meant to provide additional money abover the money spent from the General Fund. This (2) allows for a tax in excess of (over and above) all taxing limitations in order to provide more money to pay for civil defense expenditures. It is this special levy that is limited to $1,000.00" Dick Martie stated he had checked with State Civil Defense Director and learned that there is no restriction governing civil defense expenditures. Section 12.26 of Minnesota Statutes Subdiv. 1. Each political subdivision shall have the power to make appropriations in the manner provided by law for making appropriations for the ordinary expenses of such political subdivision for the payment of expenses of its local organizations for civil defense and any local contin7ent of the Civil Air Patrol. Motion for adJournment at 11:20 by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie. Carried. Don Granlund, Clerk DCG/l cg