City Council Minutes 01-25-1972F
Mor#idello, Minnesota 55362
J�Mluary 25, 1972
Joint meeting of the 'pillage Council and '.,fonticello Town Board
regarding fire protection.
Meeting cal led to order by Mavor Sandberg, Coiinciln-en present:
Sandberg, Rowan, Martie, Blonizen, Markling. Town Commissioners
present: Basil Schillewaert, Franklin Denn, 'Charles Holthaus, TIlliam
Bellach, 1"irechief Ronald Michaelis, and Fireman Gordon Link.
Attorney James Metcalf and Robert Peterson, Town Planning; Tom Jenson,
4 .4
'tate Deputy Fire 'M-arshall; Emil Dorf, Silver Creek Township also
Ron Michaelis advised that present fire fighting equiDntent consists
of a 1946 pumper that is borderline of being accepted by state fire
regulations, 1964 pumper and 1953 tanker that is worn out. Michaelis
pointed out that water pump became inoperable and it has taken over
a week to get repair unit.
Tanker unit is needed for rural fires where hydrants are not available.
Tom Jenson related that fire fighting is most dangerous occupation.
Town Board and Council must work together as fire Drotection is a
James "etcalf oueried regarding fire rating. Jenson replied this is
determined by Fire Insurance 7nderwriters. Mletcalf stated that alter.
natives available would be:
l. contract agreement between Council and Town Board
2. pro rata charge based on average calls
3. organize a fire district as independent government unit
Fire districts not in extensive use in state.
Levy f -
or exnenditure for equipment, service or setting up a fire dis.
trict must a-oDear on Township ballot.
New tanker pumper estimated cost t25,000 - $10,000 complet61-y equipped.
Council and Towns1ii-Y) sbould consider long term fire service a7reement.
T-Ionticello Township placed 23 fire calls in 1971, village placed 3
calls,, Silver Creek had, one call and Otsego Township had one call.
agreed that similar contract to 1971 be drafted, with clause to pro_
rate if and when new truck becomes available. Attorney Pringle and
Attorney Metcalf tc research necessary reauirements to establish fire
Motion to adjourn by Dick !Ntartie and seconded by Dan Blonigen. So
C.,T*anlund, Clerk