City Council Minutes 08-03-1971 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
August 3, 1972
Special meeting of village Council August 3, 1972 -- 7:30 P. M.
Present: Mayor Sandberg, Rowan, Markling, Blorigen. Martie arrived
at 8:00 P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M.
Minutes of July 24 and 25 meetings were read and approved.
It was decided to engage Wm. C. Hoffman, St. Paul attorney, to handle
the summons served on the village by the Monticello Public School District
#882. Motion by Jeff Rowan, second by Dan Bionigen. Carried -- all
in favor. (Sandberg, Blonigen, Rowan and Markling).
Moon was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Walt Markling, to instruct
Thore Meyer to give a legal description and man of the proposed area to
be annexed: : ie: borders I-94 on the south, Hyway 25 on the east and
on the west to the Township road extending from Elm St. Carried
all in favor.
Deferred Roger Payne's request for building permit pending diagram of
the plot plan.
Motion made by Walt Markling, second by Dick Martie, giving W. Sandberg
the atyt$+f%rlts tea enw!!�.f►P the st"At sveAx)prs to cheep lot 5? wti+en the4
are sweeping the streets in town in oreDaration for the Slurry Kote
service. Carried -- all in favor.
Motion by Jeff Rowan, second by Dan Blonigen, not to renew the police
contract with the Aright County Sheriff Department when it expires. In
favor: Sandberg, Blonigen, Rowan. Against: Markling, Martie. Carried.
Rowan to check into the required equipment necessary and present the
estimated cost at next meeting. (Police equipment).
Motion to adjourn by Dan Blonigen, second by Dick Martie. So ordered.
Lyiffiea Gillham, Acting Secretary