City Council Minutes 09-12-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
September 12, 1972
Regular meeting of Villaae Council Sentember 12, 1972.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Bill Sandberg at 8:10 P. M.
Councilmen present: Jeff Rowan, Dan Blonigen, Dick Martie, Walt
Markling. Absent: None.
Ted Yoch of Bureau Investment presented request for a building per.
mit and request for street, water and sanitary sewer service to
site on 7th St. and Hyway 25. Proposed mall will cover 47,058
square feet. Shell construction estimate at $475,000. Bill Bartolic
of Bartolic Construction, presented and explained the plans.
Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen to issue building
permit to Bureau Investment contingent upon their accenting cost
estimates of proposed improvements. Carried -- all in favor.
Motion by Dan Rlonigen, seconded by Jeff Rowan to authorize Thore
Meyer to proceed with plans, snees and cost estimates for installing
33 ft. surfaced street, 8 inch water service and 4 inch sewer ser-
vice. Carried .._ all in favor.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen to issue building
hermit to Pavne Builders to build a 3 b. r. house on Lot 3, Block 09
Monticello. Carried __ all in favor.
Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Jeff Rowan to issue building per.
mit to Les Goman to build garage addition on south side of existing
garage on Lots 4,5,6,7, Block 22. Carried .- all in favor.
Motion by Walt M-arkling, seconded by Richard Martie to issue building
permit to Centra Sota to build a 24 x 54 addition to the north side
of the Feed Mill on Block 20. Carried -_ all in favor.
Request by Belmar Builders to erect a 12 unit apartment house tabled
pending building inspection.
Darrell Wolff presented sheriff's report for August. Discussion
raised re U turn sign placement near scales at Mid America Plant.
Wolff to determine restriction of placing sign, if any. Directive
from the Council to Wolff to keep 4th St. open.
Jay Miller and Iry Stelton raised reouest for sewer rate adjustment.
Consensus of the Council that no changes be made in billing pro.
cedure at this time and that bids are payable as billed.
Motion by 'Balt Markling, seconded by Dan Blonigen to have Walt Mack
check discharge from Walnut Street storm sewer for contamination.
Carried -- all in favor.
Regular meeting of Villap►e Council
September 12, 1972
Page 2
Lloyd Murphy, Steak Hut operator, reouested a set up license for
his cafe. Council reouested that clarification of regulations
from Liquor Commission be sought.
Red Michaelis reported on broken windows on north side of fire
Clerk to check with League of Minnesota Municipalities to determine
status of Justice of Peace.
Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Jeff Rowan to approve proposal
of assessor's office to do 1973 assessment on same terms as 1972
assessment contract. Carried -- all in favor.
Council directed Dick Brooks to get cost figures from Big Lake
Gravel to upgrade sides of Cedar Street from 3rd to River St.
Clerk vacated chair at this time to take election ballots and re-
sults to t^e Court House at Buffalo.
anlund, Clerk
Motion by Walt, second by Dan Blonigen we request a hea.rinv
with the Municipal Commission for purpose of annexing the following
described properties: see Exhibit A. Carried -- all in favor.
On bills -- Barbarossa on Walnut St. $7,520.00. Thore M. felt
we have no recourse with Barbarossa on driveway problems. To be
corrected when Locust, Linn and Front are upgraded.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen to authorize
Dick Brooks to contact Brenteson to do stump removal and fill and
apply class 5 and fill, roll and shape 2 blocks of Front St., Linn
and Locust. Paver mat to be done later. Passed by all present.
Dick Brooks mentioned 4 places in town in whi8h slurry coat is broken
up. Area near Catholic Church, near Charles hristiansen. Action
Walt Markling brought up the library situation. He felt we should
go on with the library setup. Walt stated he would talk with Mr.
Senness concerning the situation.
Discussion with 'Thore Meyer on assessment on storm sewers. Thore
felt we need legal advice on this situation. Motion by Walt
Markling we engage Wm. C. Hoffman, attorney, on assessment hearing
legality. Second by Dick Martie. Passed by all present.
Regular meeting of Village Council
September 12, 1972
Page 3
Walt MarklinR brought up meeting date with Chamber of Commerce.
Walt Markling brought up N.S.P. meatinP concerning issuing of
Municipal Industrial Revenue bonds.
Bills recommended by Thore "ever not acted on until totals clarified.
Meeting on T11psdav the 26th on building inspector, N. S, P,
Motion by 4al.t Mark'ina- bills be annro`red, second by Dan Blonigen.
Motion to ad mirn by salt Marklinch, second by Dan Blorigen.
So ordered at 11:46 P. M.
Richard Martie, Acting ecretary
That part of the Yid► of the SW4 of Section Il, Township 121,
Range 25, lying north of Interstate Highway Number 94.
That part of the NE -1-4 of the SE -1-4 and that part of the SE -1-4 of
the NE -4- of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, lying north
of Interstate Highway Number 94 and east of the centerline
of'the township road running northeasterly and southwesterly
across said NE -1-4 of the SE --4 and the SE4 of the NE 4.