City Council Minutes 03-06-1961March 6 , 1961 Regular meeting held this day. All members present. Minutes of previoul meetings were read and approved with no objections. Motion by Adamson to pay J&L Contracting final payment of 1600.00 on sewer contract of Broadway. Second by Adams Carried. Motion by Hickman to grant building permit to Gene Walters Second by Adams. Carried. Motion by Hickman to grant building permit to Joe Nilson for moving of house' into village. Carried. Motion by Adams to adverise for bids on police car rental lease. Bids to be in by March 27th. Second by Hickman. Carried. Motion by Adams to advertise for full time village employee for sewer plant operator and other maintence work. Second by Baker.- Carried. ' r r Motion by Hickman to pay billa as read. Second by Baker. Carried. Motion by Adamson to pay Phelps'*Drake estimate #4 on sewerage treatment plant and sell necessary treasury bills for payment. Secondby Adams Carded. Motion by Adams�to pay American National Bank bond payment due .and interest Bor street improvement of 1954 . Second by Baker Carried. Complete list of bills paid and filed separately in clerks office. O • On motion adjourned. Clerk