City Council Minutes 04-03-1961s33 r c� c 1 April 3, 1961 r v r Council met at 7:00 P.M. to interview applicants for village sewer and maintenance job. Meeting called to ,order and minutes of previous meetings were read, and approved. All member$ present. Anderson, Adams, Adamson, Hickman Baker. A request by the Rotary club to supply plant and maintain planter boxes on Broadway was heard and upon checking on liability insurance the council would take later action. Bids for remodeling the liquor store and munici�ial building were opened and were. Grant Schlief general contract including wiring and decorating $69980.00 . Norman brick front an additional $300.00. Low decorating bid 9 and low wiring bid included in total bid by Schlief. Motion by Hickman to accept bid of Grant Schlief of $7,280.00 for re- modeling liquor and to enter into an contract with Schlief Construction Co. Norman brick front to be included in price. Second by Baker. Carried. Motion by Adamson to appoint Loyd Grbssnickie and Fames Powers tc recreation board. Second by Adams Carried. Motion by Adams to authorize sedding Maximun of five school patrol members to legion training school providing they don't get a sponsor and providing this is premissible by law. Second by Hickman. Carried. Motion by Adams instructing the clerk to write a letter to Rowe -and Alger Construction to regrister a"complaint on the clean-up and destruction of personal property in village. Sebond by Baker. Carried.. Motion by•Adams to pay bills as read and to sell necessary treasury bills to cover sewer construction estimates. Sedbnd by Hickman. Carried. e On,motinn adjourned. April,3, 1961 Clerk. Upon signing a waiver of notice the council met to hire a full timervillge maintenance man. A ballot w4s called for and &Aupon voting Roanld Michaelis received the majority of votes. Motion by Baker to hire Mr. Kicha&lis with a tenative salary of $325.00 per month and with exact duties and hours to be worked out later. Second by Adamson Carried.