City Council Minutes 04-26-1961 SpecialApril 26 1961 Special meeting held this day.in council rooms . Members present. Anderson Hickman, Baker, Adamson. Absent, Adams. Motion by Hickman to pay bills as reado with detailed list of bills on soparate file in clerks office. Second by Baker. Carried. Motion by Adamson to grant permit to St. Henrys Church to move house to Block 29 lot 1 and an additional permit to build new convent on block 28 lots 1, 2. all building to comply with building cold. Second by Hickman. Carried. ° Motion by Adamson to grant permit to Kenneth Link to move a house into village limits and construct basement on block 33 lots 1&2. Second by Baker. Carried. Motion by Adamson to adopt a resolution receiving repobt on improvement and advertise for a public hearing also aproving plans and specs for street surfacing. Second Baker. On motion adjourned. Carried 4 yes. Clerk May 1, 1961 Regular meeting hell this day. all membera present. Minutes of previous ° meetings were read and approved. Petition was presented and discussed for sewer extension on Minnesota Ave. by adjoining property` owners. No action taken. Motion baa Adamson to approve application for reduction of personal property taxes per requestby Ken Peshia and Lee Trunnell. Second by Baker. Carried. Motion by Adams to appoint Tom Mcleod fire chief for a period of two years. Sedond by Adamson. Carried. Motion by Hickman to^granf;Taxi license to Martin Menzel tp. Second by Adams. Carried. Motion by Baker to adopt a resolution transferring $1019.35 paid from the general fund to the liquor back to the general fund per recommendations of auditor. Carried. Second by Hickman. 4 yes. Motion by Baker to pay bills as readand to sill necessary treasury bills to cover sewer estimates. Separate list of bills paid on file in the Bffice of village clerk. Second by Hickman. Carried.unanamiously. Motion by Adams to buy Electrofab radar unit. Second by Baker. Carried 3 yes, Adamson voting no. On Motion Adjourned. -- Clerk.