City Council Minutes 07-28-1961 Specialo July 10, 1961 Special meeting held this day. Members present, Anderson, Adams o n Adamson, Baker, Swanson. Motion by Adams to adopt a resolution to set August 15, 1961 as election date dor hospital board of directors with.proper notification to Big Lake village, Big Lake, Monticello,, Becker,°and Silver Creek Townships. Second by Swanson. Carried. Motion byAdamson to grant building permit to Walter Gohman to move house ii -to village limits. Seoond B,:.'�er. Carried. I Motion by Baker to grant a special use perp-itto John McMlurry for operation of drive - an on lot 4 block 2 . Second by Adar.Fcn Carried. motion by Adams to accept bid of Yen Pe31zia in amomnt of $586.00 for installation of plumbing in yark toilet. Second by Adamson. Carried. Motion by Baker to put in 61' lead weaver line tp property in block 44 lot 8, Second by Adams. Carried. Motion by B ker to pay bills as read with separate list of bills on file in the office of the village clerk. Sedond Swanson. Carried. Motion by Baker to move for adoption of a resolution setting the assessment for sewerEr at arate of $1.50 per front foot for every benefited piece of property in the village and a assessment of $50.00 to be made din every building connection. This building conneetioncharge to be made on present buildings any future building on empty lots to be taken care of by the Oord.iance on sewer connections. O P Second by Ada ms Carried. 5 yes. Motion by Adamson to publish notice of hearingonpetition to vacate street described.as the south half of river street lying south of block 62,and f north of lots 6, 7, and east half of lot 8, in°block 56, in village of Monticello. Second by Adams. Carried. On motion adjourned. ° July 28 1961 Special meeting held this day per notice of hearing Bor vacating street described as the following; South half of River Street lying South of Block sixty-twu and North of lots Six, Seven, and east half of lot Eight, in Block nifty -six, in village of Monticello. There being no objection heard to the closing of said street the following action was taken. Motion by Adamson to adopt the attached resolution in regard to the closing of said street. Second by Swaason. Carried. On motion adjourned. HAS, ffog IV "", clerk.