City Council Minutes 08-07-1961August 7, 1961
Regular meeting of the village council held this day in the council rooms.
Members present. Swanson, Adams', Baker, Adamson, Anderson. Minutes of previous
meetings were read and approved with no objections. °
Council met with a representative of Travelers Insurance Co. The bonding
compayy for Rowe & Alger Construction Co. The council was told that Travelers
would assume all liabilities incurred. by Rowe & Alger during the construction
of the sanitary sewer project in Monticello. This *As action taken after
Rowe and Alger became finanicially unable to complete the job.
Motion by Adams to pay Rowe & Alger sand Travelers Insurance° co. the amount
of est. # 8 . $7572.00 . Seccnd by Baker. Carried.
Motion by Adamson`to grant permit to Ed Heins & Ed Lange for sewer connedtio n
work. Second by `Adams. Carried.
Motion by Swanson td approve building,permit to St. Peters LutheeanChurch
Second bkAdams. Carried. z
Motion by Adamson to grant building permit to Willard Anderson to build a
garage. Baker. Carried.
Motion by Adamson to grant building permit to Alliance Church to build
a garage. Second.Baker. Tarried.
1" Adams to grant Central Lumber Co permission to hook into catch
basin on Elm. street. Second by Swanson. Carried.
Motion by Swanson to grant permit to Fred Brenetson for sewer connection
contracting. Second Adamson. Carried.
Motion by Adamson to appoint Wm. Schneider, Lada Thompson, Wm, Jongewaard,
Jake Burkholder, & Rita Soltau as alternate as election judges for special
hospital election. Second Baker. Carried.
Motion by Adamson to buy and to install 4 radar warning signs on the
village limitt . Second Adams. Carried., °
Motion by Swanson to pay bills as read with separate list on file in office
of clerk. Second by Adams. Carried.
On motion adjourned.