City Council Minutes 10-18-1961 Special244
Octo"he-d- 1(')
Socci.l mectinr;, :Meld t1iis da.,-?- to reviel,i, plans and s)ecif-icatU
ions. of pro-
'p0sed fire bar -n. I-Leribers present, Anders, -n, Ras -)e-7 (), ST-Tanson.
Absent, Au"'So
i otion by second bv S-,)Taaison to c-r--nt 11_')uildi-n� perrn-it to ol_-) e r t
Krou-I'LOauer to build three bedroom --ar-ible-j-, two car caran-e in Villa•e
lin-its. C,2 -r-,- ied.
Lotion by Iia arye " J
second by B�,.ker t,,at um accept p�.?xis for fire Ih_,-xn., subkecl-
to alterriltions, uit'D concil Inav'nn- t1he right to reject In,,,r and all :gids. Carried
-LIS Ct4
A letter re --'d infory!ldn-, of fall ou-t S.-I-Lelte--r- infrTn_:,.nion,21 rCj __n;s.
On rotir)
Yovember 6., 1961
I-lea-ular rnicetinc- of viTI__a-_7e concil held this d, -.;T in t11e concil roor,,,,
C� 7 Ad, hal; e a- &�,Tanson.
I;ep�)ers present- Anl�,rson, --ims) er, kasp r �'
Idniates of the nrevious Pieetin,i-,:e-e read and approved.
rids on fire truck and eqinapnenir_l were openecT. Bids uere as folloT-Ts:
On fire truck: Gould Dros. Chevr-Ilt Co. 7/3.0�
3.onticello C) t
ntcell�6;I-lid-Tay f ord Co.St. Pau36V,d0.00
On equ_J*_T)m_ent:D-c?xsness- C', Co. 1112-lu Clare., _.-Iisc. 8463*00
1 0
General Salts Equipment Corp., Forth Branch, I�iinn. �1012no.00
LU -1 1,._adeli., I'dinn, Did IIAII-q`7950.00 Tid
Fostner Fire Ap-!-)ar-'1__s Co.
"B" 29`.00
I,el S-uanson mcved -'Lio ',,old bids on fire t-nicl-I.: and equipnent on zr7alance until
,ded. eve Nover.,ibe-,_ 3 1061. Second b_NT Ad,_-j�,is ancl car, ied.
Bids on fire barn ..,Te --,e peened. Bids ere as J_ ollol,Ts:
Mid Schleif Const. Co. I.-onticello. Ccncre-ce block- 'Fire bL-12-on only
CIncrete blocT,-L fire barn & o-L'I'ice area
Li lit VyeiPht bl-r)cl!,- Fire barn on - Tv
15, 995.00
L-rrlit block fire 1,�irn office area
�'21 ')15.00
1-1i'll- bascrient under fire barn add to bids -
Comet Const. Co. Prinston., L -Lin. Concrete block fire barn only 1 )r
`7 00
17 1 _5
Concrete block fire barn Lo office area
LiZIA wtightj block fire I)arn only
Li 'A i&L-1it block fire barn ('-,r office area
John A. I,erz Sons. Long Lake I.L=,_
Concre'Lie block. fire ID-.rn only
Concrete block fire barn L office area
Light 7-e-it]ht block fire barn only
C!". 6
Q1 5758.110,
Li -,11'-U weith' blocl�- fire1),arn ('-, office area
Bud Schleif Construction Co. Steel building
Fire barn only
Office a --ea
Mattson Buildinr-, Co. Cal-ato, lhi)-Ln. Steel Building
Fire barn of_LIce area
816 666.00
E. G. Clinton Co. 1-',inneapolis, hinn. Steel Funding
'ia-e barn of'-' ce area.
21 9611100
Swanson moved to!,rant perril issio-n foll�a use parrini-t to "-e Alliance church
U the
o. fence behind the Alliance churcl-i. Second bl, Ad! -"-.-s aaid c4rried.
Hotonby-Baker to hold bids on fire barn in ,valance until 'Jec-Inesday
nite 1, Tov. 3, 1961. Second b7r Kamoer and carried.
Lotion b-,11 S-,,,anson that tie clerk a letter to Kens Appliance and
Leer se ens Coatt t-� coast asking them not to burn rebbisl, in the vill-2-e
purl i 1n lot.. Second b-77- Kaspe--o .-,.nd carried.