City Council Minutes 12-04-1961I?ovemb r 2'j, 1961 .Special meeting held this d -7r in the conci l roon at 7:30 P.Ti, to In vie�� sewer assesments u e A petition signed by 66 persons to bring the purchase of:?tertificates of CD indebtedness, that have ween approved by the condil for the purchase of a fire truck and equipment, to a vote bj the trillage. Tabled until!_ next meeting I'_otion by Kasper to adopt ordinance number to change the date of villa--te elections to t': --e first Tuesd�r following the first L`onday in December conmlencing in 1962. Second by Adams and carried. L=otion by STTanson to purcI ase tractor for the sum of " 950.00 pluss tiletrade in of our old tractor fron Long Lake Farm Supply. Second b.Tr Baker and carried. Yotion by Kasper to refund IIa.-r?�inson laugergrents service station $32.1It which Tms an ovorpaynent of the curb z', gutter Lr street improvement assessment of 1960. Second by B_�ker and carried. Ylotion by Ac'La?ns to approve assessments as :-)xur-ended. Second by Swanson carried. Motion 7 Kasper to tr_,.nsfer ""5,000.00 from st. Irrp. fund to General fund. Second by SS-ranson car-c,icd. On I-otion Adjourn '. Dr. J. _ , Kasper Clerk Dec enb er 4, 1961 Regular meeting of t1he village council held this day at 7:0U P.M. in the village council room. T embers present- Anderson, Baker, Kasper, -ison Tardy- Adams until 9:15 P.I-,r. Motion by Stranson V -1,•_,.t we pass the resolution pertarnMnI,' to the fire e:-uipment certificates of indebter"hess as s -tac'�ed to minutes. Second by Kasper and c �rried. four ayes, Adans ab sent . I=otion b- r SvT-n ason, s0coned b77- Baker th -.t tl,e pitition filed cal �_in for an election to determine if t?11x,000.00 s'7�all be spent for fire equipment be Labeled for lac" -L, of statitor-y requirement pertaining to signatures. Carried unanimously by .all present. Potion by Swanson, scconed by that bills be Y�aid as read, G,L rried. Seperate list of bills T)�-.id on file in the office of the clerk. Iiotion by Kaspe._• that ire "rmt liquor linsense to t1he Legion club for the connin.r year. Seco_Id by Bake_- ane' carried. Bids on t1he pro -posed f 'xe "Larn and eq Lidoni-ent bud-161ia- ,mrc opened and ,Tore f01lOr-S: 1.?atson Dldg Co., C-��Rato, Ijizn.. 3212Y 1021411 ridigid f -azure Bldg. $16,974.00 QPtion 71- deduct from above if color is not ,anted 32u.00 ,O.Ption'-c ."-2 d - c'_uct fron above if roof is not to ',ie lined 2?1.00 Altermte building- Stran-master 20 11). roof load $13, 87 ..00 Option -`-1 deduct if color is not 300.00 Option 72 deduct if rood' is not to be line_' 215.00 E. G. Clinton Co. nDis. - 4o, x841 Dura -frame petal clad $12,737,40 Option ill add if roof is to be'lined 83,30.x.0 Option -1'2 add for colore�j. a.t_umizun, 683.06 Option 13 add for aliminum roofing 839.66 1 Option add f or 121 ad,311tional length 11000900 Dud Schlief construction L`onticello- Souix steel bldg. ;12, 995.00 _._.� Option {l add f or parotin per coat 4-0100 Option :Y2 Add for li ninf; cealinz 1.9200000 Cornet construction Co. Prinston,I inn. -- Steel bldg n.s per specs 317, 2 70.00 Option ;``1 Add for lining ceilin ?5(, 00 Dec . ' -, 19,61 con tinucc? 24S Strack Const -uct nn Co. St. Cloud -Armco steel B !_dr. 12� (9 0,00 Option ,"1 Add for cod ored steel 410.08 Option ;`2 Add to line ceil:Lv, 760,00 IiarrTT I"ille�_- prose rated a claire for d(;nc to ?:is sidJu-alk durnin seises constr action. The council decided to °o .-.s ;roup and look at it alorng i-ritr� Kr, I:iller ct a later date. Eotion by Kasper that the viTlar;e trc-.suree be riven a s: _c--- of 3120;00 for the year 19,61. Scco ped 1:)7 Ada_ _s and carried, i otion by SiTanson to authorize liquo _z store to P�, J gene a.1 fund refunds as- per Durno rd I T t s letter. Sec ,�,ned 1)-- �daj-is ,.nd carricd. I:otion 1JJ "aper tc� ado- ��cceptin- ne,,- rate schedule for ti-rater- puriping fron Ujort'.)ern PoT-er. Seconed by Kasper and carried. Corlplaints �Tcrc -,'c,.d from W. I1. Di)-Ton dors rva��ziiir at 1 ,.rre and the pnob! em of he-�.v-y true?Ls driv-_in.! on river street. The clerk its instructed to put a notice in the paper warninr of court action to owners of dors rlu2lin at i, -.r re. ? IL-ic` r. ells --as instructed to have signs 1-Dlaced by river street on e -.ch sideoofhiM'1tiU..Tl "2� in"ornin that river ,street is no truck route. CnZ I ot1011 a ' j Darned Clerk, ?)ecce>ber 5, 191"1 Speci-.l rleetin'- held_ this even_i_nl- 10:1 P.1 , to c�„�rrysv V,e rema is nf c,1zr-I e election j� ,-Cr. �/✓r - /� ��� � �---- --` 1 _o ui,)n 1-,-T .;� ._ -� �^ ccent tl-, e report o_-c.t�c e.. -cc tion judges Yazd tc� c ,_:rtii - -Y c resin L,s. Seccnc,, , _r _da, l^ On r,,o t; o aa 4(-.11 . -,I-) - C C1 Decei�t�ber 11, 11)”, Spdcmal raeetinr of the village .council held its date. Fierlber s present Adams, Andersong Barer, Kasper �F,- S-anson. Abbent done. Lotion b -r Kasper th .t we hold speci_�l election for t ,_e purpose of voting; on the isswaice of certificates of indebtec.3.ness for fs_re fi~Ii.tinr enuiprne3it and to authorize the vil_lare council to enter into a conte yet for t'Ie bimildinr of a. ribhicipal building for housing fire equ_-iprlent and of I er vi-'-.' -.re equipment. Seconed by Adams mad carried. j ot:ion br Daker that the clerk send a resolution to the state hirh�-Tay department reque stiilr; t' c rebuilding of highwT- ; r "2 5 fron IT nt:I_ccllo to FlIffalo. Seconed by Kasper And carried. On not -I-0 -i d * urned .