City Council Minutes 12-11-1961 SpecialDec. 1961 con Limed
St -rack Construction Co. St. Cloud -Armco steel Bldg. '12�80.00
Option ,;41 Add for co^ ored steel 41o.og
Option ; '2 Add to line ceilins; 760,00
:Farr-,- ITIlle_� prO rented a claim for d,_,a,aLe done to his side_ ,,alk dunning
sTecons ruction. The couancil decided to 7o Cas a -:roup and loop at it
along ti -r th Mr. I- iller at a le ter date.
I -potion by Kaspe-» teat the -cril_lar-e treasure' be -riven a 3120;00
for the year 10:71. Seconed 1D7,- Ada _s and carried.
"Otion by • SS-jaszson to authorize liquor store to pa -J eneral fund refunds
as per Durnnrd I `'yt s letter. Second - _,Lda-is .nd carr:icd.
I otion lb"a1�er to adopt ' ,resolution ac ceptin ,- ilei , rate schedule for T, ter-
pUrming from ltorthe-rn SL::c,es PM -Ter. Seconed by Kasper and carried.
Cornpla.i zts ?Tcrc L.�d from W. IT. Duras on dogs rumoring at larr e and the
pnob-! ern of hey v�7 truclLs driv-ii�� on r'?ver street. The clerk i, -s instr acted.
to put a notice in the pa -Der z-rarninr; of court action to o- ners of do, -:-s
ru niiZ at l rge. R i--zc'-Caelis --as instruc ted. to '-ave signs 'nla,cec� b7 river
street on each sideoof I , io-hi-vr : ;-' � y
r 4 M y 25 irL orr L1 21r t_la c, river street i s no frac?
Ch1 Yo t�,_on � j ourncd
Deccr-ber 5, 1961
Speci:-.1 mectir-<; holcl t'ii s eveni_nr :-t 10:�', to c�117 r� s t' e res -a t , nf
the election judges.
`otion b r --e ., to accept 'I}e report o" t..c el_ectzon judges and to c:,�rti
t'.,c resu ..ts. Secone.-T '-)7?- ',dm,, s -.nd ca:^ ,ied.
On mono ad; ourned
Decera:)er 11, 1�Aul
Spdclal meeting of the village.�coun.cil held — is date. Yenbers present
Adai sAndersons Baker, Kasper Sanson. Abbent- done.
Iiotion by Kasper that i -re hold special election for the purpose of voting
on me isouan.ce of certificates of indebtedness for fireting eauipneht
and to authorize the villar;e council to enter into a contract -for t? -e
bmilding of a t-ibhicipal building for rousing fire equipment and oy er
vi-1--l-age equipment. Seconed by Adams and c, cried.
otion by Baker that the clerk send a resolution to the state highi-my
department requesting t'_ -e rebuilding of highw.T,,7 2 frorl I ont'_cell_o to
Buffalo. Seconed by Kasper bnd carried.
On motl.o ,.djourned.