City Council Minutes 12-27-1961 Special�
Decer,iber 27, 1961 A..d )49
Special meeting* of tie village Co*,-,,ncil held this date at 7:30 pr(I.
I'lienhers present Anderson, Adams, Baker', Kasper ?r- Swanson. Absent None,
11unites of Vh-' e previous meetings from TToverher 6, 1961 to date were read
and approved.
Kasper --ry '.ie monticello public school the balance in the music
pernioved to pa, U1
fund and $5,00 out -of the park ' fuxid, -this$5-.00 being for the purchase
of the Iflerry-go-round for the park', and to transfim $27., 924.65 from the
sewer fund to the rreneral improvement fund of 1960ii#iich is the prepaid
assessments, and to transfer the ball,,,nce in the building 8: Bond fimdto
the general improvement fund of 1960. Secrned by Baker carried,
T -lotion by 3%,ranson to pay Red Yichaelis $P50,00 for gas alloiTance to date.
Seconed by Adastis n- carried.
14.0tion by Kasper that ire adopt the resoluti6n callin!�? fcc an election on
village municipal building and fire equipment bonds of 1962. Seconed by
Swanson and carrivid.
11fotion by Barer to parr Q
Leona Pe '75.00 for her work in making -Lrp
new -Tater and sewer red6rds. Seconed by 3w,-::i-iison (", carried.
FTlo tion b7/- Baker Vlat the retirementfi-md money for the fire department be
transfer. ed -to a trust fi_uid. Seconed by Su-anson ("I, carried.
IT tion by Adar,,is to p ledrr
110 _, e $11.x., instead of ,)21!..,000.00 to the county
auditor to apply nst the general in-proverf-Lent,'
- y ao�ait bonds of 1960. Seconed
bv Baker anJ ca-,I-ried. Adar!is
j Baker -,-.uid Swanson votin!-;,, yes. Anderson and
Kaspevoting no.
T-`:otion b--:,- Kasper to pay Jca-W. Craig 4500.00 out of the street ira)rovei4
ment fund and -to retain tl,,.e other
500.00 on there here acc-iiiit, ulitil work, is
completed. Seconed by Swmvison and caxried.
The clerk i,.Tas ins-16ructed to put notices in the paper advising private
property oimers not to puib snow on the highways for removal by the state
9nd,-.adriz:Uw tbatvilla,-,,e equipment cannot be used to ploi.-,, snow from
private driveways.
On YiIotD*_oYI/ItI_d-Iourned.