City Council Minutes 02-05-1962Febr :zany 5, 1962 Regular me_ -tin-; of t'. -_e itilla e cotuzcil held t -is d ,y in the villa e council room ,e .bees ?resent- Oj0.'1^.jn.7-,as, Adams, Daker, Kasper & 3-ranson. Absent none. Minutes of t1he January 2ed, and 16th meetin, s approved as read. I.b-\- Ba.ke7_- t' at Bud I"cPheW�son be appointed as justice of t' -e peace. Second by Kasper and carried. O j akangas, Baker, Kasper, and S-vaizson voting yes, Adaiiis lvo. Zed I icli<�.elis -Tas 3ns'rructed to install a. red light in front of t1_e fire hall to make it ?i re visi',al as a no parkin; area. IRotion b7T Swanson that we institute the ordinance as suggested by Jiri Po-7Ters rolatin5 to t :.e is,uance of a c_-..eck i,,-it'_�out sufficient Rands. Seconed bl. Baker and carried. A discussion vas '-:eld on Civil Defense and the appointment of Civil Defense -Uirrector. Ylayor O j,�JCax1J_:,.s will contact prospects to see if trey are vrillin­ to asszu:ie this position. A discussion ,Ta s liel d oil the probable anuisition of tete _illsid.e Cemetary by the Tillage. ; ETMson was appointed to cont--�.ct I.Ll- ' r,-n,,to have the papers cl:► ai-rn up and check on the posability of any liens on t1 -ie pro -pert -'r. l=otion byKas.;