City Council Minutes 04-02-1962t lei
April 2, 1962
.e`,u1ar meeting of villaJe council ,eld thi s d.-77- T in the villi (-e council rr)on.
her•:�-)ers present- �ja.kan ras, B,lcer, I1asper, �-_ Swanson. Absent Adams.
'h�To r?en, one f-,_.-om Ilati^n:.-.l cash redgesl-•er a.nd one from I ur�ici}pal liquor control
comp"n,7, presented their proposed system for control of retail liquor sales.
I1inute s of the nreva ou^ r1eetin; TTere read!nd approved.
by -f aker that bills e p�.id a^ re �d Tai th the exception of the bill for
gasoline f -,-on SI:� ell Coil Co. TT' ic' s_,.ou' d be sent b .ck for tam deductions Seconed
b r S�,anson and carried. A list of approved bills is 'hereby ".ttaciied to the minutes.
I•1-otion by T3a.ker that the clerk cont-,.ct Tyr Olson of Jur,,n T- oo(_Ty peg-tainin to th.e
sale of Q , 000.00 in bonds :� or t'_fae purchase of t1 ie fire truck and equipment.
Seconed T., -,T %-Tanson _.nd carried.
T`ot i on b4T Kasper to issue bui:,_ding pe_ ndt- to Tom E�Ting. Seconed by Bal-er and carried.
I=otion r)y Kasper to approve a reroluti on certifying the former mayors signature
on all p- pers pertaining to the sanit ry setimr system, as requested by the State
department c hey,-_th. Seconed by Swanson and carried.
A discussion T,, -as held pertaining to a raise in pa • for Stanley Peters. The clerk
t s instructed to have Lindy explain to Stanley that a ra.i to in pay could not
be approved at t' tir�ie.
Lotion by Stmnson to adverti ze for the purchase of a lease contract for a police
car :"or tl--,e fiscal year Hay, 1, 1962 to April 30, 1963. Seconed by Baker anc carried.
Thec.clerl,: w, ---.s Inst-1-ucted to cI-leck on insurance 'or the dispo ra.l plant from Iii:sl e .
Insu-r: nce a�cncy .
A discussion i -,-as field on t? e liscensing of bicl:cles and requirin" examination
and instructions for bicycle .riders as a safty measure. Jim Pm,ers T -,as instructed
to ehec'_ on the purchase of b#uTcle license plates.
A letter �e .d f:'oriz t' e state i Tr .,r department irLforrring that t' _e j�arlTin lot
Si on T.H. 152 is izzcrc .cii1,, on t' le right of gay, and ,eauirin; that it be 1ilo�red.
It Trac detezT7� ned the council that t' -is sign vas t' .e s< xie dista�.nce ' orl the
..,a r a ; the street l• li_ .its and tl�.erefore the clerI, -;as instructed to zrri�ht a
- letter requcstinf-, perni s'sion to leave the si, n uz its present location,
T•iotion b7r Kasy:)er to allovT a -,-eduction of $6.44 in intorest on V -ie general irn_proverlent
assessments on lot 5 and west 22a 2/3 feet of lot 4, block 7 loT,er r,ionticello if
all b taxis are paid in `�Le ,, e.a.r 1962. Seconed b7r Stranson anrT carried.
A di scussiQn im s held on -t'--e iTater connedtion bills of Lee T_ruxuzel and Cho.rlev
`Jaslaburn. his -vias tabled until next .Heeling.
On mot -10 l adjourned.
Ay)ri 1 lo, 1962
Snecial 0.), t -:e vill c co,Jrci'I_ hcl I tris daU�
7_n -f- . e vile_ , rAe c otznc i 1
r -or_ t 7:',0 ,':,C �ent 0j^ n .,s� �al-e__^, �., arts Kas-er. 'lbscn`;
T I f II e _ _ iJ- C V .� JJ 1 1 C.._ : � ^ 1 C. iJ .J li... 1 i_
S -UM -1 s o . y
T_otion b77- - d^its to -�_;_)_)r0V0 t_�C tiT7_ll-.;e to eoual__ze assessr:!ents
on lots 1' t' E zll''.re. Seconed, b r -' :i"e an( -)'-c __Llried.
Lot_�_of� }- T'a.s?:�^ to ��.�_ roTre on off non in lim. or licenses to
Se'. Bei de , reor. e Dav+_s, and Snr:Ui-- or Larson. Anel tea rove ad�'_iti�na.l
c cr Y acs to T?ol?rers Dive an and the Itecreati on c._.fe. Secone,' by 'aker
and c :ar-_, i o,_' ,
Y—ti on b -r I -a sna - -to • .nnrove b1� ."�.Ctin" pe ----nit for Don Lund and. Vernan Strand
to erecta oz?se on lot 15 block 3 of o- -r I:ontice7lo. Secc,-aed by Adams ..nd
T`otion by to -sire Rode T;enzel for a 60 d.,.-?- trial period 'or fi_:J_l tine
vi1la.;e Tabor .t 325. Ci} per ,onth. Seconed b,r ITa�y en a.nd c _--r3_ed.
1•10tion b� T Kasper-.. that v.Te adopt a resolution authorizing t' ie issuance of X35.,000-00
municipal buil ding and fire equipment bonds of 1962. Seconed. by Adams • and carried
un-91dously On mots' on iourned