City Council Minutes 04-23-1962 SpecialApra_l 233 7.962
Special Yaeetin�; of the villa, --e couiacil hey d t' date in the v-11l.age council
room. ller�bers present Ojkangas, Adarns,al�er, Kasperransan. Absent none.
The council reviez•red the pl-_.ins on the proposed_ fire barn and equipment
byilding wit'. -j. t1le. division tb have Stans Electric, Kens Appliance and Griefnow
heating complete tl e plains b-,; clraT;�.nJ in specif icca k1lions for electrical, plumbing
and heatin-.
A request for council perrildssion to errect a sign in tlie vil_1�.,;e liy- es along
the Silver Creels road, by Laxlin Olson was denied.
Fids fa7 the Tease contract of a -police cax were cl.s f :! 10777:
Janes Pol--crs-- A late modle 1_961 or 1962 car in excellent condition to be
maintained kT leesor extent for gas-- : 125.00 per nonth. 1,�is c,�r to be enviped
with a new nerk�o,r b -and radio. Option ;;=2 Sari -c car as above but to include all
gasoline- $225-00 Der month. A second. vehicle would be on a st_,,ndby basis to
be used in tl e event the first vehicle -could not be avail -1 --,le. One of the abc-ve
vei,isles oucbe a st.tion ,gon eaiped �its+°ec'er, first aid equi1oment,
recesator„ and al -T neccss�. r enui.)r�ent to be used as an emergunC ambu__^.nce.
Iloon motor sales-- 1962 nod -el- Plymouth to be maintflined by leesor except frx
g, sol� 125.00 per month, Option two to�.in the present police car
under V e sai-. e conditions - 1110.00 per month.
On b.l Ae votb t1ho c ovrLcil_ vnamou sl _y decided on one of tl) e cars from room
motor sl -.les.
Tlotion by r�Dker to accept the lease contract from. 1-',00n Flotor s, les to rr!-�iiz(,ain
the pre sent police car for "110.00 per month Seconed by X-asper and carried.
Cin. notion ,d j ourned ,