City Council Minutes 06-04-1962June It 1962
Re; ulr mectin` of `-c vill,.�e council held `-is J.ate -1 1 the, council goer. at 7:30 P.1,40
Berbers ire cnt- 0 jalran�-Is, Adams, Baker, Ka.sp e-- and S�,ranson. Absent none.
nutes of the previous meetings of Eay 7th and 14th were approved, as read.
Tiotion by Kasper to refund James IioplLins10.00 from the water fund, ���ich -,v,-as an
ovcrpa,,�nncn t on his water bill. Seconed by Laker and carried.
hotien b7 Kasper to approve building permits . as follo,rs: 16ay Se,yard- a 12 X 14 foot
addition on the kitchen of his present home on lot 9, block E. Ray Adenson- a 12 X
22 foot overhead carport addition- to his present home on lots 1, 2, 4 3 of I,6tirer
T ont:icello. Alfred I'lart:in- per-d_ssion to move a 20 X 20 foot four room house on
lot ; '2 b ocl- ,�`ll. Seconed by Baker and carried.'
11otion bJr Adams to ref-wnd Thomas Erle 44.67 from the �'eneral Imrovenent ftnzd, -v,- n
is one years tal,&s mistaki n ly made f& a setter connection on jlot Ir -2 block #11
on which. no building existed. Seconed by Swanson <nd carried.
A request by Dick Bondhus for permission to maintain Isis paresent septic tank and not
to be required to . hook up to the p micipal sewer s�retem at the end of the threeiln��Ircle
period i-ras denied.
Tlotion by Adams to renew for six months the "15.,000.00 certificates of deposit now
heldA for General Improvement fund. Seconed. by Baker and carried.
A complaint was brought to the attention of the cour�c�� o c -'ping Toney Poriersw
dog running loose and piles of rotting luriber and on his premised.
The clerk was instructed to write a letter bringing* t", -,is complaint to his attention
and reauestis�,g t'�,at his._. en. Babe cle )jied un.
I Ir s Art DeGro;be and T r� 9th ton presented coq:)lain U s of dirty and Xjj#f d, -)2^k colored
tirater. R. Michaelis was instructed to hake samples of them water and send them into
the state health department for analysis.
T -lotion by Kaspe:L to contact the engineering firm of ; Barte-(, c-_ Krueger and request that
they meet with us to review t'r,e sewer ordinance regarding sewer rental fees. Seconed
b7T Baker and carried.
Francis Kline presented a complaint on the front footage plain of ,e valueing lots
in the V2" llarre limits. l.e was advise%' to bring his cbrq)laint to the Board of Review
meeta.n to be held June 23- h. P
BidsF on the construction of the park were as follows.
Bud Schleif--y�1,145.00
J. W. Tiller- "a 091.44
Lids on plumbing for park toilets were as follows:
Scl,ieulander plumbing-- W-42.00
s-- X870.00
Kjellber, ,
Lee Trunnell -- X892.00
Tllotion by Kasper to atirard'the general con-cractenJ on the park toilet to Bud Schleif
motion fo - the high bid in this case ixeing made on the grounds that an earlier^
completion date could be expected. Seconed bur Sti-ianson and carried.
I otlon b7r Adams to accept the plvrribingbed on the par' i toilets from Sclleulander
plumbing. Seconed by wa:rison and carried.
A. reouest by R. Tlichaelis for a. raise in pay to compensate for his overtime. worked
was tabeled until a special meeting to be held June 18' tI
Yotion bar Sti w-ison to approve the balls as read, seconed by Adams and carried. A seperate
list of bills being oid file in the ofh ce of the clerk.
Bills a11017ed uel,^e as follows:
Gen eFr a_l f vnd-- � 7,�,�•�
J'ate'r fund--- `3 - -�'
i o--=-•-�`- c
Street Irmrovement fund-- 77 7.
Park fund-- 131,154 P7
Serer fund--
On motion i outer d,
A. K er