City Council Minutes 07-02-1962July 21 1962
Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village council room.
11'embe-rs present- Ojakangas, Adams, Baker, Kasper, and Swanson, Absent, None,
Ydnutes of the meetings of Jud ,4 18, & 28th were approved as read with the
exception of the Jahr 4th meeting wLich should have included a motion by Swanson,
Seconed by Adams to purchase from Burkhardt --Larsen Co. one lawn rower to be installed
on tractor for the sum of $400.32. Phis motion Carried.
Motion by Si.anson to approve bills as read. Seconed by Baker and carried. A seperate
list of bills paid is on file in the office of the village clerk.
Motion by Kasper to reduce the eater connection fee of Charles Washburne from $241.85
to $165.00 provided that full payment be made in 1962, Seconed by Baker and carried.
Motion by Adams to allow village employees vacation on the folloiring basis:
Full time employees- two weeks per year. Part time employees with an average of at least
20 hours per week per year- one weeks vacation. These vacations for both full and part
tine employees to be non accumulative. Seconed by Kasper and carried,
Motion by Kasper to purchase one Isamnerlund FN50A intercome unit for police car for the
sum of $570.00, on a 30 day trial basis. Tf satisfactory this unit to be paid for in
three equal installments of 30, 60, & 90 days. Seconed by Swansonj end carried.
Notion by Baker to allow a salary of $800.00 to R. E. Pitt for assessment of Real
J11'state and business personal property taxis. Seconed by Swanson and carried„
Motion by Kasper to approve building permits for George Maus to build a 48ft X 28ft.
house in block 57, and for Charles & Clifford Christianson to put a 10 X 24 ft. add-.
ition on their home located on lots 2 & 9 of block H. Seconed by Ojakangas & carried..
Motion by Adams to raise pay of R. Michaelis effective June 1, 1962 to 25,00 per
month and to allow a rental fee of $25.00 per month for the use of his pickup.
Seconed by Swanson & carried.
On motion Areed.
July 5, 1962
Continuation of the board of review meeting on real estate and business personal
property taxis.
Members present- Ojakangas, Adams, Baker, Kasper and Swanson. Absent None.
Motion b;T Kasper to evrrLqt- personal properttj taxis as corrected. Seconed by Baker
and carried,
Plloti6n by Kasper to accept realestate taxis as corrected. Seconed by Barer and Carried.
Motion by Swanson to adjourn board of review meeting. Seconed by ,.K:er andCarried.
July 5, 1962
Special meeting of the village council held this date with all members present.
Motion by Ojakangas to adopt the resolution granting easement to 11r. & Rrs Qscar
Pierson to run a drain line under West river street and Oak street to the Mississippi
river fpr the purpose of draining basement Nater. Seconed by Kasper and carried.
r On 1110t3i n o ned.