City Council Minutes 07-16-1962 SpecialJuly 16, 1_962 Special meeting, of the village council held this date in the village council room. Members present- Ojakangas, Adams, Baker, Kasper and Swanson. Absent none. A discussion was held with engineer Norman Krueger relative to the sewer and water rental rates. It was suggested by Mr. Krueger that the water rates be raised so that this utility would pay its own way instead of requiring tax money to pay the waterworks revenue bonds. No dicision was arrived at regarding t1his, Mr Krueger was asked to examine the monticello streets and to draw up plains and specifications for seal coating those streets requiring it. Motion by Swanson to have a dead end street sign installed at the corner of forth and Ramsey. Second by Baker and carried. . Motion by Adams and second by Baker to pay recreation directors salary. of $275,00 to Tom Kealy and $200.00 to Amelia Smorstok. I -lotion carried. On motion a 'ourned. elerk. August 6, 1962 Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village counell room Members present- O jakangas, Adans, Bake.,o, Kasper and Swanson. Ablent- done. T "mute s of th. e meetings of July 2, 5, & 16th were approved as read. Motion by Adams to approve bills as read. Soobned:"'by Baker and carried. A seperate list of bills paid is on file in the office of the village clerk. Motion by Swanson to approve the purchase of a rower from Kjellbergs Appliance for tai a sum of $149.95. Seconed by Baker and carried, Kasper voting against. Motion by Kasper to approve building pernits for Cliff Kronbeck to build a 16 K 22 foot garage on lot 4, block 32 of lower 11onticello, and for Joe Nelson to build a 24 X 22 foot garage on lot 1, block D of Lo���r IvIonticello. Seconed by Baker and carried. Motion by Kasper to transfer $2,000.00 from the liquor fund to the Park fund. Seconed by Swanson and carried. 1,otion by Baker to pay Bud Schleif Construction Co. $8,000900 as partial -� p ment on the construction of the fire barn & municipal equipment building. Seconed by Kasper and carried. On Motion ad j o ed. Clerk. August 13, 1962 Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village council root1. Members present- Adams, Baker, Kasper & Swanson. Absent- Ojakangas. Also present was Norman Krueger of the engineering firm, Carter, Krueger & Associates, 14otion by Baku to advertize for bids fcr sealicoating 27,500 Sq. yards of street Seconded by Swanson and carried. Motion by Kasper to hire J. W, Craig Co. to relay 22 blocks on riverstreet from locost to a block east & pine street and to apply penetrating seal on 5th street between made & pine streets.for a cost not to exceed $1,000.00. Seconded by Swanson and carried. On motion adjourned. 1 Clerk.