City Council Minutes 09-04-1962August 28, 1962
Special meeting of the vil-age council_ held this date in the vi- larte council room.
Mlembers, present- Ojakangas., Baker., Kasper & Swanson. Absent- Adams.
Bids were recieved for seal coating 27,500 Square yards of streets. 'he bids were as
Costum Surfacing of Foley $22255*00
Christle & Cruzen of St, Cloud $2,502,50
Haganry Bros of St. Cloud $3, 352.25
Jay W. Craig Co. of Mpls. $ 3., 066, 2 '15'
Surma Bros. ol-' Bo-,,,,-lus $2.s475*00
Buffalo Bitm =*ous of Buffalo 03.,64000
Alma, Bros. & Bajari $3000,00
Motion by Kasper to accept the bid of, Guston Surfacing of Foley subject to checking
of all bids and investigation of the contract6r. Seconded by Swanson and caxried.
Hotion by Baker to enter in to a contract with Watertower Paint & Repair Co, of
Clear Lake Iowa., for cleaning and painting the inside of the water tower for the
sum of $538*00. Xny additional work required would have to be approved by the village
council or village maintainance engineer prior to cormiencementand the cost i-iould be
added to the contract price stated above* Seconded by Swanson and cax-ried,,
On motion adjourned.
le rk
September 4, 1962
Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village council room.
Henbers present- Ojakangas., Adams., Baker.. Kasper & Swanson. Absent- None.
Ylinutes of the previous meetings of August 6th., 13th and 28th were approved as read.
1411otion by Adams to appoint W. C. ScImeider., Jake Burkholder# .Beta Soltau.9
and Lids. Thompson as election judges for the primary election to be held Sept.11..,
Wm. Jongewaard to be alternate in case of absence of one of the other judges.
Seconded by Kasper and carried.
I -lotion b7T Kasper to approve bills as read. Seconded by Branson and carried. A seperate
list of bills paid is on file in the office of the village clerk*
Motion by Kasper to pay Bud SchleifC"onst-.-action Co. $7.000.00as seconed payment ot
the Fire and municipal equipment building contract. Secomded by Swanson and carried.
Motion by Adams that any new employee hired by t -ie village must be approved by the
village council prior to co;raencement of employment. Seconded by Baker and carried.
A discui;sion was held relative to a request by Dick Holker to errect a trailor court
on block 43. Tabeled for further investigation.
Dunning a discussion relating to the duties of the village erployees a Michaelis
offered to turn in his keys if the council did not feel he was preforming his work
as he s'11ould. A motion -v-ras made by Adams that we accept the keys from R. Michaelis
as offered. No seconed.
Mayor 0jakangas appointed Baker., Swanson and Kasper as a comette to set up a set
of regulations to be followed by the village employees.
On 1,,',"otiorVadjourned.
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