City Council Agenda Packet 05-29-2007 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A Approve minutes of May 14, 2007 Special Council Meeting -Interview firms for Public Works Needs study. 2B. Approve minutes of the May 14, 2007 Special Council Meeting - Reconvened Board of Review. 2C. Approve minutes of May 14, 2007 Regular Council Meeting 2D. Approve minutes of April 23, 2007 Regular Council Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. B. Consideration of approving monthly renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. C. Consideration of approving agreement for assessing services with Wright County. D. Consideration of approving appointment of part-time Finance Clerk. E. Consideration of approving appointment for Deputy Registrar Manager. F. Consideration of approval to prepare feasibility report for Tower Drive Improvements, Project No. 2007-0SC. G. Consideration of purchase of air packs for the Fire Department. H. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. L Consideration of authorizing feasibility study to install pathway along Fenning Avenue. J. Consideration of renewal of on-sale liquor, optional 2 a.m. closing and Sunday liquor license for Chatters Restaurant and Bar. K. Consideration of contracts options for extending garbage and recycling contract for one year. L. Consideration of a request from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) requesting the City Council give conceptual approval of a loan to the HRA for purchase of property located at 201 East Broadway. M. Consideration of accepting contribution for Fire Department. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearings -I) Vacation of Dayton Street; 2) Vacation of Hart Boulevard; 3) Vacation of easements within the plat of Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District and acquisition ofrenmant parcels. 8. Consideration of approval of a request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Preliminary and final Plat for the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District to allow for expansion of a medical office building. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District 9. Review of 2006 Audit Report - Larson Allen 10. Consideration of adopting ordinance establishing license requirements for rental housing. II. Consideration of assessment policy for 2007 Core Street Project on multiple driveways. 12. Consideration of award of bids for Core Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No.2007-0IC 13. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance establishing off-site directional signs. Applicant: Monticello American Legion. 14. Consideration of adopting joint planning agreement with Big Lake and Big Lake Township. . 15. Consideration of approving payment of bills for May, 2007. 16. Adjourn. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 14,2007 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. The purpose ofthe meeting was to interview three firms being considered to do a study on the Public Works Building needs. Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik - Tom Madigan, Bruce Paulson, Gunner Unger and Jeff McDowell were present representing the firm. They outlined the process they would take to determine the needs for the Public Works facility. The firm discussed the criteria that would be used in selecting a new site such as access to roads, security, and on-site and off-site storage. They noted the present facility is sited on a parcel of land that is triangular and the triangnlar shape makes it more restrictive as far as expansion. John Simola, Public Works Director, asked what the preferred type of construction is. The firm responded that there are buildings being constructed using tilt up pre-cast insulated panels. This type of construction has reduced maintenance costs and can be constructed quicker. The firm also talked about energy saving features that could be incorporated. JEA Architects - Jack Anderson spoke to the Council about his experience in this area. He talked about the importance of communication and the attention to detail that his firm could provide. Jack Anderson spent some time discussing the background ofthe consultants who would be part of the design team. Wayne Mayer stated that JEA is unique in that they outsource a lot their work and he wondered what kind of assurance the City would have that the principal consultants Jack Anderson noted would be the ones actually working on the project. Kodet Architectural- Three members of the firm were present including Ed Kodet. The approach of their firm would be to gather information about the City's needs; brainstorm and by sketches and diagrams come up with the size of a building and building site that would meet the needs for 20 years and future expansion that would meet the needs for 40 years. From that a site could be selected and preliminary cost estimates prepared. Ed Kodet recommended that members of the Council as well as citizens be involved in the planning. He also indicated they would establish a website to keep the residents informed which he felt would be useful if this project would need to go to referendum. In the time remaining the firm talked specifically about the existing facility and design considerations for a future facility. This included features that would be found in a LEED project (Leadership in Enviromnental and Energy Design). Mr. Kodet indicated that much of this work would be done in-house since they have people with expertise in acoustics, mechanical and structural design. John Simola asked what type of construction they favored. Mr. Kodet responded that for maintenance and storage facilities they prefer pre-cast panels. 2. Adjourn. The meeting closed at 6:50 p.m. Recording Secretary . Special Council Minutes: 5/14/07 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF APPEAL AND EQUALIZATION Monday, May 14,2007 - 6:50 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst reconvened the Board of Appeal and Equalization. Lori Thingvold from the Wright County Assessor's Office was present. The County Assessor met with Shawn Weinand to review parcels that he owned and were recommending changes to three parcels. Lori Thingvold reviewed the proposed changes with the Council. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A CHANGE IN CLASS FROM 234-0 INDUSTRIAL TO 101-0 AGRICULTURAL NON-HOMESTEAD FOR PARCEL 155-143- 001020; TO REDUCE THE VALUE FROM $135,000 TO $100,000 FOR PARCEL 155-196- 000020 AND CHANGE THE CLASS FROM 233-0 COMMERCIAL TO 101-0 AGRICULTURAL NON-HOMESTEAD FOR PARCEL 155-125-000070. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7 P.M. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary Council Minutes: 5/14/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 14,2007 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpfand Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Allel!iance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A Approve minutes of April 23. 2007 Special Council Meetinl! - Biosolids Workshop Tom Perrault noted a grammatical correction at the bottom of page 3. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO THE BIOSOLlDS WORKSHOP. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of the April 23. 2007 Rel!ular Council Meetinl! There was some discussion on the portion of the minutes relating to the annexation issue with the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township and it was felt the minutes should be rewritten to provide more clarity. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Approve minutes of April 30. 2007 Special Council Meetinl! - Jt. Planninl! Workshop. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 30, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO THE JOINT PLANNING WORKSHOP. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2D. Approve minutes of April 30. 2007 Special Council Meetinl! - Board of Review. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 30, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO THE BOARD OF REVIEW. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I Council Minutes: 5/14/07 2E. Approve minutes of Mav 4. 2007 Special Council Meetine: Cancer Treatment Lee:islation. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 4, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO THE CANCER TREATMENT LEGISLATION BEING PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLATURE. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2F. Approve minutes of March 12. 2007 Special Council Meetine: Public Works Needs Study. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINTUES OF THE MARCH 12, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING NEEDS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine: items to the ae:enda. Wayne Mayer had hoped to have an update on the interpretation of Section #9 of the OAA agreement but since legal counsel was not present he will request the update for the next meeting. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Presence oflegal counsel at meetings; 2) LMC Conference; 3) Resolution from the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township and 4) Signage problem for St. Benedicts/Home Depot area. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reauests and concerns. Eric Barthel, 3774 Hayward Court North, brought up a traffic concern in the area of Deegan Avenue and School Boulevard. At the present time the intersection is controlled by a two way stop. As a state patrol officer and a resident in the area he felt that something more should be done to improve the safety of the intersection. He believes there should be a four way stop in place before there is further development to the west. He noted Taco Johns has two entrances and exits. The cement median forces people to make a right turn and then go up the road a ways where they then make a u-turn. Instead of doing that he has seen people make a left turn so they are going the wrong way on a one way. Eric Barthel added that there is no sign stating that you can't turn left. Bret Weiss responded that if there is enough traffic coming down the side street it would warrant a four way stop. Bruce Westby indicated that there is some signage planned for that intersection as well as some additional striping. Staff felt that some traffic counts were needed for that area. Brian Stumpf asked if staff could also look at a way of eliminating the u-turn when vehicles turn right out of Taco Johns. David Stromberg, 102 Cedar Street, questioned whether the City had a noise ordinance and if it was being enforced. He noted problems with the noise from car radios and suggested that the City install signs stating "noise ordinance enforced". He also commented on jake brakes on trucks. John Simola, Public Works Director, indicated that the ''noise ordinance enforced" signs could be placed at the entrances to the community. Susie Wojchouski will bring this item up for discussion at the Police Commission meeting on May 16, 2007. 2 Council Minutes: 5/14/07 5. Consent Al!enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC. Recommendation: Ratify the hires/departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving charitable gambling license for Monticello Lions Club at Chatters, 4181 Cedar Street. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve the charitable gambling license to the Monticello Lions Club to conduct charitable gambling activities at Chatters at 4181 Cedar Street. C. Consideration of approving renewal of charitable gambling license for the American Legion Post #260 at 304 Elm Street. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve the renewal of the charitable gambling license for American Legion Club #260 to conduct charitable gambling activities at their facility at 304 Elm Street. D. Consideration of a request by the Initiative Foundation for monetary contribution. Recommendation: Do not approve a monetary contribution to the Initiative Foundation. E. Consideration of establishing policy for reimbursement for cell phone minutes for City Council and formal approval of cell phone policy. Recommendation: Ratify the City's cell phone policy which includes establishment of a reimbursement policy for the Mayor and City Council. F. Consideration of annual renewal of license agreement allowing use of right-of-way for Crostini's Grille. Recommendation: Approve the revised license agreement allowing Crostini Grille's encroachment in to the right-of-way of Locust Street with an enclosed outdoor seating structure. G. Consideration to review and accept the Year-End EDA Financial Statements, Activity Report and 2007 proposed budget. Recommendation: Move to accept the 2006 Year-End EDA Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance; Activity Report; and 2007 Cash Flow Projections as presented. 3 H. Consideration of approving liquor license for Chatters Restaurant. Recommendation: Approve the on-sale liquor license with 2 a.m. closing time and Sunday Liquor for Chatters, 4181 Cedar Street for the period June 1,2007 through June 30, 2007 contingent upon payment of the pro-rated license fee. I. Consideration of award of bids on sale of wheel park equipment. Recommendation: Approve the bid and award the sale of the bike park equipment to the Village of Marshall, Wisconsin for $ I 7,000 and the sale of the skate park equipment to the City of Princeton, Minnesota for $3,500 and to proceed with the removal of the equipment. Council Minutes: 5/14/07 J. Consideration of extension of conditional use permit. Applicant: Moon Motors. Recommendation: Move to approve an extension of the May 8, 2006 Conditional Use Permit for Moon Motorsports to May 8, 2008. K. Consideration of acceptance of donation for Groveland Tree Planting from Monticello Lions Club. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the contribution and authorizing the use of funds as specified by the donor. L. Consideration of approving carnival/traveling show permit for Minnesota Magic Midway. Recommendation: Approve the permit application for a carnival to take place May 24, 2007 to May 28, 2007 contingent upon submittal of certificate of insurance and surety bond in the arnount of $5,000 and payment ofthe license fee. 4 WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA OF ITEMS #5A, #5F, #5G, #51, #5J AND #5K. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. #5B Charitable Gambling License for Monticello Lions Club and #5C Renewal of Charitable Gambling License for American Legion Post #260. Wayne Mayer had pulled these requests in order to bring up the issue of the financial reporting for the holders of charitable garnbling license. He complimented the American Legion on the report that was submitted with their renewal request and noted that the Lions Club did not have any financial information submitted. Wayne Mayer felt the City needs to get documentation that the financial requirements that 60% of/awful funds be spent in the City is being met. Regardless of whether it is a new license application or a renewal, he felt this information should be provided before a license is approved. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR AMERICAN LEGION CLUB #260 TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT THEIR FACILITY AT 304 ELM STREET. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Wayne Mayer suggested tabling action on the Lions Club request for a license at Chatters since there was time for the Lions Club to submit financial information on their other gambling licenses before the proposed June opening date of the restaurant. Gary Anderson, representing the Monticello Lions Club noted that person who took care of that area for the Lions had recently passed away. The request from Chatters had come up quickly and they wanted to get the license approval scheduled. Wayne Mayer pointed out that when the Council acted on the renewal of the Lions Club other charitable gambling licenses no information had been submitted at that time either. He felt it was important that all license holders meet the financial reporting requirements. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE APPLICATION UNTIL PROPER FINANCIAL SUBMITTALS WERE PROVIDED. Council Minutes: 5/14/07 Brian Stumpf stated the Lions Club had submitted financial reports previously. Clint Herbst felt the request for financial information could be passed along to the Lions. Finance Director, Rick Wolfsteller, asked for clarification on what kind of financial information would be required on a new license request since there is no prior activity to report on. Wayne Mayer stated that reports from other license that the applicant holds in the city or licenses held in other cities would show whether the money generated from gambling activities was being spent in the community where it was generated. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO APPROVE THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE MONTICELLO LIONS CLUB TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT CHATTERS AT 4181 CEDAR STREET CONTINGENT UPON FINANCIAL DATA BEING SUBMITTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 #5B Requestfor monetary contribution by Initiative Foundation: Brian Stumpf noted the Initiative Foundation had done a lot for Wright County since 1986 but he didn't see what they had done for Monticello which was why the City had taken funding for this entity out of the budget years ago. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO NOT APPROVE A CONTRIBUTION TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION AT THIS TIME. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI VOTING IN OPPOSITION. In further discussion, Susie Wojchouski noted that she has worked with the Initiative Foundation and they supply valuable information even though the City may not have received any grant funds. Brian Stumpf felt since the money was not in the budget for this year, the contribution should not be approved. Clint Herbst felt the organization should be submitting any request for contribution prior to the budget setting process. Wayne Mayer stated he would prefer the $2,000 requested by the Initiative Foundation go to a local group such as the food shelf. #5E, Cell Phone Policy: City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill stated the policy has been in place since 2006 and has resulted in a reduction of the telephone expense for the City. The Finance Department has included in the policy a provision for reimbursement to the Mayor and Council for use of their cell phones in conducting city business. The policy would allow for 150 minutes for the Mayor and 100 minutes for the Council. The estimated cost for this reimbursement based on the minutes proposed would be $55/month. Brian Stumpf asked about the process for reimbursement and if it would be done on a monthly basis. Depending on the procedure that would be followed it could be more time consuming than the $10 reimbursement was worth. Wayne Mayer said he tended to agree with Brian Stumpf but he also felt the reimbursement numbers should be the same for everyone. Wayne Mayer added that this Council has spent more time on city activities than Councils in the past and they are not being remunerated for anything. There was some discussion on the value of having the Council accessible to staff as well as residents. Council Minutes: 5/14/07 WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO RATIFY THE CITY'S CELL PHONE POLICY WHICH INCLUDES ESTABLISHMENT OF A REIMBURSEMENT POLICY FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF 150 MINUTES A MONTH. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Tom Perrault asked why no minutes were allotted to the Finance Director or City Engineer. Staff indicated the policy would be updated to reflect that. #5H Approval of on-sale and Sunday Liquor License for Chatters. This item was pulled as there was a discrepancy between the date on the license application and the insurance form. The license covers the period from June I, 2007 through June 30, 2007. The discrepancy on the application will be corrected. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE, 2 A.M. LICENSE HOURS AND SUNDAY LICENSE FOR CHATTERS COVERING THE PERIOD JUNE 1,2007 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2007 CONTINGENT UPON PAYMENT OF LICENSE FEES. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5L Approving carnival permit for Minnesota Magic Midway: The Council discussed the request to approve the carnival permit and to amend the ordinance to delete the provision requiring a $5,000 surety bond. Brian Stumpf felt the surety bond requirement was reasonable and that the ordinance should not be amended. He did question whether the May 24th-May 28th time frame included set up and take down and he also wondered about the hours of operation. Susie Wojchouski felt the insurance requirements listed in the ordinance should be looked at as they seemed to be very minimal requirements. In addition there was some question on the location ofthe carnival and parking for the event. The applicant indicated to staff that he would be providing a letter from the property owner allowing the use of the property for this purpose. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ISSUE A CARNIVAL PERMIT FOR MINNESOTA MAGIC MIDWAY FOR MAY 24, 2007-MA Y 28,2007 CONTINGENT UPON SUBMITTAL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE; SURETY BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000, PAYMENT OF THE LICENSE FEE AND A SIGNED LETTER FROM THE PROPERTY OWNER ALLOWING THE USE OF THE SITE FOR THE CARNN AL. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Charlie Pfeffer informed the Council that the property owner would not allow the use of the site for a carnival because there is already a crop planted on the land. 7. Consideration of seIectin2 firm for Public Works Needs Studv. John Simola, Public Works Director, provided a quick overview of the process for selecting a firm. The five firms that submitted proposals were narrowed down to three firms which were interviewed at a special meeting conducted prior to the regular meeting. The three firms interviewed were Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik, JEA Architects and Kodet Architectural. Both the City Engineer and Public Works Director felt that after the interviews, Kodet 6 Council Minutes: 5/14/07 Architectural was the strongest candidate. Although the Council felt all three firms were capable of handling the project, the consensus of the Council was that Kodet Architectural was the top choice of the three firms. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO SELECT THE FIRM OF KODET ARCHITECTURAL TO COMPLETE THE PUBLIC WORKS NEEDS STUDY AT A COST OF $20,200. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 8. Consideration of replacement of Parks Superintendent 1994 truck. John Simola explained that the 1994 Ford F-150 pickup currently used by the Park Superintendent is reaching the end of its useful life. The vehicle has 116,000 miles, is in need of repairs and has some serious rust problems. Park Superintendent, Seth Nelson, obtained prices from Elk River Ford, who has the state bid, and Monticello Ford Commercial Sales. With the trade-in of the 1994 Ford truck there is only a cost difference of $41 between the two bids. John Simola recommended going with the bid from Monticello Ford Commercial. Wayne Mayer said they probably wouldn't like what he was going to say but he felt before he votes to approve the purchase of another truck he would like to know that there is no other avenue to pursue. Instead of the Parks Department getting a new truck there is another truck that could be utilized if John Simola would switch his truck with John Simola's newer truck going to the Parks Department and the 1994 Ford F-150 going to John Simola for his use. Wayne Mayer stated he didn't see why the City should buy a new truck when they have a relatively new truck that they are not realizing the full benefit from. John Simola responded that he didn't mind giving up the truck as long as the City provided him with a safe vehicle to use. John Simola went on to explain that the use of the truck was part of his salary package. Wayne Mayer asked why that was done. Rick Wolfsteller responded that at the time it was done John Simola lived on the east side oftown and having a vehicle he could take from home would provide quick access to check on lift stations, etc. Rather than drive to the shop to pick up a vehicle, he could go straight to the site. The Public Works Director also had to respond to a number of emergency calls. Although Rick Wolfsteller could not recall what year this took place, he indicated that allowing vehicle use by the Public Works Director was done in lieu of giving a salary increase that would have brought this position up to what other Public Works Directors were receiving. 7 Wayne Mayer asked if this position had caught up to other positions as far as salary. Rick Wolfsteller responded that he didn't think anything was added as far as wages to make up for the truck. Clint Herbst asked ifthis was part of comparable worth. Wayne Mayer noted that the Public Works Director is a step eight which is the top step. Brian Stumpf stated he didn't think that in comparison with the study of wages in other communities that this position was caught up. Clint Herbst questioned whether this was the right place to debate this matter but he understood the Public Works Department was caught up to other communities as for as pay scale for their employees. The discussion of the compensation for the Public Works Director is a Personnel Committee matter. Wayne Mayer suggested tabling action on the truck until after the Personnel Committee had a chance to discuss this. Wayne Mayer asked if the Public Works Director was still going out on calls. John Simola responded that he not going out on Council Minutes; 5/14/07 as many calls but having the vehicle allows him to work later. He added that the use of the truck is the Council's decision to make. Wayne Mayer asked what the life expectancy was for the 1994 Ford pickup. Seth Nelson confirmed that the condition of the 1994 pickup was not good and would likely only last another year. He stated the rear shackles need to be replaced as well as the water pump and air pump. In addition there is a leak in the gas tank, a serious rust problem and the vehicle leans to one side. The truck has been in the shop awaiting repairs until a decision was made as to the purchase of a new truck. The trade in value given by the dealer was based on the condition of the truck as is. Clint Herbst said the truck replacement is a separate issue from the compensation issue and only the truck replacement was being acted upon at this time. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl MOVED TO REPLACE THE 1994 FORD F-150 PICKUP TRUCK WITH A 2007 FORD PICKUP FROM MONTICELLO FORD COMMERCIAL SALES AND TRADE IN THE 1994 FORD PICKUP FOR A TRADE DIFFERENCE INCLUDING ALL SLES TAX, FEES, TRANSFERS AND LICENSE IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,914.03. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration of aDDrOvinl!: Dlans and sDecifications and authorizinl!: advertisement for bids for Chelsea Road ImDrovement.. Proiect No. 2006-31C. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss provided background on this item. The project is proposing Chelsea Road to be a three lane section from CSAH 18 to west of Fallon Avenue. No tum lanes are being included at this time. If they are required in the future they will be funded by the property owners. 8 Bret Weiss brought up the possibility of utilizing a landscaped median. If this is done it would require some additional right-of-way. The number of driveway entrances would also create problems with a landscaped median. In addition the landscaped median would add significant cost to the project. It was suggested a landscaping plan for the boulevard area be considered. Brian Stumpf didn't feel the extra cost of the landscaping would be worth it. Bret Weiss addressed the issue of right-of-way noting that realigmnent of the Fallon Avenue intersection and the need for a right tum lane extended the right-of-way needed beyond the City's current right-of-way by about 2,800 square feet. The realigmnent of Fallon Avenue will create 10,000 square feet of excess right-of-way west of the new street. The consulting engineer has talked to WCG, the property owner regarding the right-of-way. The property owners would like to do an even up trade. Bret Weiss noted the City is pushing the property owner's driveway access back and getting them further away from the intersection. Bret Weiss felt the things the property owner is doing internally to their property justifies the trade. Construction of a pathway was also discussed. The bid prices for pathway work have been very good and it was suggested that the Council bid the pathway as an alternate. The bids are proposed to be opened on June 13,2007 and brought before the Council on June 25,2007. In order to keep access to all the businesses open during construction it will require some extensive staging which may add to the cost of the project. Council Minutes: 5/14/07 Wayne Mayer said he had originally voted not to have the pathway included. He realized that this is part of the new Fallon A venue overpass and would like to see the pathway included in this project. Wayne Mayer said the road appears designed for industrial use and if the property was rezoned to commercial how much time would it take to redesign the road for commercial/industrial use. Bret Weiss said a lot of communities have gone to a three lane design because it provides better flow and access. Susie Wojchouski asked why the City is going forward on it since the rezoning has not been acted upon and the rezoning would have a major impact on the project. Bret Weiss said the only thing the rezoning would change would be the right turn lane into the facility. Bret Weiss stated the project is approximately 4 months of construction so they don't want to delay starting the project too long. There was discussion of the impact of the project on the existing businesses. Bret Weiss indicated some of the utility construction may be done at night John Simola stated that he had not completed his review of the plans so he was not making a recommendation on the plans. Susie Wojchouski asked about this being part of the overall Transportation Plan and there was nothing in the plan that said this would be done in 2007. Brett Weiss stated it was part of the assessment agreement with the property owner. Bill Tapper, 212 Chelsea Road was given an opportunity to speak on this item. He stated he did not feel Chelsea Road had to be done as long as the property is industrial. If the property is rezoned then work may need to be done. Bill Tapper stated that nowhere in the assessment agreement does it say the work should be done in 2007. Bill Tapper said he is not in opposition to redoing the road if the property is rezoned correctly. Tom Perrault noted that the Planning Commission will be looking at this item at their June meeting and it would be coming back to the Council at their June 25th meeting. This would be the same date that the EA W and the bids would be coming before the Council. Bret Weiss said the assumption in the assessment agreement is that if the property is rezoned to commercial the property owner would pay a significant amount in assessments that would be lost if the property is not rezoned as commercial. Brian Stumpf asked if Chelsea Road could be classified as a major collector street even if no improvements were made to the road. Bret Weiss felt the road should be constructed before the business is in so that road construction doesn't delay the opening of the business. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISMENT OF BIDS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CHELSEA ROAD, CSAH 18 TO WEST OF FALLON AVENUE, CITY PROJECT NO. 2006-31C WITH THE PATHWAY BID AS AN ALTERNATE, WITH THE REALIGNMENT OF THE INTERSECTION OF CHELSEA ROADAND FALLON AVENUE AND AS A THREE LANE DESIGN WITH NO LANDSCAPED MEDIAN. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of authorizin2 distribution of EA W for Mills Fleet Farm. The Council is being asked to authorize distribution of the EA W for Mills Fleet Farm. The EA W process requires distribution to various agencies and allows for a 30 day period to review and submit comments on the EA W. After the 30 day review period, the information 9 Council Minutes: 5/14/07 will be brought back to the Council to determine whether there is a need for an Environmental Impact Statement. Bret Weiss noted the EA W had been adjusted to reflect the purchase of additional land on the north side of Chelsea Road. Susie Wojchouski asked about the timing ofthe EA W. Bret Weiss stated that the EA W needs to be done before the rezoning is done. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTION OF THE EA W FOR THE MILLS FLEET FARM DEVELOPMENT TO THE REQUIRED AGENCIES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of award of bids for pond improvements at A Glorious Church and Monticello Middle School. Proiect No. 2006-9C Bret Weiss reviewed the bids that were received on this project. The project involves enlarging storm water ponds at A Glorious Church and the Monticello Middle School. It was proposed that some of the excess material from the project could be hauled to other locations but because there was uncertainty as to the amount of material, only a small quantity of hauling was covered in the bid. If the maximum of 10,000 cubic yards of material was removed from the site, it would increase the project cost to $155,595.45. The low bid was from Motzko Companies, LLC in the amount of $9,095.45. Possible sites for the fill material included the city owned park land at Sunset Ponds and on a project the City is considering at the Methodist Church along CSAH 18. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO AWARD THE BID FOR THE POND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL AND A GLORIOUS CHURCH, CITY PROJECT NO.2006-09C TO MOTZKO COMPANIES LLC BASED ON THEIR BID OF $93,095.45. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. 12. Consideration of formation of Fiber Optics Committee and desilroation of authority and responsibility of the Committee. 10 City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill said the City is making the transition from a Fiber Optics Task Force which was involved with the planning for fiber optics to establishing a City Fiber Optics Committee that would move forward with the work of implementing the project. The makeup of the City Fiber Optics Committee would include Council members, staff and consultants. This group would provide oversight to the consultants and work with the Fiber Optics Task Force. The proposed committee would include the following: Mayor Clint Herbst, Councilmember Wayne Mayer, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak, Public Works Director John Simola and/or City Engineer Bruce Westby, Cathy Shuman, Senior Finance Officer and Lynne Dahl Fleming, business owner. Susie Wojchouski asked if the Finance Director should be included on the committee. Jeff O'Neill indicated that this committee is an intermediate step and that at a later time the Finance Director could be added. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE FORMATION OF A CITY FIBER OPTICS COMMITTEE TO OVERSEE ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE MONTICELLO FIBER OPTICS PROJECT DURING THE INTERIM PHASE PRIOR TO ENGAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Minutes: 5/14/07 13. Consideration of lU"antinl!: conceptual approval to consolidate the Monticello BRA and EDA and establish a committee to assist the Citv. BRA and EDA in expeditinl!: this process. The City has from time to time discussed the merger of the HRA and EDA. Because of potential change in the membership of both bodies, this matter has again been brought up. It was noted that EDA was originally established to implement the revolving loan fund. It is proposed to establish the EDA as the prevailing entity because it has wider authority as far as economic development and redevelopment. Presently the EDA powers are limited by the restrictions ofthe Monticello ordinance. The EDA powers would be expanded to include all authority as set forth by the state. The HRA and EDA would be consolidated into one entity with the powers set forth by law and would include Council representation. Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropchak explained the procedures that would be followed to achieve this process. Susie Wojchouski asked with the proposed resignations from HRA members whether there would be a quorum of the HRA to act on this. Ollie Koropchak indicated that there would be three members remaining which is a quorum. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO GRANT CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL TO CONSOLIDATE THE EDA AND HRA WITH THE EDA AS THE PREVAILING AUTHORITY AND TO ESTABLISH A WORK GROUP TO ASSIST WITH THIS PROCESS WHICH WILL BE COMPRISED OF TWO MEMBERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND REPSENTATIVES FROM THE HRA AND EDA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault will serve as Council representatives on this committee. Added Items: Annexation: Big Lake/Big Lake Township: A resolution signed by the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township had been given to the Mayor earlier in the evening. Staff and legal counsel had not had a chance to fully review the language of the resolution. In a quick review of the document. there was a question that came up that might result in a language revision. Staff will notifY the other parties oftheir concern. 11 Signage: St. BenedictsIHome Depot: Jeff O'Neill stated with the realignment of the road the sign was supposed to be moved but there was no spot provided for that sign. Since Ryan Companies was responsible for the realignment they should be responsible for the relocation of the sign. There are two conditional use permits that are affected by this and there are also easements that are needed. Home Depot has offered to put up a temporary sign to let their drivers know that the entrance to St. Benedicts is not the correct access. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ALLOW A TEMPORARY SIGN AS APPROVED BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND STAFF FOR THIS AREA. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Legal counsel's presence at Council meetings: It was questioned whether the City Attorney should be present at all Council meetings. The Council felt if the agenda was light and there were Council Minutes: 5/14/07 non-controversial issues the attorney need not be present. Wayne Mayer felt it would behoove the Council to have their legal representative present at meetings. Clint Herbst suggested it be tried on a temporary basis. It was noted that in response to Wayne Mayer's request for an interpretation of a provision in the OAA agreement, Chris Hood, the City's legal counsel on annexation matters had responded to leffO'Neill on this item. Wright County Sheriff's Report: Brian Stumpf noted in the quarterly report from the SheritPs Office that speeding violations were approximately half of what they were in the same quarter last year. He found this a little dismaying since so many residents complain that speeding is a major problem. It was noted that in 2006 the Police Commission had specifically requested the SheritPs Department to concentrate on speeding violations which might account for the higher number in 2006. Susie Wojchouski will bring this up at the Police Commission meeting on May 16th. Parks Tour: Tom Perrault noted that the Parks Commission had conducted a tour of the City parks and he wanted to compliment the gardeners group that took care of East Bridge Park. Public Works Building Needs Committee: The Council discussed a representative to serve on the Public Works Building Needs Committee. Tom Perrault indicated he would be willing to do so. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPOINT TOM PERRAULT AS THE COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ON THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING NEEDS COMMITTEE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Cancer Treatment Centers Legislation: The Council acknowledged the letter from Senator Amy Koch regarding the Council's resolution opposing legislation relating to cancer treatment centers that is currently before the legislature. 14. Approve payment of bills for Mav. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNAIMOUSLY. 12 15. Adiourn. The Council adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m Recording Secretary Council Minutes: 4/23/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 23, 2007 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledl!:e of Allelrlance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A Approve minutes of March 22. 2007 Special Council Meetinl!: Fiber Optics. Tom Perrault noted a correction on page 2. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 22,2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO FIBER OPTICS AS CORRECTED. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of the April 6. 2007 Special Council Meetinl!: - Annexation. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 6, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO ANNEXATION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST ABSTAINING. 2C. Approve minutes of April 9. 2007 Special Council Meetinl!: - BiosoIids Workshop. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 9, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RELATING TO THE BIOSOLIDS PROJECT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2D. Approve minutes of April 9. 2007 Rel!:ular Council Meetinl!:. Susie Wojchouski noted that Ewald Peterson's first name had been misspelled in the minutes. Tom Perrault noted a typing error on page 3. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 9,2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS CORRECTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I Council Minutes: 4/23/07 3. Consideration of addinl!: items to the al!:enda. An update on hiring for the Finance Director position and the changing nature of the Fiber Optics Task Force Committee were added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and concerns. 4A. Presentation bv Monticello-Bil!: Lake Hospital JeffY oung, Hospital District Board member introduced Len Olson, COO ofthe Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. Mr. Olson gave a presentation providing history of the hospital, current operations and future goals, including plans for expansion. Hospital CEO, Barb Schwientek was also present. It was noted that the information presented to the Council was also contained in a brochure that was sent to all residents in the hospital district. After the presentation Mr. Olson offered to answer any questions from the Council. 4B. Other Comments: Ron Adkins, 201 Mississippi Drive, lives adjacent to Swan Park. He indicated that his mailbox had been knocked down by the snowplow during snow removal. He also expressed his concern about the number of signs placed, in the park, on the street and on his property noting that there is a total of 19 signs posted. Other items he brought to the attention of the Council included the drainage problem on city owned land across the street from his property and a tree that had fallen down by the river. The tree had been cut up by someone so the view of the swans was not obscured but the tree had not been removed. He felt that the park was being neglected as far as mowing citing that there were times when the grass was in excess of six inches and that he ended up mowing it several times. Clint Herbst and Susie Wojchouski will meet with Mr. Adkins at the site to review the situation. Brad Fyle, 501 West Third Street, representing Lawrence Clausen, spoke regarding a blight notice that Mr. Clausen received from the City on property he owns on Linn Street. The property is the site of a tri-plex and has limited parking. Since the violation notice stated that the correction had to be made by May 7th, he was requesting an exemption from the load limits in order to accomplish compliance. Mr. Fyle indicated the blight notice stated the violation was for front street parking. Wayne Mayer stated that the original concern was a couch that was on the driveway but he was not aware of the parking violation. Clint Herbst and Gary Anderson will meet with Brad Fyle on the violation. S. Consent Al!:enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and liquor store. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving monthly renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. Recommendation: Approve renewal of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop for another month. 2 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 C. Consideration of approving annual liquor license renewals. Recommendation: Approve the following licenses for July I, 2007 through June 30, 2008 contingent upon applicants' submittal of insurance documentation and payment oflicense fees: Intoxicating Liquor On-Sale: I) Monticello Liquor, Inc.; 2) Blue 360; 3) River City Lanes; 4) Jalapeno's; 5) Hawk's Sports Bar; 6) Monticello Country Club; 7) Cornerstone Cafe & Catering; 8) Applebee's Family Restaurant; 9) Crostini's Grille; 10) Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant and 11) Rancho Grande. Intoxicating Liquor Sunday On-Sale: 1) Monticello Liquor, Inc; 2) Blue 360; 3) River City Lanes; 4) Jalapeno's; 5) Hawk's Sports Bar; 6) Monticello Country Club; 7) Applebee's Family Restaurant; 8) Crostini's Grille; 9) Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant; 10) Rancho Grande; 11) VFW Club and 12) American Legion Club. Non-Intoxicating 3.2% Beer On-Sale: I) MCC Concessions at Ballfields; 2) Lions Riverfest Celebration; 3) China Buffet and 4) Pizza Factory. Non-Intoxicating 3.2% Beer Off-Sale: 1) Monticello Liquor, Inc.; 2) Cub Foods; 3) Target Store T-2180; 4) Wal-Mart Supercenter #3624 and 5) Super American #4479 Club License: I) VFW and 2) American Legion Wine/Strong Beer Combination License: DeAngelo's Pizza and Pasta D. Consideration of reviewing information on sign mounted traffic counting devices and approving purchase of either sign mounted device or traffic speed monitor, trailer and LED display. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of SMART Model 600 trailer-mounted speed monitoring device from Kustom Signals, Inc. in the amount of $6,530.00 not including sales tax. E. Consideration of approving advertising for Part-time Finance Clerk. Recommendation: Approve advertising externally and internally for a Part-time Finance Clerk with the possibility that this could become a full-time position at a grade 3 level with a pay range of$13.45 to $18.59 per hour. F. Consideration of approving a request for a charitable gambling license for the MS Society, Mn Chapter 00562 at Monticello Liquor, 130 East Broadway. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-25 authoring the State Gambling Control Board to approve a charitable gambling license to the Minnesota Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society to conduct charitable gambling activities at Monticello Liquor, Inc. 130 East Broadway. G. Consideration of approving request for a charitable gambling license for the Monticello Lions at Blue 360 Sports Bar, 1114 Cedar Street. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-26 authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve a charitable gambling license for the Monticello Lions Club to conduct charitable gambling activities at Blue 360 Sports Bar, 1114 Cedar Street. 3 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 H. Consideration of a request to approve preliminary and final plat for Monticello Business Center, a commercial subdivision in a B-4 District. Applicant: Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary and final plat of the Monticello Center Business Center Fourth Addition subject to the finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent ofthe B-4, Regional Business District and the Comprehensive Plan and subject to the applicant complying with all recommendations of the City Engineer as noted in the memo dated March 28, 2007. I. Consideration to approve a resolution authorizing conveyance of city property to the HRA in and for the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing conveyance of city property to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. J. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving a Business Subsidy Agreement between the Housing and Redevelopment Agreement in and for the City of Monticello and WRE, LLC. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving a Business Subsidy Agreement between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and WRE, LLC. K. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Program, City Project No. 2007-OlC. Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications as presented and authorize the submittal of the advertisement for bids for publication. 1. Consideration of accepting donation for Fire Department equipment from W ai-Mart and Land of Lake Choirboys and donation for lighting project at Bridge Park from the Lions Club. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-27 approving the contribution and authorizing the use of funds as specified by the donor. M. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for St. Henry's wine tasting event on June 15, 2007. Recommendation: Approve the temporary on-sale license for the Church of St. Henry's for a wine tasting event on June 15, 2007. N. Consideration of request for authorization to obtain appraisals for Chadwick/Spike properties. Recommendation: Authorize staff to obtain an appraisal from a qualified commercial and residential land appraiser on the three parcels identified. O. REMOVED FROM AGENDA P. Consideration of establishing a change fund balance for MCC for ballfield concessions. Recommendation: Approve the establishment of a change fund for the MCC for the operation of the concessions at the ballfields. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5D, #5E, #5H, #5KAND #5N. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a2enda for discussion. #5E Purchase of traffic counting device: Wayne Mayer asked Street Superintendent Tom Moores to provide information on the traffic counting device. Tom Moores indicated that he had talked to Kustom Signals and explained to the company what the needs of the community are. The original price submitted to the Council at an earlier date was for a trailer with 18" letters. The City wanted 12" LED letters which dropped the cost from $11,285.00 to $6,530.00. Tom Moores felt the SMART Model 600 would meet the City's needs. He added that the bid price did not include sales tax or a down loader which is a card reader that hooks into the computer. The cost for the card is $150. Brian Stumpf noted that this was an instance that demonstrated how important it was to look at all options before making a decision. The additional research by Tom Moores provided a significant cost savings to the City. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF SMART MODEL 600 TRAILER-MOUNTED SPEED MONITORING DEVICE FROM KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,530.00 NOT INCLUDING SALES TAX OR THE DOWNLOADING DEVICE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5F Charitable Gambling License for MS Society of Minnesota: Wayne Mayer stated that with charitable gambling licenses for national organizations very few dollars ofthe revenue generated come back to the community. He suggested staff check with the State Gambling Control Board to see if it can be determined how much would be coming back into the community. He felt the same standards other license holders comply with should be applied here as well. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF MINNESOTA UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5H Preliminary and final plat approval for Monticello Business Center Fourth Addition: Because of his affiliation with Wal-Mart, Tom Perrault requested this item be pulled so that he could abstain from voting on the matter. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER FOURTH ADDITION SUBJECT TO A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE B-4, REGIONAL DISTRICT AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT COMPLYING WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER AS NOTED IN THE MEMO DATED MARCH 28,2007. Clint Herbst stated he had talked to the Gary Anderson, the Building Official about site review that was done when a gas station was proposed to be erected on the site and the fees for the site review have not been paid. 5 6 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE THAT APPROVAL INCLUDE PAYMENT BY THE APPLICANT FOR PREVIOUS REVIEW OF THE SITE BY CITY STAFF. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT ABSTAINING. #5K Plans and Specifications for 2007 Street Reconstruction, Project No. 2007-01C: Tom Perrault stated he was in opposition to the proposed width of the streets in the project area and had pulled the item from the consent agenda so he could vote in opposition. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS PRESENTED AND AUTHORIZE THE SUBMITTAL OF THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. #5N Authorization to obtain appraisals for Chadwick/Spike Property: Wayne Mayer asked ifthe appraisal firm submitting the low price for the appraisal on the Hoglund property could also be used for this appraisal work. Rick Wolfsteller, Finance Director, indicated he would get the information on prices for the appraisal work to the Council. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO OBTAIN AN APPRAISAL FROM A QUALIFIED COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LAND APPRAISER ON THE THREE PARCELS DESIGNATED BY THE CITY WITH THE WORK TO BE DONE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE APPRAISAL ON THE HOGLUND PROPERTY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE FELT THE CITY COULD NOT AFFORD ADDITIONAL LAND PURCHASES AT THIS TIME. 7. Public Hearin2 - Consideration of adoptin2 proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing for the adoption of the proposed assessment roll for delinquent utilities. No one present spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS AND CERTIFY THE ASSESSMENT TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDEDTHE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Wayne Mayer brought up that one of the accounts that is usually on the list of delinquent amounts is also in non-compliance with certain city ordinances. He questioned if there was any way the City could tie them together. City Attorney, Tom Scott said that could not be done. Tom Perrault noted that one of the properties listed as having a delinquent amount no longer has a structure on it. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the delinquent amount has been removed from the assessment roll. Council Minutes: 4/23/07 8. Public Rearin!! - Consideration to approve a resolution adoptin!! of the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 and the establishment ofTIF District No. 1-38 therein and the adoption ofthe TIF Plan therefore. Applicant: WRE. LLC dba Walker In-Store. Ollie Koropchak provided background information on the project which is an economic district that calls for an increment over a period of eight years. Walker In-Store is relocating from Albertville. Ollie Koropchak noted that only about 1 Yz acres of the site is developable and the rest ofthe area is ponding. Eleven new jobs at $18.81 per hour without benefits will be created. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke on the proposed redevelopment plan. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT NO. I AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-38 THEREIN AND THE ADOPTION OF THE TIF PLAN THEREFOR. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Consideration of appointin!! representatives to Monticello/Bi!! Lake (s) Joint P1annin!! Committee and Refrain from Submittin!! Annexation ReQuest. Because representatives from the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township were present, Mayor Herbst moved this item up on the agenda. On April 16, 2007 Council representatives met with representatives from the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township regarding the recent annexation resolution adopted by the City of Monticello. The reasons for the City action were explained noting that development in the area being considered in the annexation agreement between Big Lake and Big Lake Township would have long term impacts on the City of Monticello. Traffic issues and the timing of development are key concerns for Monticello. Jeff O'Neill compared this situation to that of the City ofSt. Cloud that had to make major infrastructure changes to the roadway system because of development across the river. Monticello would have to look at similar type changes if the proposed annexation area develops. The parties involved agreed they would prefer to spend their dollars on joint planning rather than legal expenses for a contested annexation. In a proposed joint resolution by the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township they indicated they would go with joint planning for the area if Monticello would withdraw their annexation resolution. At this point the City has issued only a Notice ofIntent to Annex. Nothing has been filed with the state. Jim Thayer, Economic Development Director for the City of Big Lake stated the City will be meeting on Wednesday of this week to consider adoption of the proposed resolution. James Sanford from Big Lake Township indicated that they will be considering the resolution at their meeting which is later this week. There was some discussion on language of the proposed motion. City Attorney, Tom Scott suggested this language, "that the City of 7 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 Monticello withdraws it Notice ofIntent to Annex conditioned on the City of Big Lake, Big Lake Township and the City of Monticello entering into an agreement." The intent of the Council was to get the parties to the table. Clint Herbst felt Tom Scott's proposed language was appropriate. Wayne Mayer wanted to make sure that legally the motion is correct and that the City of Big Lake, Big Lake Township and the City of Monticello were all on the same page as to what will transpire next. He didn't want to take this action to appease Big Lake and Big Lake Township. Wayne Mayer wanted to make sure everything was in place before the City relinquished its rights. Clint Herbst felt the parties involved understand that Monticello has a vested interest in getting this taken care of. Brian Stumpf stated that if that is true, they should not use the term "hostile annexation" which was the term used in the Sherburne County paper. Susie Wojchouski noted that ''hostile annexation" was the term used in the resolution. Wayne Mayer said in the rush to get the meeting in only three members of the Council were able to attend. Clint Herbst pointed out the difficulty of finding a date that was mutually agreeable to all members ofthe various entities. Clint Herbst felt the City should withdraw their Notice of Intent to Annex contingent upon passage of a resolution containing language that would be satisfactory to all three parties. Jeff 0' Neill noted he had discussed the language with Chris Hood the City's legal counsel on annexation who had expressed some concern about the language. Brian Stumpf asked how long the Notice of Intent to Annex can be left open until it becomes null and void or lapses. Tom Scott did not have an answer for that. Clint Herbst asked if the Council had any other concerns besides traffic issues. Wayne Mayer stated how the property would be zoned is also a consideration as the zoning could create different traffic patterns and traffic volumes. Wayne Mayer said creating a joint board is the way to proceed but he didn't want to give up any ofthe City's rights. Wayne Mayer would like the three parties to sign an agreement that the three parties will be equally represented in this planning task force. He asked if the City relinquishes its rights what assurance does the City have that they will be invited to the table on an equal footing with the other two communities. Wayne Mayer wanted to make sure the City is not excluding itself. Susie Wojchouski asked ifit was possible to table this motion until the next meeting so that Tom Scott could look at the wording. Tom Perrault didn't feel the language could be drafted at tonight's meeting. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO RESCIND THE NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX CONTINGENT UPON THE SIGNING OF A JOINT AGREEMENT THAT IS APPROVED BY LEGAL COUNSEL AND CONDITIONED UPON THE THREE ENTITIES SIGNING THE JOINT AGREEMENT. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Scott indicated he was of the understanding that Chris Hood would be the one to review and approve the language adding that the withdrawal of the Notice of Intent would not be effective until all three parties signed the resolution. He also noted that what the City was proposing is different from language contained in the resolution submitted by Big Lake and Big Lake Township. Brian Stumpf did ask that his question about a sunset clause for Notice of Intent be researched and the information forwarded to him. 8 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 9. Review of fmancin!! options for biosolids proiect. Prior to the regular Council meeting a workshop was held on financing options to fund the proposed biosolids treatment. More detailed information is contained in the minutes of the biosolids workshop minutes. 10. Consideration of action relatin!! to bids received for the biosolids proiect. 9 Public Works Director, John Simola updated the Council on the bids that were received on the biosolids project. Contractors bid both the Kruger drying system and the Komline Sanderson drying system. The bids for capital cost for the Kruger system ranged from $9,523,500 to $10,043,000. The bids for capital cost for the Komline Sanderson system ranged from $8,900,000 to $9,365,000. The bids came in $325,000 less than estimate. The project calls for installation of a dryer and dryer building, two filter press, odor scrubber and bagging system. The bids are good for 60 days from the date of opening (February 28,2007) and those 60 days are nearly up. The low bidder has indicated a willingness to extend his bid price for an additional 15 days. The City has three options which include: 1 ) Awarding the contract to the lowest bidder, John T. Jones for $8,900,000 for the Komline Sanderson system; 2) Reject the bids and rebid the project after a short period of time at an estimated cost of$9,325,000; and 3) Reject the bids and delay the project for 1-3 years at an estimated cost of $11 ,860,000. Because the impact from industrial users on this project is considerable, Clint Herbst stated he was not comfortable with proceeding with the project at this time and felt the project should be delayed 1-3 years. Brian Stumpffelt the Council owed it to their constituents to be responsible. If the timing is not right for the project they should not go forward with it. He thanked all the members who served on the biosolids committee noting it was a lengthy process to get to this point. Susie Wojchouski expressed her concern about the industrial users that should have been brought into the project discussions earlier. Tom Perrault felt the City should proceed with this project but work within the next 1-2 weeks on financing. He noted there is additional cost in delaying this project and it does take 1-2 years to build. He does not want to see biosolids landfilled. Tom Perrault noted that there are more disposal options for the City to go with if they utilize a drying system Brian Stumpf said he doesn't look at this as a financing issue but rather as a needs issue and right now the need isn't there. Wayne Mayer said every so often an issue comes before the Council that makes you rack your brains and this is such an issue. Wayne Mayer said he didn't like the fact that the City is scraping to come up with ways to finance the project especially the need to sell the existing farm land to help finance the cost. Tom Perrault countered that by the time the land is proposed to be sold, the City would be producing dry biosolids and there would be other options for disposal of the biosolids. John Simola stated that tabling this project did not eliminate the need for certain decision making by the Council. The City currently does not have capacity for sludge storage and there are some improvements that have to be made to the existing system. Council Minutes: 4/23/07 Clint Herbst said the project should be tabled so the City could take 30-60 days and take time to get it done right. Clint Herbst felt that would keep the ball moving on the decision as to what improvements need to be done. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REJECT THE BIDS RECEIVED AND TABLE THE PROJECT FOR DISCUSSION FOR NO LONGER THAN 60 DAYS. Susie Wojchouski asked representatives from Sunny Fresh Foods if this was a good time frame for them. Don Roberts stated that while they only learned of this only ten days ago, they felt they would need at least 60 days to understand the issues relating to the biosolids proj ecl. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 11. Consideration of approvine an amendment to the Monticello Zonine Ordinance Chapter 3-Sffl as related to the exterior storaee of vehicles in rear yards in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman provided background information noting that this amendment stemmed from the adoption of amendments to the blight/nuisance ordinances. It was felt junk vehicles or any vehicles parked in the rear yard have the same impact on a neighborhood. The ordinance amendment would prohibit parking of vehicles in the rear yard with one exception. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendment and discussed some other parking issues such as parking in the side yard. There may be some additional amendments to the ordinance after the next Planning Commission meeting. Brian Stumpf asked if the ordinance prohibited parking junk vehicles in front of a garage. Brian Stumpf wanted to make sure there was no loophole in the ordinance that would allow junk cars in the yard. Clint Herbst said the intent of the Council was to clean things up in town but he is afraid this Is snowballing and getting too much like big brother. Clint Herbst felt the City should be balanced in this area. Tom Perrault asked ifthe amendment applied only to cars or whether it included snowmobiles. Steve Grittman indicated it covered passenger vehicles only. Brian Stumpffelt if the Planning Commission is going to be addressing this in May, the City should hold off adopting this amendment until the Planning commission had completed review of the ordinance. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE AMENDMENT UNTIL THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAS REVIEWED AND MADE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ENTIRE PARKING ORDINANCE. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 12. Consideration of establishment of an overlav district applied to properties alon!!: River Street and an amendment to the Monticello Zonin!!: Ordinance Section 3-31f1 re!!:ulatin!!: front yard setback avera!!:in!!:. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittrnan indicated this matter had come to the Council earlier and the Council had sent it back to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission again held a public hearing and reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment. The Planning Commission is recommending the elimination of the averaging requirement and going with a 30' setback. Steve Grittman stated that in applying the setback rule to the lots along River Street a 30' setback produced the lowest number of non-conforming lots (only 7). Clint Herbst asked about changes proposed. Steve Grittman stated that Section F of the ordinance was proposed to be deleted as was the reference to Section F that was contained in Section C. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3-3[F] AND SECTION 3-3 [C]. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. John Sandberg, 711 West River Street, had received a notice about the Planning Commission hearing on the ordinance amendment. He was confused by the agenda item but stated he believed the elimination of the averaging provision and not having an overlay district would be the best route to go. 13. Consideration of cost sharin!!: for overlav of 85th Street. John Simola reported that LeRoy Kiputh, Monticello Township maintenance staff had talked to him last week about improvements to 85th Street NE. Because a portion of the City abuts this street, the township was asking about the City participating in the improvement. In further investigation it was determined that the Featherstone property which abuts 85th Street had been annexed into the City. There is a provision in the orderly annexation agreement which states that if a line road becomes the boundary the City assumes responsibility for the road. In that case the City would be responsible for closer t01700 feet of the roadway which would run about $20,000 to improve. The township is in the process of getting ready to bid the work. Mr. Kiputh said the City could either participate in the project cost or take it off the township project if they wanted. Upon learning ofthis provision in the annexation agreement Tom Moores checked what other streets may be covered under this provision. The City could have as much as 3.33 miles ofline roads. There was some discussion about the intent and interpretation of the provision. It was suggested that Chris Hood, the legal counsel involved in working with the annexation, be asked about it. 11 John Simola indicated that since nothing had been budgeted for this road improvement, he was suggesting that the City hold off until the City could determine the amount of streets the City was dealing with and start budgeting funds for it. Clint Herbst stated that he had talked to Brett Holker about getting on the same page as far as overlay and road improvements to see if there was a possibility of bundling projects for Council Minutes: 4/23/07 bidding purposes. John Simola stated the City's standard specs were different than the townships. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl MOVED TO TABLE ANY IMPROVEMENT TO 85TH STREET FOR THIS YEAR, DEVELOP A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM AND START BUDGETING MONEY IN 2008. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Wayne Mayer requested that legal counsel look at Section 9 and provide an interpretation. 14. Review of bids for Water Tower PaintinlZ and consideration of award of bids. City Proiect No. 2007-05C. The project was advertised as both a spring construction and a fall construction project. Under spring construction the project would be completed by July 15. Five bids were received ranging from $222,885 to $392,790 with full containment costs ranging from $25,000 to $75,000. Under the spring construction bid, Classic Protective Coatings is the low bidder. For the fall construction project, bids ranged from $221,000 to $317,790 with full containment costs ranging from $1 to $60,000. Under the fall construction bid, Odland Protective Coatings is the low bidder. John Simola received an unsolicited proposal from a company wanting to provide a maintenance agreement on the tower. The cost for the maintenance program is higher than what it costs the city to do the work. John Simola stated that Matt Theisen and his staff have the capability of cleaning the tower on the Monte Hill as well as the 160' tower by the theater. John Simola stated the City is upgrading the tank to meet some OSHA standards. It is proposed to use KLM to certify the welding inspection. This service would cost $34,425 making the total project cost $289,450. $230,000 was budgeted for the work. Staff will be coming back to the Council to select a color scheme. No logo is proposed for the tower. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE ALTERNATE BID B FOR THE WORK TO COMMENCE ON AUGUST 20, 2007 WITH COMPLETION BY OCTOBER 12, 2007 AND A WARD THE CONTRA T TO ODLAND PROTECTNE COATINGS OF ROCKFORD, MN FOR THEIR LOW BID PRICE OF $221,001 INCLUDING THE FULL CONTAINMENT OPTION AND INCLUDING AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT WITH KLM FOR INSPECTION SERVICES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Review of Proposals for Public Works Needs and New Facilitv Studv. RFP's were prepared for a Public Works Needs Study with the study focusing on one site and covering construction cost and phasing. The study would look at the long term needs of the Public Works Department. RFP's were received back from five firms. John Simola, Public Works Director and Bruce Westby, City Engineer, reviewed the five proposals and ranked them. Staff was recommending that the Council select 2-3 of the firms and interview them prior to the May 14, 2007 Council meeting with selection of a firm to be made at the May 14, 12 Council Minutes: 4/23/07 2007 meeting. Cost estimates for the study range from $20,200 to $31,000 with some firms reimbursing that fee if their firm is selected. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO INTERVIEW THE FIRMS OF BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK; JEA ARCHITECTS AND KODET ARCHITECTURAL FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS NEED STUDY WITH THE INTERVIEWS TO BE CONDUCTED STARTING AT 5 P.M. ON MAY 14, 2007. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13 John Simola would like to have a Council representative appointed to a committee to review the study and evaluate the proposal. Added Items: Finance Director: The Personnel Committee met and reviewed the situation with the Finance Director position. The City's salary range makes it difficult to find good qualified candidates. Staff talked to consultants with expertise in personnel matters and determined that the City has latitude to go outside the pay range without impacting pay equity requirements. Clint Herbst felt the pay scale would have to be adjusted. The current pay range is $60,000 to $81,000. After discussion, the Council suggested a range of $70,000 to $85,000. Tom Perrault felt the City should remain with their current pay scale. Susie W ojchouski stated the City of Monticello because of their upcoming projects needs to have an experienced and qualified financial person on board. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADVERTISE FOR A FINANCE DIRECTOR AT SALARY RANGE FROM $70,000 TO $85,000. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Wayne Mayer asked if the $85,000 figure was locked in or if that could be adjusted. Fiber Optics: Wayne Mayer updated the Council on what is happening with the Fiber Optics Task Force. The fiber optics project is at a point where the focus of the committee will be shifting and as a result of this change in focus, the nature of the committee also needs to change. The Fiber Optics Task Force needs to become the City's Fiber Optics Committee with certain decision making authority delegated to them. The nature ofthe committee along with its responsibility and authority will be determined at a future Council meeting. 17. Approve pavment of bills for April. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 18. Adiourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10: I 0 p.m. Recording Secretary Council Agenda: 5/29/07 SA. Consideration of approvinl!: new hires and departures for MCC. Streets and Parks. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Parks and Street Department. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Gerald Barthel Summer Help Parks 5/1/07 Seasonal Jon Hirschey Summer Help Streets 4/30/07 Seasonal Herbert Schoenborn Summer Help Parks 5/1/07 Seasonal Mehan Stockham Slide Attendant MCC 5/1/07 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Brandon Gerads Tim Bray Lauren Bogart Reason voluntary voluntary voluntary Department MCC MCC MCC Last Day 1/2107 PT 5/15/06 PT 5/1/07 PT Class employee councillist.xls: 5/15/2007 Council Agenda: 5/14/07 5B. Consideration of approvine: monthlv renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In January the Council approved renewing the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop, 1219 State Highway 25 on a monthly basis which is in keeping with the recommendation of the Wright County Sheriff's Department. The intent was that a monthly renewal would allow the City to monitor more closely any non- compliance to the City's pawn shop ordinance. The Council is being asked at this time to approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for another month. The City's legal counsel will inform the Council of developments, if any, relating the pawn shop license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop for another month. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends approving the renewal of the pawn shop license for another month. The renewal is in keeping with the recommendation of the Wright County Sheriffs Department. By formally renewing the license each month the City is officially indicating the license is not automatically being renewed on a monthly basis but is being considered formally by the Council each month. If at some point the Council should consider action to revoke or suspend the pawn shop license, the monthly renewal would demonstrate the Council's concerns about non-compliance of the ordinance and their efforts to address it. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 5C. Consideration of a a reement for assessin A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City had previously agreed to a two year contract with Wright County to provide assessing services for the years 2006 and 2007 at a rate of $1 0.50/per parcel. The proposed contract covering 2008 and 2009 would also be at the rate of $1 0.50/per parcel. The 2008-2009 also contains the provision for an additional $25 fee per parcel for any new construction with an estimated construction value ofless than $500,000 and a $100 fee per parcel for any new construction in excess of $500,000. This provision was also included in the 2006-2007 contract for assessing services. The City has contracted with Wright County for assessing services since 2000. The rates proposed for 2008-2009 are reasonable and it is unlikely that the City could obtain these services from an independent contractor at a lower rate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize renewal of contracting assessing services with Wright County for the 2008 and 2009 assessment years. 2. Do not renew contract for assessing services. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1t is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City continue contracting with the Wright County Assessor's office for 2008-2009. The contract amount remains the same as the 2006-2007 contract and in the past the City has experienced a good working relationship with the County Assessor's office. Therefore it would be seem to be in the best interest of the City to continue the contract. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed 2008-2009 Assessment Services Agreement. ASSESSMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT TIUS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City/Township"; WHEREAS, said City/Township lies either wholly or partially within the County and constitutes a separate assessment district; and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the provision of the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.072 and 471.59 permit the County Assessor to provide for the assessment of property; and WHEREAS, said City/Township desires the County to perform certain assessments on behalf of said City/Township; and WHEREAS, the County is willing to cooperate with said City/Township by completing the assessment in a proper manner; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein it is agreed as follows: I. The County shall perform the 2008 and 2009 property assessment for the City/Township in accordance with the property assessment procedures and practices established and observed by the County, the validity and reasonableness of which are hereby acknowledged and approved by the City/Township. The property assessment by the County shall be composed of those assessment services which are set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. 2. All information, records, data, reports, and the like that are necessary to allow the County to carry out its responsibilities under this Agreement shall be furnished to the County without charge by the City/Township and the City/Township agrees to cooperate in good faith with the County in carrying out the work under this Agreement. 3. The CitylTownship agrees to furnish, without charge, work space, if needed, for an appraiser to perform such tasks as document review, with such tasks to be performed during normal business hours for the CitylTownship. 4. The County agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CitylTownship and all of its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of or by reason of the performance of work provided for herein to be performed by the County. It is further agreed that any and all full time employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City/Township and that any and all claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. 5. This Agreement shall commence on July 1,2007 and shall terminate on June 30, 2009. Either party may initiate an extension of this Agreement for a term of two years by giving the other party written notice of its intent to so extend no less than 120 days prior to the termination of this Agreement. If the party who receives said notice of intent to extend gives written notice to the other party of its desire not to extend the Agreement at least 60 days prior to the termination of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate on June 30, 2009. 8. The Agreement may be amended or modified only by written agreement signed by 6. In consideration of said assessment services, the City/Township agrees to pay the County a fee of $10.50 per parcel for the 2008 and 2009 assessment. In addition, there will be an additional fee of $25.00 for each new construction residential or commercial/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $499,999.00 or less. There will also be an additional fee of $1 00.00 per parcel for each new construction commercial/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $500,000.00 or more. These additional fees shall be only applicable in those cities which issue their own building permits. 7. Any notice which may be given or made by a party hereto under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by United States Mail or personally delivered to the other party addressed as follows: To City: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Ste #1 Monticello, MN 55362 To County: Gregory A. Kramber, Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313 authorized representatives of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officers and delivered on its behalf, this II th day of Mav ,2007. Dated: Mav I L 2007 Dated: By Dated: By By Gregory A. ramber Wright County Assessor City of Monticello EXHIBIT A During the term of this Agreement, the County shall: I. Physically inspect and revalue real property, as required by law. 2. Physically inspect and value all new construction, additions and renovation 3. Conduct valuation reviews prior to Board of Review. 4. Attend Board of Review. Per Board request, make all necessary review appraisals. 5. Keep updated field card file - current values, homestead and classification data. 6. Print, mail and post valuation notices. 7. Respond to taxpayers regarding assessment or appraisal problems or inquiries periodically. 8. Make divisions and combinations periodically. 9. Administer the abatement process pursuant to Minn.stat. S 375.192. 10. Make appraisals for, testify or negotiate all District Court or Tax Court filings. II. Post values from appraisal cards to assessment rolls. 12. Adjust estimated market values on those properties not physically inspected as needed and per sales analysis. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 5D. Consideration of approvin2 appointment of part-time Finance Clerk. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council approved the job description and posting for the position of a part-time Finance Clerk at the April 23, 2007 council meeting. The position was advertised and over 60 candidates submitted applications. Four candidates were interviewed last week. All four candidates were well qualified individuals with varied experience in finance. After considerable discussion, the interview team recommended appointment of Carolyn Becker for the Finance Clerk position. The Personnel Committee concurred with this recommendation as well. Her prior experience in finance with the City, positive attitude and commendable work ethic make her the most qualified for the position. Work hours will range from 25 to 32 hours per week. Currently, this position provides some backup for the receptionist position at morning, afternoon and lunch breaks and will continue to do so until these duties can be assumed by another position. Her starting salary reflects a promotional increase of 4% (one step) to her current pay. Carolyn has accepted the position under these terms. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve appointing Carolyn Becker to the Finance Clerk position effective immediately at the rate of $17.15 per hour. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. We are pleased that the hiring process is completed and excited to have Carolyn on board. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None Council Agenda: 5/29/07 5E. Consideration of Appointinl! Ann Johnson to the Position of Deputy Rel!istrar Manal!er. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider ratifying the recommendation by the Personnel Committee to appoint Ann Johnson to the position of Deputy Registrar Manager. As you know, the finalists for the position (Kim Barnes and Ann Johnson) were selected by a subcommittee including Kitty Baltos, Rick Wolfsteller, Tom Perault and Susie Wojchouski. In their report to the Personnel Committee, it was noted that both Johnson and Barnes bring important assets to the position but did not identify a favored candidate between the two. On Friday, May 18th an interview was conducted featuring very direct questions relating to future operation. Both candidates were impressive but ultimately a choice had to be made. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint Ann Johnson to the position of Deputy Registrar Manager. Johnson's starting pay to be based on grade 9 step 1. The pay proposed is the starting pay for this position and represents about a 6.5% pay increase over current pay. In addition, the position is being evaluated in terms of exempt versus non-exempt status. Johnson has accepted the position under the terms noted above. To help assure a good start at the new position, the City Administrator will be meeting with Johnson individually and later with the rest of her staff to establish short and long term goals. 2. Other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to ratify Ann Johnson as the Deputy Registrar Manager. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 SF. Consideration of approval to prepare Feasibilitv Report for Tower Drive Improvements. (BW, JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The southerly 460-feet of Tower Drive is a rural road with ditches and an aggregate surface approximately 22' in width at about a 10% longitudinal grade. This section extends south from the southerly parking lot entrance to Community United Methodist Church to the water tower site. Stormwater runoff conveyed through the ditches is meant to be caught in catch basins at the beginning of the paved roadway section at the bottom of the hill, but due to the steep grade of Tower Drive this runoff travels at high rates of speed causing erosion to occur where the ditch sections meets the paved urban section near the southerly parking lot entrance. As such this runoff is directed in any number of directions, for the most part missing the catch basins and running onto the church's property or down Tower Drive. There have been numerous issues over the years with erosion at this location, and a fair amount of aggregate surfacing from the road washes into the church's paved parking lot when it rains hard. As such the City has been asked to sweep the church's parking lot several times in the past. In addition, the church contends that the aggregate from Tower Drive ends up in their riprap swale and pond along CSAH 18, and they have requested the City's assistance with cleaning their riprap and pond, but only after the City develops a long term solution to this issue (see letter attached as supporting data). City staff is therefore requesting approval from the Council to prepare a Feasibility Report for an improvement project to address these issues. Staff feels this could easily be done by reconstructing Tower Drive with a bituminous pavement section, curb and gutter and storm sewer. This would convey stormwater runoff from the water tower site, park and Tower Drive via storm sewer to the existing storm sewer system under the paved portion of Tower Drive. This system outlets to the ditch west of Tower Drive and south ofCSAH 18, which then drains to the pond in front of the United Methodist Church via the riprap swale mentioned above. As part of this project staff will look at lowering the south end of Tower Drive as much as practical to reduce the overall grade of the road. This would increase the level of safety of pedestrians and drivers who use this road, including park patrons and Public Works staff charged with maintaining the road, water tower and park. Staffwill also explore the costs associated with constructing a parking lot at the south end of Tower Drive outside the water tower's fenced site to provide park patrons better parking facilities for accessing the park. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve preparation of Feasibility Report for Tower Drive improvements. 2. Motion to deny preparation of Feasibility Report for Tower Drive improvements. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator, City Engineer and the Public Works Director that the City Council approve Alternative Action #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Community United Methodist Church letter dated December 6, 2006. / J Community United Methodist Church 9225 Jason Avenue N.E., P. O. Box 5 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2652 December 6, 2006 Monticello City Administrator, We, the Trustees of Community United Methodist Church are writing to you on behalf of our church. Our concern has to do with the unpaved portion of Holy Spirit Trail. After each rainfall the gravel from the unpaved portion washes over our parking lots and entrances, through the storm sewers, and eventually into our retention pond. The roadway becomes not only unsightly but also dangerous. Various members of our congregation have contacted the City a number oftimes related to this issue. Your response has been to sweep up the gravel on the paved section of the , road. This is not a 10ng-telID solution to the problem. When we added to our lower parking lot a few years ago, the spillway from the stOlID sewer outlet to the retention pond was cleaned and re-lined with rock. This area is now covered with silt, sand, and runoff from the top of the hill. We request that the City pave the unpaved portion of Holy Spirit Trail or at least, find another pelIDanent solution to the'gravel coming into our parking lots and filling our stOlID sewers, and retention pond. We also request that once the pelIDanent solution is in place, that the storm sewers and retention ponds be cleaned out at City expense, to remove the gravel and silt that came from City property. Sincerely, QJ!--d;;~~~ Richard Goranson Chair of the Trustees Home Phone: 763.263.7474 Council Agenda: 5129107 5G. Consideration of Purchase of Air Pack Equipment for the Fire Department. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider authorizing solicitation of quotes and purchase of equipment critical to firefighter and citizen safety. Following is background information on the request submitted by Chief Joerg followed by alternatives. Steve Joerg writes "We currently are using ISI VIKING SCBA's. Our current vender who supply's our SCBA is Heiman fire equipment. The fire department has been using them for 10 years. These SCBA's are equipped with 30 minute bottles. Our main reasons for immediate concern: SCBA's are a fIrefighter's most important piece of equipment. They allow firefighters to enter super heated, toxic atmospheres to perform rescue and fIre suppression and property conservation. 1) Our current air packs have had numerous incidents of air piece failure. Incidents where the by-pass valves have stuck open allowing air to escape out of our bottles at a fast rate. Incidents where we have donned air packs just about to enter burning structures and not been able to because we can't get air to flow to the face piece. The straps that hold the face piece often will loosen during ('Ire operations allowing air to escape. 2) The harness is made of a composite material that does not stand up to the rigors of firefighting. Breaks and cracks have occurred. The safety of our firefighters is my # 1 concern. The firefighters have lost all confidence in our current packs. We are looking at getting quotes from: Metro Fire out of Ham Lake MN.....MSA Clareys fire equipment out of Rochester MN........Scott We would like to have the ability to be interoperable with the Nuclear plant. They use MSA Air Packs. Estimate price range $4.300 to $4.900 Looking at replacing 9 packs; 5 for Engine 1 and 4 for Ladder 1 Under the proposal above, the Fire Department would be replace one half of its inventory which represents the number of air packs that would be needed during an attack on a fire when lives are at risk. The older air packs would be available for use during clean-up operations or when malfunction would not put a life at stake. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 It is proposed that over time the City budget to replace the older air pack units and establish a regular cycle for updating this important equipment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the Fire Department to seek quotes on purchase of 9 air packs having the ability to be interoperable with the Nuclear Plant (MSA Air Packs) at an estimated total cost of $45,000. Under this alternative the City Council would draw from reserves and utilize funds provided by Land 0 Lakes Choir Boys for this purpose. 2. Motion to modify or deny approval of request to authorize purchase of air pack equipment as proposed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize obtaining quotes for the purchase of 9 MSA air packs. Further, due to potential for design changes and associated price increases, it is recommended that this action be taken as soon as possible. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None - Steve Joerg will be available at the meeting to answer any questions. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 51. Consideration of Authorizinl! a Feasibility Report for the Construction of a Pathwav Alonl! Fenninl! Avenue (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Fenning Avenue is the southerly extension of CSAH 18, south of School Boulevard. This street was the access to the Monte Club and also serves as an access to the Spirit Hills townhomes, Hillside Farms development, and the future Spirit Hills South residential plat. When the Spirit Hills townhome plat was developed, the developer graded a pathway location for a bituminous path. The City was to complete the path when the need arose. The Hillside Farms development has provided a deposit to pay for the future reconstruction of Fenning Avenue and pathway construction. Recently, we received a letter from Mr. Bob Pearson of Hillside Farms requesting the construction of the pathway to provide access to the local schools from his development. We have also received phone calls in recent months from Ron Long, who is the realtor marketing Key-Land homes. Long has noted that he has had significant difficulty in selling upper-end homes at this location. He noted that development of the pathway leading from his development to School Boulevard is needed and would serve to enhance the marketability of new homes in the neighborhood. The construction of a path along F enning A venue is complicated by several undeveloped properties, the future reconstruction of Fenning A venue, and the possible loweringlflattening of the road at the peak of the hill to provide better vehicle sight distance. All of these issues can be addressed, but should be studied to determine the viability of the project and the potential costs. The recent decision by the School Board to extend the limits for walking access to schools is prompting questions related to the available pedestrian facilities throughout the City. City staff will be reviewing the pathway plan and will be completing an inventory of other system deficiencies and will be sharing that information with the City Council in the near future. It is likely that the inventory will identifY which trail segments on our pathway system should be considered for construction in the near future due to the need to create off - road pedestrian access to schools. The proposed feasibility report will address the following issues: . Anticipated street section (consideration of County needs). . Access considerations to current undeveloped parcels. . Access to the Monte Club site. . Cost considerations. City Council is requested to authorize preparation of the feasibility report to provide answers to these questions. c: ',f)Q~umenls and s"lJ;IlK_''''''''''',grossi''""rl{..ocal Se/lings'Temporary '.."'me! Viles'OLKBJ'AGN 11:\1-FenninplveFeasRpt.U51WI7.do.; Council Agenda: 5/29107 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the preparation of a feasibility report to consider a pathway along Fenning Avenue from Hillside Farms to School Boulevard. The cost of the report would be paid from funds deposited from the adjacent developments. 2. Delay development of the Fenning Avenue feasibility report on this pathway segment. Future feasibility study for the Fenning Avenue segment to be included with a larger study identifying feasibility of various pathway segments needed to enhance pedestrian safety for children walking to and from school. 3. Do nothing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1 or #2. Money is available for the Fenning Avenue study, and this segment has always been in the plan. Due to the possibility that it may be possible to build the pathway without reconstructing Fenning, it is recommended that the City look at the possibility of building this pathway in the near future. In addition, pedestrian access to all properties will become even more necessary with the recent school district action therefore it is important that the City identify other segments that should be considered for improvements relatively soon. The information that will be obtained through this report will be valuable to the City now and in the future even if the decision is to delay the actual construction. Therefore the City Administrator is requesting authorization to proceed under Alternative # 1 or #2 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Bob Pearson Proposed Project Location Map C:ILJ"r;umt"n'., aM .'lelling."d""".I1/'WiS;"J!,<,rl[.-i<'al Selling,ITempomry !memel Files'.QLKB3vlG.\' IH.f-F""ninj!A""F.<>SRpl.05J9M.doc' TRISON DEVELOPMENT, INC. 13005 MAIN STREET ROGERS, MINNESOTA 55374-9401 TELEPHONE: (763) 428-2297 FACSIMILE: (763) 428-2298 May 9, 2007 Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Re: 3rd &4.th Addition Hillside Farm Dear Jeff: As you know, we have sold a number of homes fn the 1 st. and 2nd addition that have children. The parents have, from time to time,asked about the trail system connecting Hillside Fanns to School Street I have verbally asked both Angela, the City Engineer, and yourself, regarding the extension of the trail system to the north, connecting Hillside Farms with School Street. TIlls would be a valuable asset to the community and provide safety to the rather large nmnber of children that occupy these homes, as well as the addition immediately to the east of our addition. I am formally asking that the City nndertake the completion of that trail system. I would be happy to discuss the matter with the property owner rmmediately to the nOrth. I believe that I wo1ild be able to obtain an easement across the edge of his property along Fenning Aveliue to construct the trail, and then the City would have t1ie obligation to complete the trllll across the property that it owns. . It is my ~derstandlng that Spirit Hills is obligated to complete the trail across is properties, however, It has not as yet done so. I await your kind response. Sincerely, TRISON DEVELOPMENT, INC. RMP:ke cc: Angela Schumann , I'" -'~~ACA~' ~'~~l'Jr.I.f ~RIVER - , I 'J-v.. -I..'9;-*" ---!!-lJ "",.' ,,~~ " ';:;'4f qe! [W' ~~' "",," ~So -.1)11...":. D.. , ..Wl......' I ":' ....~~ ' ''::/ J;;:;:F".\:' ,-,' 1..- o I', 1D~~~ I~~ts..~ ~ '~~'Y:~ ICq,~,< I ~ 'I~ ~ ~ ~~'J\ .~1' I :r: ~ ~~ ~ ~ rz ~o <( D I 'l5 -'"". :/;"'.~~~~ LJI D ',~~DNu/1 ! I ~ ,~~. -: ~ ;;~~~'" ~ "A ,. 1(.',;. L .~ tz(~11 / '1;',! Jil/;; ~ ~ ui~" I U~~ ~ I _"._ : ~ ~':;~;~\ )',;;~~~ ,T.il, ~'U~J811IiU6]]],.'<.lli .,.]'.,..11' //' ~"'~I: ""~I '!''''''~/'^~~~:~'' =' .- 1-,-HH'I.f~']']-I"l' 'T 1"1'" .' "/1iJ [10 ~ S,,{,' . -cl,.) . r1\ ~ . 8: ~\'I;S: " .., LI.i,,L,:t ~ t.:. ~.: . Ii!. '0: .Y.;7. ~ : : : ".' ' . 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WSB 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 www.wsbeng.com Project Location Map N.E. FENNING AVE PATHWAY WSB Project No. 1627-76 Cty Project No. Date: MAY 23, 2007 m.541~.F8I763-541.1700 INFRASTRlJCruRE 1 ENGINEERING I PLANNING I CONSTRUCTION Monticello, Minnesota Figure Number 1 k A$sociotes. Inc. K:\OI627'76\Cad\Ellhlbits\Fig-u.oca~on.dwg,SI23120071;J3:39PM Council Agenda: 5/29/07 5J. Consideration of annual renewal of on-sale liquor. optional 2 a.m. closinl!: and Sundav liquor license for Chatters Restaurant and Bar. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the May 14th meeting, the Council approved a liquor license for Chatters Restaurant and Bar at 4181 Cedar Street for the period of June 1,2007 through June 30,2007. The City's license period for liquor licenses runs from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 so the applicant is submitting the information to cover the renewal of his license for the upcoming year. In the future this license would be covered with the renewal of all the other City liquor licenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve an on-sale liquor license, optional 2 a.m. closing and Sunday liquor license for Chatters Restaurant and Bar at 4181 Cedar Street for the period covering July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 contingent upon submission of certificate of insurance covering the license period and payment of license fees. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the liquor license for Chatters Restaurant and Bar at 4181 Cedar Street be approved contingent upon submission of certificate of insurance and payment of license fee. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Application Certification of an On Sale Linuor License. 3.2% Linuor license. or Sundav Linuor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: I) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or Issuing Liquor License ?Y'/OJJT1c.LLLo License Period From: k:j-U"'''TO: ~c...2..J;>O Ii Circle One ew Lice se License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicatina ~da'y Li~ 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ Sunday License fee: $ 3.20/0 On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: VI"f: DO~ Social Security #~_ ~LE- '7t"\414~ (corporation, partnership, LLC, or Individual , /II I /l.U~~ lJAI- Business Trade Name l.-t1rMT""€.j'L-S Business Address Zip Code >>1(,':l- County ~ Business Phone Home Address City tJ/e./ ~ City MO#J'(1....1J 0 Home Phone - _icensee's Federal Tax 10 # ~ apply can IRS 800-829-4933) Licensee's MN Tax ID # (To Apply call 651-296-618t) If above named licensee is a cO;p'ration, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/officer: ~U..( l<iU::: ~ ~(l..1 a _. ~ ftAc-{ c.:r 1-f,J mOl Par;qerlOfficer Name (First Middle Last) DGlB Social Security # ~ Address ~~,.. '~q,.(M.b IuffJ,Ll/ 1lf2.f.M")J~ \.- /4'860 ftt.U1.D!4- ~ J.2"h" (Ht~:;am~idA-::.B~r nm, s:cial Security # 1'2./ c.f I f:. ~o~.::;i' ~ Partner/Officer Name (rirst ~ddle Last) .", DOB Social Security # Home Address ~ ~ -'J)'z.. ., Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: I) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover comPI@license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Ye No) uring the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: ~t (jJ~ Policy # ~/C&-J I Certify that this license(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body ofthe city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) _n Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-215-6209, or visit our website at WWW.dlls.state.mn.us. (FDnn 9011-5/06) CouncilAgenda - OS/29/2007 5K. Consideration of contract options for extendin2 2arba2e and recvclin2 contracts for one year. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City's refuse pickup and hauling contract and recycling contract with Veolia ES Solid Waste will expire on the last day of May this year. These contracts were for a period of three years beginning June 1, 2004. As part of the contract an option exists to extend the contracts twice, each for a period of one year upon mutual consent of both parties and includes a CPI increase if agreed upon. The current prices for garbage collection and hauling services and recycling services are outlined below. It should be noted that the City contracts separately for landfill space and that is why this contract includes only collection and transportation of solid waste. Veolia Environmental Services Solid Waste, Inc. has requested an increase of 4.12% on both the refuse collection and hauling contract and the recycling contract due to increases in cost of operations which include high fuel prices. The current annual value of the refuse pickup and hauling contract, based upon the April billing, is $169,148.04. The increase at 4.12% would be $6,968.90 making the annual contract value $176,116.94. For the recycling side the current 12- month value of the contract based upon the April billing would be $94,021.21. The 4.12% increase would amount to $3,873.67 for a total of $97,894.83. The following table shows the current and proposed prices. CURRENT AND PROPOSED PICKUP AND HAULING OF REFUSE #OF PICKUPS NEW PER EXISTING PROPOSED COST DESCRIPTION WEEK RATE RATE INCREASE Residential (rate per unit/month) I $3.12 $3.25 $0.13 Cornm. Residential (rate/yd/dumpster capacity/mo.) I $7.22 $7.52 $0.30 Cornm. Residential (rate/yd/dumpster capacity/mo.) 2 $14.42 $15.01 $0.59 ANNUAL VALUE OF CONTRACT $169,148.04 $176,116.94 $6,968.90 CURRENT AND PROPOSED RECYCLING SERVICE COSTS NEW EXISTING PROPOSED COST DESCRIPTION RATE RATE INCREASE Single Family tbm Triplex 1.90/unit 1.98/unit $0.08 Apartments Fourplex and Larger $1.30/unit $1.35/unit $0.05 ANNUAL VALUE OF CONTRACT $94,894.87 $97,894.87 $3,873.67 City staff believes that our current refuse and recycling contractor, Veolia, is doing an excellent for the City and they have kept the same drivers in Monticello for some time now which helps things go smoothly. In addition to the price changes, the only other portion of the contract that will change will be adding a provision for Veolia to deliver the City owned carts to new customers. The Public Works Department will still handle the repairs to carts and changes in sizes of containers. Council Meeting - OS/29/2006 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to exercise the option in the contracts to extend the refuse pickup and hauling and the recycling contracts for a period of one year at a 4.12% increase. 2. The second alternative would be to offer to continue the contract at a lower increase than the 4.12%. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council consider extending both contracts with Veolia for one additional year as optioned in the contract at an increase of 4.12%. I believe the increase is appropriate for companies which use a lot of fuel in their business. The City has seen fuel escalation clauses added to contracts such as the interchange project due to high fuel prices. Veolia does their job well in Monticello and the contract should be continued for another year as they requested. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal letter from Veolia; Copy of existing recycling and refuse contracts; Copy of the 2007 budget; Copy of single family residential garbage rate survey. City Council Agenda - OS/29/07 5L. Consideration of a reQuest from the Bousinl! and Redevelollment Authority (HRA) reQuestinl! the City Council l!rant a conceptual apllroval of a loan to the BRA for purchase ofthe property located at 201 East Broadwav. (O.K.) A. Reference and back!!round: The HRA is requesting a loan from the City for purchase ofthe Cedar Street Garden Center located at 201 East Broadway. This 1.12 acre parcel includes a 6,494 sq. ft. facility and lies within the boundaries of Downtown Redevelopment TIP District No. 1-22. The property was determined to be "structurally substandard" according to the 1997 Minnesota Statutes, the year the District was certified. At the HRA meeting in April 2007, the owner and an agent made a presentation including an asking price of$459,900. The commissioners tabled the item to their May meeting in order to gather more information. Additional information gathered indicated the asking price for the Garden Center in 2006 was $690,000. In 2006/07, the HRA hired a local attorney to serve as a facilitator to negotiate offers to purchase two properties located within Block 52 (Fros1ie (previous church/clinic) and Springborg (previous Johnson warehouse). In those negotiations, the HRA determined their offers by using the highest commercial land values plus 15% or $15.3065 per square foot. They raised their offers to $17.50 per square foot and after eight months of unsuccessful negotiations, the HRA determined they were no longer interested in those properties. Using the same land value analogy, the $459,900 asking price for the Garden Center was $9.4266 per square foot. At the May HRA meeting, the commissioners approved a motion to offer $450,000 ($9.2237 per sq ft) for the Garden Center subject to no relocation benefits (going out-of-business and they approached the HRA) and pending approval of funding. The executed Purchase Agreement is continl!ent upon funding aporoval bv June 6. 2007. and has a closinl! date ofJulv 16. 2007. FUNDING: Prior to their motion in May, the commissioners discussed their source of revenue to purchase the said property. The TIP Analysis completed by Ehlers & Associates in 2006 projects $1.4 million available within the 25% pooling rule over the life of District 1-22 (2024). The HRA does not have cash readily available within TIP District 1-22 (25% pooling rule) and the HRA General Fund is land rich and cash poor. The purchase of the 88 acres from John Chadwick (Otter Creek Crossings) and the annual payments on the contract for deed (remaining 32 acres) are paid from the HRA General Fund. 1 City Council Agenda - OS/29/07 Therefore, the commissioners are requesting a conceptual approval of a loan in the amount of $450,000. At the June 11 Council meeting, the Council will be asked to approve a resolution to authorize entering into a Loan Agreement between the City and the HRA. The Loan Agreement will outline the terms and conditions of the loan. In talking with the Finance Director, an interest rate of approximately 5% is anticipated based on current investments by the city. Annual payments by the HRA to the City will be from TIF District No. 1-22. The HRA agreed to purchase the Garden Center property because of the fair market price and it sends a message that the HRAlCity is interested in redevelopment of the downtown but at fair market price. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to grant conceptual approval of a loan in the amount of $450,000 to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello for the purchase of the property located at 201 East Broadway. 2. A motion to deny granting conceptual approval of a loan in the amount of $450,000 to the HRA. State reasons. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator, Finance Director, and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No.1. The negotiated purchase is a fair market price, it sends a message the HRAlCity is interested in downtown redevelopment, no relocation benefits,and allows the HRA to move forward with preparation of the Loan Agreement and preparations for a closing on July 16,2007. D. Supportinl! Data: Excerpt from TIF 1-22 Analysis and site information. 2 >- ~ " E E ::l en - o '': - .!!! Cl I:!: 'f- '" o o N ;;:: N - ~ en (lJ ;:l 0: (lJ > (lJ .... 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Q.) :::;:: ...... f:-l":: ~ c:: c.; '7.1 Q.i ;:j ....-: " S ~ bb U a; c.; ;:J Q) H >- 0 ...c: ~ Q) ~ f- .'-' ~ ~ 4/11/2007 201 E Broadway St, Monticello, MN 55362-9317 Customer Full Report, CommerciaVMixed Use, MLS#: 3348975 MLS Area: 341 "Wright County (Except Buffalo) CM U Style: IndustriallWarehouse, Other, Retail/Shopping Center Current Use: Commercial Canst Status: Previously Owned Total Units: 1 Foundation Size: Building Finished SqFt: 6,494 6,494 General Property Information Legal Description: Lenghty County: WRIG - Wright School District: 882" Monticello, 763-271-0300 Complex/Dev/Sub: Lot Description: Road Frontage: Zoning: Accessibility: LakelWaterfront: Owner is an Agent?: Public Remarks: Business/Commercial None Jf.~, -".. ..,~. MapPoint' "Cl>z , Status: Active List Price: $459,900 Map Page: 31 Map Coord: 02 Directions: 94 to Hwy 25 North, East on Braodway to Garden Center on Left TAX INFORMATION Property 10: T155010067010 Tax Year. 2007 Tax Amt: 14,963.00 Assess Bal: 0.00 Tax w/assess: 14,963.00 Assess Pend: No Homestead: No Owner Occupied: Yes No 1.12 acres of prime commercial land on high traffic mainstreet, sale price includes land and buildings, 6494 sq ft building currently used as garden retail center. great location for possible redevelopment, traffic counts are high w/ great frontage! Structure Information Forced Air Natural Gas Heat: Fuel: AirCnd: Garage Stalls: Other Parking: Parking Char. Utilities: Miscellaneous: Sale Includes: Appliances: No. of Ranges: No. of Refrig: Basement Pool: Shared Rooms: Amenities-Shared: Amenities-Unit: O.OC o Other Building, Land (J'6i> ",.. "Jo .- "'. ,/ 19 "'St )~. ~'" .f.io. ,'. ;$ ?~_.$l. rl201 Bnia~~av E -~, .f.io. ~~ ~ oc.'~ }je- IS#! J '" 'II..,; I J'" '" ,. ~ r:Jl #40. .it t ..,i ",1f;J! ~}/ 7lhStE € ~~c..,lP2006NA'I'If(l....,.,.TtI'ilIU.lllO. Year Built: Acres: Lot Dimen: 1970 1.12 see plat Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. @2007 Regional MLS of Minn., Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of2 Lake Name: Exterior: Fencing: Root Water: Sewer: Wood City Water" Connected City Sewer - Connected ~ ~ ''1 II , ,. -- ;" , M -- ,: , II . II f ~ ~ p ~ p ~ p r ""~~_~un ~ , ~ ~ g;, . r . :\/ .~/:~ /1 /- <:..<.. /;;,''-:/ I 13: . / ':~~ / ./ I? , / /",,>-/ / - . I I /' ""- J,' -/,,;:;-=<.I /2/! / -';(;'\:z /1' 3 4 / / ~'.. '1./' '~;;/:; < ~./....:.;: _.::,~ ~.... . 'j 0 1'_ -i' t,.,..I 11.... '>t 9, , ) 1VO ~!I., l ' />3) , " 7 ......:'/. ~'t..,- ,,.... . ..... ., '" ~ J"J ~ ~'. '- ::- ,",.: ..' " " . .' .~.?:t:--.. " ...../ - 9" .~, I"-"-l~~' ....~ I . . .~ .f...,. ".. . ~ '. .... -- · .. . d ... '.. . .' - /' ,.., '. ' J. ',. ,. / .~ .' "7," '.':;: <>. . r-' I"~" . . l~ . "Q J r .~..'_.:..'~ .:.....:.. . .'-... . . 1."- J' '''';;1.;' 'j ". .... : 7 '-- " ....~_ I,t- ':.:: ..':" ............... _ '.~ "<::::" ( Plat Map ) Cedar Street Garden Center 165' i:o "" '" t:l ~ t:l i - - ~ " '" '" -a- lii -'t- o Cl: ~ . ~ ~ . 90' I ~ <=l I . . . tIl '" 1B <=l ~ ~ ~ "0 tIl en 9 ,.., H '" [:S tIl H fil <=l . . I I " '" '" (; 10 '" Iii ~ c: :i: <;; <0 Cl. ~ , t I I Cedar Street , I >- '" ~ '" o m 1- '" N i:o "" Council Agenda: 5/29/07 SM. Consideration of approval of contribution for Fire Department. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a donation in the amount of$100.00 from Huber Construction Company for Fire Department equipment. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by the donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2007-41 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts maybe limited under provisions ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Huber Construction Com any DESCRIPTION Cash contribution VALUE $100.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. 2. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY Huber Construction Com an RECIPIENT Fire D artment PURPOSE E ui ment Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 29th day of May, 2007. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 5/29/07 7. Public Hearin!!:s -1) Vacation of Davton Street: 2) Vacation of Hart Boulevard and 3) vacation of easements within the plat of Monticello-Bi!!: Lake Community Hospital District and sale of remnant parcels. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District's plans for expansion of an adjacent medical office building, the hospital is requesting vacation of a number of street parcels along with the vacation of various utility and drainage easements and finally acquisition of some remaining parcels ofland to complete their new second addition plat. Prior to any consideration of these vacations, the City is required to hold a public hearing to determine whether these vacations are in the best interest of the public. In order to replat all of the property the Hospital District currently owns in the area, the hospital is requesting vacation of various utility and drainage easements consisting of existing perimeter drainage and utility easements around the current hospital site along with utility easements that previously were over sanitary sewer connections between Hart Boulevard and River Street. With the eventual removal of the Monticello Dental Clinic building, some of these utility easements will no longer be necessary and currently the Public Works Department is preparing a list of new utility easements that will need to be provided with the replat, which the hospital district has agreed to provide as needed. As far as requested street vacations are concerned, the largest parcel relates to Dayton Street between East Broadway and River Street containing approximately 26,627 square feet. The second street vacation requested relates to the balance of Hart Boulevard lying westerly of their main entrance which was previously used as public access for the Monticello Dental Clinic facility. With the hospital district purchase of the clinic property and the eventual site for their clinic expansion project being considered under a separate PUD, the hospital is requesting that the balance of Hart Boulevard also be vacated. In addition to the above noted public hearings on vacation of various easements and vacation of Dayton Street and Hart Boulevard sections, there is an additional parcel ofland containing 5,943 square feet that lies between Hart Boulevard and Broadway adjacent to their helicopter pad and main entrance described as parts of Lot 6 and 7, Block 28, Lower Monticello. This parcel of land does not require a public hearing to be vacated but is requested to be acquired by the hospital district as part of their expansion project. After the public hearing if the Council approves the request to vacate the streets and easements requested, Council will need to determine what process it intends to use to transfer title to the vacated streets and lots. Previously, the Council has used various methods in establishing market value for streets that have been vacated and transferred to adjoining property owners. In some cases, small parcels have been vacated and given to the adjoining property owner at no charge, while other cases involved establishing a market value in transferring property based on a reasonable value. In regards to the vacated easements, it would appear reasonable to simply vacate the unneeded easements at no cost as long as the hospital district is agreeable to providing any new easements that are needed to cover existing utilities. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 In regards to the vacation of public right-of-way and the sale of platted lots, establishment of some type of reasonable market value seems appropriate as the City of Monticello is only part of a larger hospital district that encompasses many cities and jurisdictions such as Big Lake, Big Lake Township, Silver Creek Township, Monticello Township and other locations. In regards to the balance of Hart Boulevard that is no longer needed for public access to the dental clinic, a price of$.61/square foot was established by the Council in August of 2000 when the eastern portion of Hart Boulevard was vacated for the hospital district. All of Hart Boulevard would have likely been turned over to the hospital in 2000 had it not been for the dental clinic which needed to still have public access. Council could continue with that same price by requiring $.611square foot for the approximate 28,000 square feet remaining. On a similar note, a small portion of Hart Boulevard was also vacated and transferred to the hospital for the Hart Clinic that was built in 1993 and sold at price of $.67 /square foot. In regards to the vacated Dayton Street, this is a much larger parcel of land adjacent to other parcels that the hospital district has recently acquired. A market value for land in this area has likely been already established by the hospital district itself in its acquisition of three homes just west of Dayton Street that averaged $9.50 to $10.00 a square foot. Based on those purchases, Dayton Street could have a value of $250,000 or more. As part of the hospital district PUD process, the hospital will be providing an easement containing over 13,000 square feet (40' x 332') that the Council may want to consider as an offset for the land being vacated on Dayton Street. Giving the hospital credit for an equal amount of land in a different location for the pathway would reduce the amount of land that the City would have to charge something for down to 13,300 square feet. The final parcels ofland requested to be acquired are portions of Lot 6 and 7, Block 28, Lower Monticello containing 5,943 square feet. Since this is not an actual street being vacated, but property that is owned by the City, the Council should also establish some sort of value for this property if the Council intends to transfer ownership. B.1 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision #1: 1. After the closing of the public hearing, Council could agree to vacate the Dayton Street and Hart Boulevard right-of-ways as outlined along with the drainage and utility easements identified subject to the hospital district agreeing to provide new utility easements as necessary. 2. Do not vacate right-of-ways or easements as requested. C.1 ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff's recommendation that the utility and drainage easements outlined in the request be vacated provided the hospital district agrees to establish new easements as necessary and to vacate the remaining portion of Hart Boulevard and all of Dayton Street identified provided the hospital district supplies a new pathway/sidewalk easement identified as Outlot A connecting River Street and Broadway. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 B.2 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision #2 (if right-of-way is vacated): 1. Council could agree to transfer right-of-way within Hart Boulevard and Dayton Street at a market value price to be determined. 2. Council could decide to transfer right-of-way to hospital district at no cost. C.2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: With the City Council being the stewards ofthe City's assets, it is recommended that some type of valuation be established for the right-of-way and other parcels ofland being transferred to the hospital district. As noted earlier, the City of Monticello is only one entity involved in the hospital district and if consideration were given to providing some of the right-of-way at no cost, this could be based on what portion the City of Monticello is of the overall hospital district. In regards to Hart Boulevard, the Council may want to simply use the cost per square foot that was established in 1993 or year 2000 which $.67/square foot or $.61/square foot for the remaining portion of Hart Boulevard. As far as Dayton Street is concerned, it would seem reasonable to provide a credit to the hospital district for the pathway easement that they would be providing against the square footage contained within Dayton Street reducing the land area by y, to approximately 13,315 square feet. Based on previous valuations that the hospital has paid for land adjacent to Dayton Street, one could argue the value is as high as $1 O/square foot for the remaining land. Staff does not have a firm recommendation on valuation other than to note when the City acquires similar properties for right-of-way purposes or for easements, we have normally negotiated those purchases at fair market value. For example, acquisition of right-of-way for improvements to County Road 39/County Road 75 intersection were purchased from O'Ryan's Conoco at the $8-$1O/square foot range. Even acquisition of right-of-way for Otter Creek Road modifications on the west end of the community cost $3.50/square foot and finally, acquisition of the Rask property for the Chelsea Road extension to our new industrial park was in the $8.50/square foot range. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Description and sketches of two proposed street vacations Three sketches of utility easement vacations. One sketch of property to be acquired DESCRIPTION SKETCH o NORTH SCALE: 1 ";100' FOr<: Fr<AUENSHUH COMPANIES DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED STREET VACATION: That part of Broadway street (present day Hart Boulevard) as dedicated on the plat of LOWER MONnCELLO, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-way line of C.S.A.H. No, 75 as described in Final Certificate med July J, 1963 as Document No. 227949 and that part of said Broadway Street which iies westerly and northwesterly of thot portion of said Broadway Street vacated in the City of Monticello Resolution No. 2000-58 filed October 23, 2000 as Document No. 722760, LEGEND: SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION ~ - DENOTES PROPOSED VACATED STRE:ET " " " " \, , f \.~ t', , "' , \, :-J ,r '. " " " .'" "",;;..,. .. " ',' \,:., . , '" , :MJ :), 'I a3^13::J3~ I hereby certify that this survey, pion or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I om a dufy licensed Land Surveyor under the lows of the State of Minnesota. t?-A2'k_9n.~-.- . v.r.;;athan M. Pumam Date: 03/30/07 LICense No. 44647 Revl3e'd: ~~tC~ WJII LANDFORM Dral(.tlq No. 100 North Sixth Street Buti er Square, Suile aooe Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.landfonnmsp.net har,-vacaLe_BWBOJ By: Jr<C Beginning at the most southerly corner of Block 16, LOWER MONTICELLO; thence on on assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds East aiong the southeasterly line of said 810ck 16, a distance of 332.80 feet to the most eosteriy comer of sold Block 16; thence South 56 degrees 39 minutes 42 seconds East. 80.02 feet to the most northerly corner of Block 25, LOWER MONTICELLO; thence South .3/ degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds West along the northwesterly line of sold Block 25, 0 distance of 332.87 feet to the most westerly corner of sold Block 25; thence North 56 degrees .36 mlnutee .37 seconds West to the point of beginning and ther" ("rminotlng. Containing 26,627 square feet or 0,61 acres more or less. & ~ Y / / MOST EoASfERl Y ." n CORt-ER Of 6l0CK. 16 Z 1;~"~ .' II ;' --:;: I ") I g ,,;":-:, v{ 7'; I I I \1\1 ~ I ~- J' "/ ~~ ~~ I / / I "" q, ":i\:Jco\:J / I 01 'V' I ? I j'i'~~ / " .... / I ~~ l-li> ~T S~~E'RLY J!'''' ({ C00-lEt Of ;; J ;tt ~~~ <. (f :.t?~i '~'\;{.-'<::~, ~ I "" \~ MOSf NORTH~ " - CORNE'R /6LOCK 25" , DESCRIPTION SKETCH fOR.: fR.AUE:NSHUH COMP ANteS ~ NORTH SCALE: 1 "=60' DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED STREET VACATION: TI1at part of Doyton Street oe dedicated in the plot of LOWER MONTICELLO, Wright County, Minnesota, described os foI1ows: ,,- '" '" I I I I I I I "" I~~br ~ft 2 10,01 I .. ~-":z " " (~ GEND: SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION ....>\:~2Sj ::.ii,~(,:j - DeNOTeS STRE'ef TO 61" '''it;.lil(~' __ ,U'('H';' VACATE'D I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that , am Q duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. H--~. ~-r?-~- VJonot.hon M. PlltrnOrln Dat.e: 03/30 /07 Lt:en~e No. 44647 Rev15ed: ,JJj~ ~ LANDFORM Draltlnq Na. 100 North Sixth Street Butler Squere, Suite 800c Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.landfonnmsp.net daytan-vacaee B'IIBOI By; JRC RECEIVED APR - 2 2007 DESCRIPTION SKETCH fOR.: fR.AUENSHUH COMPANIES DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED: A utility/access easement aver, under, and through the southeasterly 35.00 feet of Lot 1, Black I, MONTICElLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of sold Lot 1; thence South 32 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds West, along the soufheaster/y line of soid Lot I, 0 distance of 166,72 feet to the most southerly corner of said Lot 1; thence North 58 degrees 20 minutes 49 seconds West, along the southwesterly line of said Lot I, a distance of 35.00 feet; thence North 32 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds East. parallel to the southeasterly line of said Lot I, 0 distance of 166.73 feel to the northeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence South 58 degrees 20 minutes 17 seconds East, along sold northeasterly iot line, a distance of 35.00 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. AND A utility/access easement over, under, and through Lot I, Block 2, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPiTAL DISTRICT CAMPUS, Wright County, Minnesota, being a strip of land 35 feet in width lying adjacent to and southeasterly of the northwesterly line of soid Lot 1, being a/so the southeasterly line of Lot 9, Block 24 of the piat of lOWER MONTICELLO, said northwesterly line described os follows: Beginning at the most wester'y corner of sard Lot 1, being also the most southerly corner of sold Lot 9, Black 24. LOWER MON T1CELLO; thence North 32 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds Eost, along sold northwesterly line of said La! 1, a distance of 166,72 feet to the southwesterly line of East River Street and there terminating. The side fine is extended or shortened to terminate on the southwesterly line of East River Street and on the southwesterly line of said Lot 1. I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and thot f am 0 duly licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the Slate of Minnesota. ~--->z-;:::~ ...____ J1oi1clthan M. PUrnonn Dale: 03 /30 / 07 L'Ceo,e No. 44647 ~ev15ed: tet~~ ~ LANDFORM 100 North Sixll1 Street Butler Square, Suite BOOe Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.landformmsp.nel ..mnt2-vacate BWElOI By: JRC: Ora'll'nq No. SHEET 1 OF :1 SHEETS DESCRIPTION SKETCH . FOr<: Fr<AUENSHUH COMPANIES NORTH SCALE: 1"=40' / / ,-c. J":... .....,/ / ,(",~I /.....,/ ........, ~~. I / ....::...... (," 1,_1 ,'...... ,.~ ,-, It "'- / -'-' , 0,., oCk 'Os,. . -'. 8Z '0 {. <'z Pa., ",'- >- ,/ I' ,.~ r c'V,. ,',.' q,~~oq,l7Os';2IVE;':: 8E; "~- /0,., ,s' A.tvtz r 0,., ~~ ,~z>-, 0,. ~ 8,.,.,/'0",':; ( , It ~ ~OC/'1OS,."", OC{'Of:... .?'jt \ ~" S>: \ \ iSQ>O \ j ""0' : !hi--- "- iT ;>-" : Rt~, ',,_ <TiS ..p I ~C)& "-" ',~o,,'r~C ijjJ.., t:tj .... .,1.- ~,\..''i"'f-"" cV~ I-..../~ 'j"...., ~ t'A Gii ''''.... ~~J '1-.(\ . I ~ lfl' ~ ;~\ / ,/" /\ / /' / /,' " I' II /1 .... l\ : <...\ . -~ ' , ~"~)(~~':~'(-1... ~ 1 f<. .)<. -_1.,_ f :/<~~"'~;--, "/., .' , ' j '':<,</i l:~l ,-- (I'\. ~& "G -'-<iY ~'J...., ~6' " /->;!l\\_..-.. .,~ "-- " , " " ------ -'- ," ~ I-. '\. $& "- G CloiY C)" tfJ'"" Cl !?" '<"& I-.C)!h t...~ "'~-'- U?'" "f (J ".f' .#'''' "(} , , ..--.... , I I (II-. .#'1 "e:;: -'- ~~Qr"... C'J tV .L~ c:, "," " " .' ~~ Xl ,'!j 'V .\:)~r:o": ~'V ,,10 ~ <TiS 4': '0 iSQ>O () "'- ~9~~;>-" "'- .{(n',. . \J\ b... I f', /. "'\"'- !.:.,_'-:-:/;,' \\" / -" ....\ .{. ..... '\ I 1.\ 'I. ~ {, / I \; \ ',,'V t;, [I, <- -t k \ , ..\ aj ,i /.ytJl,~1 ,. - ~''O.~,.. "'l , , ,,\, J,' 11 "j,~'-f " . 'ci,~~g"" 1'\.:, . \Y','y \.." ....'<",..'_ I '~-0'" AJ-... ;~f . ~""~.o. '''"''';:''9<:''~-~/ ",~};\:,.Y ,,.-,"(:;) ~ " ", ,', 'i ~'Ir"1 (....-~i- "-.l .~..o... I ~ ' ...~~>~_ (.l ts __,,-;:.,")4 ,'"- "</':..'>/ I" ''<,,-.., v 1 ",', , ~._-Q_ -.j f:}- ~'/./ ~ ..~.::.\..:M~ '.-7---..... ~ -. .. ,'A!!.""G"&,;!!i..,'/i i _,," I ,-,_ .. VJ 'Y r':<' i \ \ I " , '1h'" ,,".. U c)u.. -.: '- ;:.... :t: k ..;;:,J '''./ / ,"-',- , J::, 0.... ~ ~ / / . ~~" ' ~._~ ...~~ '~I " ,.~-___,. / ..~.......~ ~t ..;;~'ir ...'~!, (} '. "j;- t;- I / I' '- "'V.s-J" , - -". #:u "/ / "'I -" ?" 7" _-'.~"----' <.::; / ,/ ""/ " CWO" "', 1,'," '.. "". -srt.9 J, \, SW'L Y LNE: Of /p '- W, I, BLOCK 1 ~ 1 I ~ ~ : J_\ t.. 1,..- C_' I I -,- "./ I I ~ I I I I ,I ~ \ I '''.. 1 1 I'" I " ~,/I I, ,': ...1 I 1,,'...,1 I '" , ' r....,-;-I}~~ I " (: t-I: I I \ I -il I ,II ~ I ..I ... I / / / """ e"y(,""" ' ',~ ~ u -:; / "y.\:,..l\/,. I..., ,-~:-Jb1 / ,/i " / -,' ...' ,'" I If. -;- ~ ( ~ I... I 1 r'" ~ ~ I 1 I \ \ ~... I C' -- '_" t;(.' :t LEGEND: 5 YNAOJ ~ DESCQIPT10N ~ - D~N01~S ~AS~M~N,S 10 B~ VACAlW SHEET 2 OF 2 SI-EElS DESCRIPTION SKETCH FOR: FRAUENSHUH COMPAN~S I J / f-- ,,0 ,,' '" ,,' '" / ,,' C>_ L__ , ," '" ". C>. '" c" " I I /: l.l-J "t':';'" ' ~<'~ "~ "-"'~~-: . ~~: ,,' 1 \ \ " \ l NORTH SCALE: 1"=120' DESCRIPTION OF PLATTED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED: ,-, '-' , --" , __J I, I LLJ The drainage and utility easements as recorded and dedicated on the plot of MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY DISTRICT CAMPUS, Wright County, Minnesota, RECEIVED APR - 2 2007 LEGEND: SYMBOl S DeSCRI'TION ~ _ DE:NOTE:S DRAINAGE: AND UTlIJTY eASeMeNTS peR PLAT TO 6~ VAC~TE:D DOLe: 03130107 Revlged: LANDFORM 1 00 North Sixth Street Butler Square, Suite aooc Mlnneapolie, MN 55403 www.landformmsp.net e,mnL-vocole_BW801 By: jEf- I hereby certify fhat this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that J om 0 duly licensed Land Surveyor under the lows of the Stote of Minnesota. ~t~~ W7iiI JonDt.hQn M. PIt. tmonn Lk:en5e No. 44647 OrC"Kfflq No. . DESCRIPTION SKETCH FOR.: Fr<AUENSHUH COMPANIES G DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL TO BE ACQUIRED FROM CITY: NORTH SCALE: 1"=40' AI/ of Lot 7 and that port of Lot 6, Block 28, LOWER MONTICELLO, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning on the southwesterly right-of-way line of Hart Boulevard (formerly eroodway Street) ot the most northerly corner of said Lot 6, Block 28; thence on on assumed bearing South 59 degrees 09 minutes 15 seconds East, along sold southeasterly right-of-way I/ne, 0 distance of 58,94 feet; thence South 43 degrees 01 minutes 46 seconds West 0 distonce of 63,39 feet, to the northeasterly right-of-way line of E Broadway Street (C,S.A.H. No, 75); thence North 46 degrees 36 minutes 47 seconds West, along said northeasterly right-of-way line, a distance of 114.29 feet; thence North Jl degrees 17 minutes 25 seconds East along northwesterly line of sold lot 7, 0 distance of 37.15 feet 10 0 point on the southwesterly right-of-way line of Hart Boulevard; thence South 59 degrees 09 minutes 15 seconds East, along said southwesterly right-of-way line, 0 distance of 66.00 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. Containing 5~94J square feet or 0.14 acres more or (ess. " -. -.: I' " .', ';;"'''"''< -".<~,,,,""'~L:S.. ' ......... ".:"/.. _ ,- -lo,,_. ~~"f-'?- "_' ,.._'''-~-\:.. # ,j '\., "." ',".-<' . "~~".'. . '" $.t.. ~"';.. }::~ ;;;;.:' -,' . _~" . _':~'~.," &. l .f-t "'V(>.")/ . ".... .~ ." ....."::-:.~.... ~ . "___ ,,""'~,:, T 7"'~t ).. . .;~),;;,.. ~ . - ~":\::'::~c::--.: ,t , "\. .,J", ~... "v':' _~_ ~ '" ."":..,.,~ '. :... ""oJ ~..... '" ~-\. '" ~ ,'- -. --;~--:t-.,.,., . ,:.\~<. "Z.~ y . "' ' ... 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No. 44647 DOle: 03/30/07 Revl!eod: Ora....k1Q No. 1 00 North Sixth Street Butler Square, Suite 800c Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.landformmsp.net parceI2_f3Wf301 f3y: Jr<G: fOR.: fR.AUENSHUH COMPANIES DESCRIPTION SKETCH DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT TO BE VACATED: NORTH SCALE: 1"=40' A Iltilitylacce5s easement over, under, and through Lot g, Slack 24 of LOWER MONTICELLO, Wright County, Minnesota, described os follows: LEGEND: SYMBOLS Beginning at the most sOllther/y corner of sold Lot g; thence on on assumed bearing of North 58 degrees 20 minutes 17 West. aiong the southwesterly line of said Lot g, a distance of 35.00 feet; thence North 32 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds East, parallel to the southeasterly line of said Lot g, 0 distance of 8.00 feet; thence denect 45 degrees to the right" distance of 50 feet, more or less, to the sOIl/heasterly line of said Lot g; thence South 32 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds West, along said southeasterly line a distance of 43 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. / 1::1 n r? / // // J~'<~.~ ,...../~; ~& / I ,/ I ' '. 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' DESCRIPTION ,," /", t" \',': fRttbvEO " ' / APR - 2 2001 ~ , hereby certify thot this survey. pran or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that j am a duly licensed Land Surveyor under the raws of the state of Minnesota. ee~C~ mal LANDFORM 03/30/07 Orawlnq No. 100 North Sixth Street Butler Square, Suile BOOe Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.landfonnmBp.net esmnt3-vacate BWBOI By: JRC City Council Agenda- OS/29/2007 8. The Planning Commission heard this item at their May 1, 2007 meeting and recommended approval ofthe request, subject to conditions. The Planning Commission was concerned about access to the site, as well as the parking situation in regard to the agreement with the School District. The Planning Commission also discussed the issue offuture expansion ofthe site. The applicant expressed concerns to the Commission about the requested pedestrian ramp connecting the site to East River Street and potential liability issues. The Commission Chair stated that this item may be worked out with the City, rather than be required as a condition. The applicant has submitted revised plans which are generally compliant with the conditions in Exhibit Z. The applicant has provided additional landscaping to screen the parallel parking stalls, added pedestrian scale lighting adjacent to the pedestrian crossing, and proposed color concrete to delineate the crossing from the remainder of the parking lot. However, the revised plans do not show a pedestrian ramp connecting the site to East River Street. While the Planning Commission did not require this ramp as a condition, Staff believes this ramp is important for the City to provide access to the river. The Comprehensive Plan update is currently underway, and the task force has stressed the importance of maintaining a connection to the river throughout the City. The requested ramp would provide a handicap accessible connection, in exchange for the vacation of a public street (Dayton Street), as part of a city-wide pathway system. Staff recommends that the applicant provide this ramp adjacent to the pedestrian crossing, and place drainage and utility easements and a trail easement over the crossing and ramp. Staff also recommends that Outlot A be removed from the plat and that the land within this outlot be platted as part of Lot 1, Block 1. (As part of the PUD flexibility, the Subdivision Ordinance's requirement of 1350' block length may be waived.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District has submitted an application for Development Stage Plauned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final plat for the construction of a 60,000 square foot clinic addition. The proposed project also includes the construction of a parking lot and construction of a parking garage. The subject site is located at 1013 Hart Boulevard and is zoned PZM, Performance Zone Mixed Use. The total site is 15.59 acres in area. ANALYSIS The proposed expansion consists of a 60,000 square foot, two-story clinic building (30,000 sf per floor). The applicant is also proposing to construct a maintenance garage and parking lot. Construction of the proposed facilities requires the demolition of an existing garage and dental clinic. As part of the PUD application, the applicant is requesting a variance from the parking stall size requirement and a variance from the required number of parking stalls. The proposed clinic expansion is Phase I of a two-phase project. The timing of Phase II has not been determined at this time. The second phase will consist of further expansion of the campus including potential for an additional medical office building and a two-story parking ramp. All future construction is anticipated to the west. . City Council Agenda- OS/29/2007 Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Performance requirements for the R-3 District are typically applied to the PZM District. The area surrounding the hospital is residential in nature, and therefore the R-3 requirements are appropriate. The following table demonstrates the performance requirements for the R-3 District, as well as what is proposed for the site. As some variation exists, the minimum proposed setback has been provided. R-3 Standard Requirements Proposed Phase 1 Lot Area 12,000 square feet 678,944 square feet Front Setback 30 feet -195 feet-clinic -270 feet- garage Side Setback 20 feet 10 feet- clinic 40 feet- l!aral!e Rear Setback 30 feet 30 feet- clinic 31 feet- garage The proposed clinic and garage structures are generally consistent with required setbacks. However, the proposed garage does not meet the rear yard setback requirement. Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility to the required rear yard setback, and as such, this two-foot deviation may be accommodated. Parking. The applicant is proposing to construct 269 parking stalls, in addition to the 119 stalls that will remain on site. Therefore, the total number of parking stalls proposed is 434. The hospital also has a joint parking arrangement in place with the School District to utilize 50 parking stalls in the school parking lot during the day. The hospital also shares parking stalls with the Mississippi Shores Senior Housing site. The parking requirement for office buildings, animal hospitals, and professional offices is three spaces plus one space for each 200 square feet of floor area. There is no parking requirement specifically relating to clinics, and staff believes the office parking requirement fits the use most appropriately. For purposes of determining the gross floor area of the building, 10% of the building is presumed to be reserved for hallways, utilities, and restrooms. In that regard, the parking requirement for the clinic use is 273 spaces, calculated as follows: (60,000*90%)/200=270 270+3=273 The applicant has provided 269 of the 273 required parking stalls, four short of the minimum requirement. However, the total site contains a great deal of parking, with 434 stalls. This slight deviation from the parking requirement may be accommodated through PUD, as the overall site appears to have adequate parking. In addition to the large parking lot proposed in the western portion of the site, the applicant is proposing seven parallel parking stalls on the back side of the clinic building, off River Street. These parking stalls rely on a drive aisle located within the City right-of-way. A right-of-way vacation has been requested accordingly. As part of the PUD application, the applicant is requesting that three parking stalls be a minimum of 18'x9', as opposed to the 20'x9' requirement. Parking stalls ofthis size were deerned appropriate as City Council Agenda- OS/29/2007 part ofthe concept plan review in February of 2005. Staff does not believe the proposed parking stall size will have a negative impact, and may be accommodated. Vacations. The applicant is requesting vacation of Dayton Street, vacation of the west portion of Hart Boulevard, vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and vacation of a portion of East River Street. The City is not willing to vacate the right-of-way along East River Street at this time. As such, the applicant shall be required to sign a license agreement holding the City harmless against any liabilities associated with the proposed drive aisle constructed within the City's right-of-way. The City shall also require drainage and utility easements over all vacated Hart Boulevard right-of- way areas. As part of the final plat, new drainage and utility easements will be required per the City Engineer's recommendations. All street vacations shall require a separate public hearing at the City Council level. Approval of these vacations will be required as a condition of approval. The applicant is also proposing to purchase two city-owned parcels in front of Hart Boulevard. Access. The applicant is proposing access to the site in four locations. An existing access is located to the east of the expansion site, off East Broadway Street. This access will remain, providing a connection to the expanded parking lot. The applicant is proposing an additional access off East Broadway Street on the west side of the site, within the Dayton Street right-of-way. As stated above, the applicant is requesting vacation of Dayton Street. Two access points are also proposed off East River Street. The applicant is proposing a curb cut on the west side of the site to provide access to the maintenance garage. This curb cut is proposed to be the 30 feet in width. The ordinance limits curb cuts to a maximum of 24 feet. However, curb cuts in industrial and commercial districts may be allowed to exceed 24 feet, with the approval of the City Engineer. While the site is zoned PZM, the use is commercial in nature. The City Engineer has not expressed any concern with the proposed curb cut, and therefore it may be accommodated via PUD. A second access is proposed off East River Street on the east side of the site, to the north of the clinic building. This access contains two curb cuts, both 20 feet in width, to provide access to seven parallel parking stalls. The applicant is requesting vacation of East River Street to accommodate a drive aisle for these parking stalls within the City right-of-way. As stated above, the City is not willing to vacate the right-of-way, and the applicant shall be required to enter into a license agreement with the City for use of the right-of-way. All internal drive lanes within the parking lot are proposed at a minimum width of24 feet, wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic. Pedestrian Access. Pedestrian access through the site will be accommodated by a series of sidewalks, including a crossing from East Broadway Street to the north side of the site, connecting to East River Street. The City asked the applicant to provide this crossing in the proposed location to break up the block length, as no access is available to East River Street with the vacation of Dayton Street. Staff recommends that the applicant utilize an alternate paving material in the location of this crossing to properly delineate it from the parking lot. The proposed crossing is intended to provide access to Ellison Park. The applicant is proposing stairs on the north side of the site, between the parking lot and East River Street. Due to the grade ofthis area, staff also recommends that the applicant construct a handicap accessible pedestrian ramp with landings in the green space between the parking lot and East River Street. The stairs and ramp and intended to provide a connection a city-wide trail system, as well as maintain a connection to the river. As the hospital has expressed a desire to continue campus expansion to the west, staff believes that maintaining a public connection to the river in this area is essential. City Council Agenda- OS/29/2007 Landscaping. For institutional sites a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 3,150 feet of site perimeter, requiring 63 overstory trees, as opposed to the 60 required under the square footage standard. The applicant has proposed 63 overstory trees, primarily around the site perimeter and within parking lot islands, satisfying the minimum requirement. To avoid the undesirable monotony, heat, and wind associated with large parking lots such as the one provided, said lots shall require a minimum of one intemallandscaped island for each additional 5,000 square feet of off-street parking space after the first 5,000 square feet. The proposed parking lot is 78,120 square feet in area, requiring 15 landscaped islands. A total of 15 landscaped islands have been provided, nine of which contain rock mulch and no plantings. In addition to the traditional landscaping requirement, the City also has a buffer yard requirement for situations where incompatible uses abut one another. In this case, the low density residential use next to a hospital use is considered a moderate intensity conflict. The buffer yard requirements for this type of conflict are a 30 foot minimum building setback, a 20 foot minimum landscaped yard, and 80 plant units required for each 100 feet of property line. The applicant is only responsible for one half of the required buffer yard. On the west side of clinic building, the applicant is proposing 61 plant units. While the minimum buffer yard requirement has been met, staff recommends that the applicant extend the proposed shrub plantings further north, to screen the para\1el parking s18\1s from the adjacent residential property. On the west side of the maintenance garage, the applicant is proposing 150 plant units. The applicant is proposing 85 plant units on the west side of the parking lot, adjacent to the neighboring commercial use. On the east side of the pedestrian crossing, the applicant is proposing 30 plant units. The buffer yard requirement is not met in this location. However, the location of the stairway, in addition to the location of a retaining wa\1 on the east side, prevents the applicant from installing further landscaping in this area. In addition to the 30 shrub units proposed, the applicant is proposing a variety of perennials. While they do not count toward the buffer yard requirement, the proposed perennials will help to intensify the landscaping in this area. Additional plantings are proposed on the west side of the staircase. Staff recommends that, with the construction of the pedestrian ramp required above, the number of total plant units for the site not be decreased. Signage. No sign plan has been submitted as part of the application. The applicant has stated that they are unsure of their signage needs at this time, and this information wi\1 be submitted at a later date. Any signage proposed for the site in the future wi\1 be processed as a separate application and requires an amendment to the PUD. Building Design. The applicant has submitted color elevations for the clinic and maintenance garage. The proposed clinic building is a two-story building constructed primarily of brick, with a stone column and a great deal oftinted insulated glass at the entries on the north and west sides. The materials of the trash enclosure wi\1 match those of the principal structure. The building is proposed to be two stories. Up to two and half stories is permitted in the PZM District. City Council Agenda- OS/29/2007 The proposed maintenance garage is a five-stall garage with five separate doors facing River Street. The garage will contain brown lap siding with cedar shingle accents and asphalt shingles. The proposed garage is 3,036 square feet in area and will be built into the slope on the north side of the property. Lighting. The proposed lighting plan includes a total of 14 luminaries throughout the site, including 11 back-to-back luminaries and three single luminaries. The light fixtures are primarily located throughout the parking lot. No readings in excess of one footcandle are proposed to spill over onto the adjacent rights-of-way or residential properties. The applicant has indicated that wall pack lighting may be used on the north side of the clinic building and the maintenance garage. Any wall lighting shall be required to contain full cutoff fixtures. Staff recommends that the applicant provide additional pedestrian oriented lighting along the stairway and pedestrian crossing. Any additional lighting in this area shall be directed onto the stairway in a manner that does not spill over onto adjacent residential properties or the River Street right-of-way. Final Plat. The applicant has also requested approval of a Final Plat, which encompasses all of the Hospital District property. The requested Final Plat approval shall be contingent on the following items: . The applicant shall submit a revised plat illustrating all required easements for drainage, utilities and trails. . Final Plat shall be revised to eliminate Outlot A. The City will take the pathway as a trail easement and the hospital will own and maintain the land. The City will address liability issues via development agreement. . Final Plat will be approved contingent on execution of development agreement and submission of required securities. . The applicant shall be required to provide final revised record preliminary plat and PUD drawings meeting all conditions of approval. . No building permit for the clinic will be released until the final plat has been revised and approved, the development agreement signed and deposits received, and building permit plans have been approved. However, grading, utilities and demolition may proceed in advance of building permit, with appropriate submittals. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer has reviewed the grading, drainage, and erosion control plan, and has the following recommendations: . Revise sidewalk shown in rain garden detail so top of walk is flush with top of ribbon curb and adjacent ground behind walk. . Identify the EOF elevation and overflow from the proposed rain garden. . The lone catch basin at the east end of E. River Street is very close to an existing driveway. Identify the low point of the area of East River Street as well as the overflow point and elevation at which street runoff overflows toward the infiltration pond. . The infiltration pond will need a vehicle maintenance access route to both inlets and the outlet structure. Utilities. The City Engineer has reviewed the Utility Plan and has the following recommendations: City Council Agenda- OS/29/2007 . Consider connecting proposed 6" sanitary sewer from proposed garage to new manhole over existing Dayton Street sanitary sewer to avoid disturbing East River Street pavement section. . Review and revise all existing utility sizes and material types as necessary per as-built drawing. Sanitary sewer size and material type along East River Street is labeled incorrectly, watermain is not labeled at all, and alignment of storm sewer from existing pond to river is shown incorrectly. . Consider including utility profiles in plans where potential conflicts with other utilities may occur rather than calling them out with octagon symbol and general note. . Remove existing dental clinic services back to the trunk line (water and sanitary sewer). . More detail is needed regarding the design of the proposed 21" storm sewer outlet pipe from the infiltration pond to the outlet control structure. Is an apron (with trash guard?) to be constructed? . Provide piling for 24" flared end section at infiltration pond per City Plate 4004. . The proposed outlet control structure does not provide skimming in its current configuration. The inlet pipe to the structure shall be placed I foot above the bottom of the pond and the invert in the structure needs to be a minimum of 0.5 feet above the highest opening of the outlet pipe. The City recognizes that the proposed storm sewer is private. As such, an easement will be provided for the storm sewer where it crosses into East River Street. The City engineer has made additional recommendations regarding the site plan, existing conditions, preliminary plat, and the demolition plan, as outlined in the engineer's memo dated April 20, 2007. The applicant shall be required to comply with all recommendations set forth in this memo. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD. Regarding the request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final Plat approval for a clinic expansion, parking lot, and maintenance garage for the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final Plat, based on a finding that the proposed uses are consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the PZM District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final Plat approval, based on a finding that the proposed uses are not consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the PZM District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Regarding the requested approvals for Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat, staff recommends approval. Flexibility to the rear yard setback requirement, required number of parking stalls, and minimum parking stall size can all be accommodated through Planned Unit Development. City Council Agenda- OS/29/2007 The applicant has worked with City Staff to provide pedestrian access to Ellison Park, provide an acceptable maintenance garage design, and create a functional site design. The proposed project, identified as Phase I of the overall hospital expansion project, is consistent with the existing PUD, and generally consistent with the requirements of the PZM/R-3 District. In that regard, staff recommends approval ofPUD and Preliminary Plat subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. All conditions of approval must be satisfied prior to Final Plat approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: ExhibitJ: Exhibit K: Exhibit L: Exhibit M: Exhibit N: Exhibit Z: Existing Conditions Demolition Plan Site Plan Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Utility Plan Preliminary Plat Electrical Site Plan Landscape Plan Elevations City Engineer's memo dated May 21, 2007 Memo from WSB dated April 23, 2007 Proof of parking arrangement with the Monticello School District Letter Regarding Drainage and Utility Easements Letter Regarding Comprehensive Planning and Expansion Conditions of Approval o ~ . In W "": :z i a::: .. ~ ) '4 '4 '4 ~ ~ "'l ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ) : ~ .. ) Z .. !~ !~ii~~ ~I~~ a;g~i ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ a ~~ i~~~~~ i~~~i~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ i~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~i ~~i~;i~~ ~~!!I~~i~I~li~ ii I ~i=; ~~ ~ ~ _, ~~<~ 8< c~ ~~ ~~a < g ~ g ~~ i <'~."8 .<~~~ d.~ ~~ >. ~ Z ~~ ~O~ UO~~ ~Q~ oC o~ ~2 ~ ! 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" U ~~ ,~~~ , ! ~ ~~~ ~~ ~;~~ ,J::F'~H~~ ,..~ ~~~ ! ~~i , ~!~~t 11 H: ~~~~j~ ~~~ :5~ 1 ;:~~~ , ~ \;.'( '1,,10, +- ::r illl ] :,~,~;;'~. "- IY'''' ,,' ..y - Y. ''t__y.y./ May21,2007 MONTICELLO Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: Monticello Community Hospital Building Addition Plan Review Comments City Planning Project No. 2007-011 Dear Ms Holien: On May 15, 2007 the City of Monticello received POD re-submittal plans for the Monticello Community Hospital Building Addition. Upon receiving these plans the Engineering and Public Works Departments reviewed them for confonnance to Our previously submitted comments and as such respectfully offer the following comments: Plan Sheet CO. I 1. Review and revise incorrect street names on Area Location Map in upper left comer. Plan Sheet C1.1 I. As previously stated, the City is not willing to vacate the right-Of-way along East River Street in front of the proposed MOB. As such, the Hospital will be required to sign a license agreement holding the City harmless against any liabilities associated with the proposed drive aisle constructed within our right-of-way. 2. The City will require drainage and utility eaSements to be provided over all vacated Hart Boulevard right-Of-way areas. Plan Sheet CI.2 1. Remove all water and sanitary sewer services back to the main. The hospital will be responsible for maintaining any abandoned service lines left in place. Plan Sheet C2.1 1. Review need to modif'y or remove existing retaining wall along East Broadway Street near west end of site. 2. The City recommends constructing an ADA accessible pedestrian ramp with landings, in addition to the stairs, in the green space between the parking lot and East River Street. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello. MN 55362-8831. (763) 295-271] . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd" Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 27]-3272 Kimberly Holien April 20, 2007 Page 2 of2 Plan Sheet C3.1 1. The'pond itatf:wfir' . 'Si,tc4~t~~~ fapel fcirea4!iQND , 2. Revise sidewalk in Rain Garden detail so top of walk is flush with ground, Plan Sheet C4.1 I. Consider connecting proposed 6" sanitll!y sewer from proposed garage to new manhole over existing Dayton Street sanitll!y sewer to avoid disturbing East River Street pavement section, 2. Revise Outlet Control Structure detail to include FES and trash guard on end of proposed 21" storm sewer outlet pipe from infiltration basin to OCS. Plan Sheet C4.3 1. Add note to FES #1 to install piling per City Detail Plate 4004. Plan Sheet C7.1. C7.2 and C7.3 I. Replace appropriate details with City Standard Detail Plates provided via e-mail 5-18-07. See additional comments from the City's Engineering Consultant, WSB and Associates. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding any of the comments above. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates, Inc, Phil Elkin, WSB and Associates, Inc. --- A WSB & AssOCiales, Inc. !;'(.\-, \, \ \- \<.. Infrastructure. Engineering. Planning. Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763541-4800 Fax: 763541.1700 April 23, 2007 Ms. Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55442 Re: Monticello Big Lake Hospital Addition Plan Review Comments City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2007-011 WSB Project No. 1627-72 Dear Ms. Holien: We have reviewed the plans for the revised plans for above-referenced project dated April 9, 2007 and offer the following comments: C3.1 - Gradin!!. Draina!!e. and Erosion Control Plan I. Identify the EOF elevation and overflow from the proposed rain garden. 2. The lone catch basin at the east end ofE. River Street is very close to an existing driveway. Identity the low point of the area of East River Street as well as the overflow point and elevation at which street runoff overflows toward the infiltration pond. /-:. L4"gelu~1Pla"",,'K File.1200J.,2oor O[OMfNllifJm;pll',-ellmi,Ul'." I'larlLl'R_J> 1/<lliell-042J07-/lwp,ia/Hel'if"'Joc 3. The infiltration pond will need a vehicle maintenance access route to both inlets and the outlet structure. C4.1- Utility Plan I. The proposed outlet control structure does not provide skimming in it's current configuration. The inlet pipe to the structure shall be placed I foot above the bottom of the pond and the invert in the structure needs to be a minimum of 0.5 feet above the highest opening of the outlet pipe. Please contact me at 763-287-7162 if you have any questions. Sincerely, WSB & ASSOciates, Inc. - - [';(.\",b\-\ L II MONTICELLO PUBUC SCHOOLS Independent School District No. 882 302 washington $treat Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Ta1ephomo (763) 271~ FaX(763} 271-0309 Barb Schweintek Monticello - Big Lake Hospital 1013 Hart Blvd. Monticello,MN 55362 Barb, This letter is in regard to the standing oral agreement between the School District and the Hospital on parking issues. Both organizations are in agreement that we would like to continue the Current ammgement as both prganizations benefit. The current lltTangement can be summarized as "The Hospital may use the east end of the Monticello Middle School parking lot along Broadway for parking of employees and visitors. The Monticello School District may use the west end M the Monticello-Big Lake HpSpital along Broadway for parking specifically during large events at the Middle School when the Middle School parking lots are full." This agreement will remain in effect nntil either party chooses to tenninate the agreement for any reason. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. dJ:- Superintendent -- May. 14. 2007 3: 74PM No.3136 P.2 't;.'t ,-" b I -\- fY\ May 14, 2007 Ms. Barl> Schwicntok Monticello-Big Lake Hospital 1013 Hart Boulevard Monticello,:MN 55362 Re: Vaclltion of easements Dear Ms. Schwiemek: As part of the platting for the hospita11and, the MontioeJlo--Big Lake Hospital hss requested VIIClItion of all easements within the existing hospital plat. The City is reluctant to vacate the easements in their entkety without a signed statement by the appropriate hospital officers that all e(U~t.f fill requlMt by tile city IbaU be incltuled in tbeflnal plilt. In order to coD.'ddar the eusemcnt VllClltion at the May 29$ Councilmeet.iog, the legal notice must get into the paper today to meet publication requiremcms. Your engineer has indicated that to 1lu:ilitate the legal notice, it would be essier to pJ'ep8(ll R legal deserlption vacating all easements than try to draft sometbins that deserlbe only the portions of the various esse.roents that lIJ'C being vooated. The City would be willing to proceed with that only if the City has a signed statement saying that all Cll8CDlenls required by the city will be included in the fmal plat. If the hospital is willing to COIlllllit to this. please have the approprla.te officials sign the statement below and return it to the City. Yours truly, ~~ llmce Westby City Engineer The MonticeJIo--Big Lake Hospital District hereby agrees that the final plat of the MonticeIlo Hospital District shall contern sll easements lIS required by the City ofMonticeIlo. Monticello-Big Lake HOspital District: By:,#p.Iv@"w,'.~ at!!,p .,;'--/V--"., ~MonticelIo- 'V</ Big Lake HOSPITAL bx,,,",.6..J.. rv April 16, 2007 Jeff O'Neal Monticello City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Jeff, Doug Schneider gave a report to the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital Board of Directors on the Monticello comprehensive planning process. He stated that his major concern is that the land East of Washington Street and on Highway 75 is being zoned for residential only. No business or service will be allowed in this area. The Hospital District is about ready to begin a major construction process for a new clinic building and related parking needs. This would not have been possible if we had not acquired the property west of the hospital over the past few years. For the future we can see further needs for additional buildings for other medical services. Physicians and other healthcare providers like to be close to the hospital. We recognize that a parking ramp will be needed in the future. The Board of Directors is asking the planning committee and the City Council to recognize these future needs and allow medical services to continue to be developed along Highway 75. 10/3 Hart Boulevard' Monticello. MN 55362 Phone (763) 295-2945 . Fax (763) 295-4593 . WWW.mblch.com We do have a master plan of the campus that we can share with you. Please share this concern with the members of the comprehensive planning process and the city council. . Sincerely, - #~~ Barbara Schwientek, CEO --- City Council Agenda- OS/2912007 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval Monticello- Big Lake Hospital District 1. In lieu of vacating River Street, the City shall require that the applicant sign a license agreement holding the City harmless against any liabilities associated with the proposed drive aisle constructed within the City's right-of-way. 2. Drainage and utility easements shall be placed over portions of vacated Hart Boulevard right- of-way areas and other areas of the new plat, as specified by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. 3. An alternate paving material shall be used through the parking lot to delineate the pedestrian crossing. (Satisfied per revised plans.) 4. The applicant shall construct a handicap accessible pedestrian ramp with landings in addition to the proposed stairway in the green space between the parking lot and East River Street. 5. A drainage and utility easement and a trail easement shall be required over the pedestrian crossing. 6. Outlot A shall be removed from the plat and the land within Outlot A shall be platted as part of Lot 1, Block 1. 7. The applicant shall provide additional shrubs on the west side of the clinic building to screen the parallel parking stalls from the acijacent residential use. (Satisfied per revised plans.) 8. The total number of plant units on the site shall not be decreased with the construction of the requested pedestrian ramp. 9. Additional lighting shall be required adjacent to the proposed pedestrian crossing. Said lighting shall not spill over onto adjacent residential properties or the River Street right-of- way. (Satisfied per revised plans.) 10. Any wall pack lighting shall be full cutoff lighting. 11. Any signage proposed for the site in the future shall require a separate application and an amendment to the PUD. 12. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of engineering staff, as outlined in the memo from Bruce Westby dated April 20, 2007 and the memo from WSB dated April 23, 2007. 13. A hold harmless agreement shall be required for all utilities on the west side against the proposed building. 14. No building permit will be issued for the site until the final plat and development agreement are executed. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 9. Review of 2006 audit report - Larson Allen (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Doug Host of Larson Allen, the City's auditing finn, will be present to provide an overview of the financial condition of the City at Monday night's meeting. The City staff and auditor have been working hard to meet the schedule of completing the audit report earlier than in past years, which nonnally has not been available until the end of June. Overall, I believe the audit report will again show the year end financial condition to be in good shape for the City. The net assets of the entire City continue to grow as a result of many capital improvement projects that are added to our overall assets. In 2006, the City actually spent more than it took in revenue, but this was primarily due to capital project expenditures that were being completed, such as the 1-94 Interchange Project. The City is required to submit a copy of our annual financial audit to the State Auditor's Office by July I, 2007. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept the 2006 audit report has presented and authorize submittal of a copy to the State Auditor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After presentation of the audit report by Larson Allen representative, Doug Host, it is recommended that the Council accept the report and submit a copy to the State Auditor in compliance with the deadline. D. SUPPORTING DATA: --- 2006 Audit Report LarsenAlleno LLP ePAs, Consultants & Advisors www.larsonaJlen.com . Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ' City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of the City of Monticello as of and for the year ended December 31,2006, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, we considered the City of Monticello's internal control over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the City's internal control. . Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the preceding paragraph and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. In addition, because of inherent limitations in internal control, including the possibility of management override of controls, misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected by such controls. However, as discussed below, we identified certain deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal Course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or a combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the entity's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the entity's financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by the entity's internal control. A material weakness is a significant deficiency, ora combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented or detected by the entity's internal control. . Materia' Weaknesses Audit Adjustments and Trial Balance Preparation As part of the audit, we proposed account reclassification entries relating to the coding of revenues and expenses, transfers, and investment allocations. We also proposed entries to record certain year-end accruals. These entries indicate some lack of controls over the year-end close-out process and the financial reporting process. We also noted that the City did not close the general ledger system prior to commencement of final fieldwork and the City was still preparing adjusting entries to its accounts during fieldwork. We recommend that, to be relevant for City decision-making and preparation for the annual year-end audit, the trial balance should be closed prior to the start of fieldwork and that all adjusting entries that the City wants posted to the general ledger should be completed and posted prior to commencement of fieldwork. . ft'm INTERNATIONAL La"onAlle" UP i" memb" ofN<xi, Intem"io"~. , wntldwide ne<Wo,k of independent ",cOunting 'nd mn,ulting fi'm" - I Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Monticello Page 2 of 4 . Material Weaknesses (Continued) Internal Control over the Financial Reporting Process Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls and for the fair presentation in the financial statements of financial position, results of operations, and cash flows, including the notes to financial statements, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. At times, management may choose to outsource certain accounting functions due to cost or training considerations. Such outsourcing of accounting functions must be governed by the control policies and procedures of the City. Management is as responsible for outsourced functions as it is for its own. As part of the audit, management requested us to prepare a draft of the financial statements, including the related notes to financial statements. Management reviewed, approved, and accepted responsibility for those financial statements prior to their issuance. The existence of significant deficiencies or material weaknesses may already be known to management and may represent a conscious decision by management or those charged with governance to accept that degree of risk because of cost or other considerations. Management is responsible for making decisions concerning costs and the related benefits. We are responsible to communicate significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in accordance with professional standards regardless of management's decisions. . We recommend that management be aware of the responsibilities regarding financial reporting and continue to evaluate the cost/benefits of outsourcing this function. If management chooses to undertake these financial reporting responsibilities, a number of policies, procedures, and reviews will need to be developed and implemented. Control Deficiencies Segregation of Duties - Community Center Due to the limited number of personnel within the Community Center, segregation of the accounting functions necessary to ensure ideal internal accounting control is not in place. Specifically, one employee reconciles daily collections, delivers collections to the finance department for deposit in the bank, codes expenditures, and approves disbursements. This is not unusual in operations the size of the City of Monticello and management should constantly be aware of these conditions and be aware that the concentration of duties and responsibilities in one or a few individuals is not desirable from an accounting point of view. We recommend City management be aware of this lack of segregation of duties and reassign applicable accounting functions in order to improve the internal controls. If City management determines it is not cost beneficial to further segregate the duties, we recommend City management provide periOdic oversight/review procedures to ensure the internal control policies and procedures are being implemented by City staff. . Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Monticello Page 3 of 4 . Control Deficiencies (Continued) Computer System Controls Computer system controls are essential in providing accurate and sound financial reporting information for the City and minimizing the City's susceptibility to fraudulent activity. We noted certain areas where the City can improve its computer controls including, but not limited to, disaster recovery, password security, and access security. We recommend the City review all of their computer controls, including but not limited to: conducting a review of the current disaster recovery plan and revising as necessary, creating controls to dictate the timely change of passwords and criteria governing the content of password to ensure maximum effectiveness, and creating a maximum time allowance in the activation of screen savers at inactive terminals. . Other Items for Consideration (Leqal Compliance) Employee Reimbursements Our audit included an extensive review of disbursements, including employee reimbursements and the procedures followed to approve those reimbursements. All reimbursements to individuals should only include expenses that will serve as a benefit to the community, and at the same time, be directly related to the functions of government. During our review of these disbursements, a reimbursement of an immaterial amount was discovered that did not meet the required guidelines of public purpose. We recommend that the City review its policies and procedures regarding expense reimbursements and implement controi procedures to ensure compliance with state statutes and city policies. Previous Year's Findinqs - Resolved Perfected Interest in Pledged Collateral In the prior year, we were not presented with documentation that the City had a perfected security interest in pledged collateral pledged from two of its banks. Resolution No similar issues were noted for the 2006 audit. Brokers' Certification The City did not obtain a broker certification form before completing transactions with one of its brokers. Resolution All broker certification forms have been obtained. . . . Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Monticello Page 4 of 4 . Previous Year's Findinqs - Resolved (Continued) Investment Collateral The City did not have sufficient collateral coverage on its negotiable certificates of deposit. Resolution No similar issues noted. This report is intended solely for the information and use of City Council, management, and others within the administration and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. ~llfJ St. Cloud, Minnesota May 9, 2007 LarsonAllen LLP 1. Consideration of adoptin!! a new ordinance establishinl! Rental Housin!! Licensin!! Provisions 2. Consideration of adoptin!! a new ordinance adoptin!! the International Property Maintenance Code with amendments 3. Consideration of amendin!! the 2007 fee schedule to include fees for licensin!! of rental housin!! properties pursuant to city code Title 3 Chapter 16 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On February 26, 2007 City Council met with Staff for a workshop to discuss the rough draft of a new ordinance requiring licensing of rental properties and providing a standard of property maintenance. On April 10, 2007 Staff held an open house for the rental property owners, city council members and city staff to provide an open forum to discuss comments, address concerns and answer questions regarding the proposed rental licensing ordinance and the property maintenance code. City Council is asked to consider adoptiog an ordinance (Title 3, Chapter 16) "Rental Housing Licensing Provisions". This purpose of this new ordinance is to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the community at large, the residents of rental dwellings in the City of Monticello and to ensure that rental housing is operated and maintained in a manner consistent with important community standards. This ordinance provides for inspections of licensed properties and creates a standard of conduct on licensed premises. This will also allow staff to track the rental properties in the city to ensure the most updated contact information for property owners. City Council is asked to consider adopting an ordinance (Title 4, Chapter 4) to adopt the 2006 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) by reference along with the amendments prepared by staff. This ordinance will provide an up- to-date property maintenance code governing the maintenance of existing buildings throughout the City of Monticello. . Here are some examples of what the code covers; :>> Exterior property areas (condition ofyardlpremises) :>> Exterior structure (condition of building exterior) :>> Interior structure (structural, cleanliness, stairs/walkways, handrails/guards, etc.) :>> Rubbish and garbage, accumulation and disposal of :>> Extermination of rodents and insects :>> Light and ventilation of habitable spaces :>> Occupancy limitations :>> Plumbing facilities and fixture requirements :>> Mechanical and electrical requirements (heating facilities and other mechanical equipment, electrical service and electrical equipment) );> Fire safety requirements (means of egress, smoke alarms, etc.) In addition City Council is asked to also consider an amendment to the 2007 fee schedule establish fees for the licensing and inspections of the rental licensing provisions. Fees would be established as follows; Rental licensing fees: $60.00 per structure $15.00 per dwelling unit Rental license transfer fee: $45.00 per structure Inspection fees: the initial licensing inspection and one follow up inspection are included with the licensing fee. If the items listed on the compliance order are not corrected at the re-inspection, any additional inspections will be charged at the current Building Department inspection rate of $50.00 per hour, charged in quarter hour increments, with a one hour minimum charge B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the adoption of city ordinance Title 4, Chapter 4 "Adoption of the International Property Maintenance Code" and approve adoption of ordinance Title 3, Chapter 16 "Rental Housing Licensing Provisions" with an amendment to the 2007 fee schedule (as stated above) establishing fees for the licensing and inspection of rental properties pursuant to city code Title 3 Chapter 16. Motion based on the finding that adoption of the ordinances will provide standards for conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use. 2. Motion to approve the adoption of city ordinance Title 4, Chapter 4 "Adoption of the International Property Maintenance Code" and motion to table ordinance Title 3, Chapter 16 "Rental Housing Licensing Provisions" with amendment to the 2007 fee schedule (as stated above). 3. Motion to deny adoption of ordinance Title 4, Chapter 4 "Adoption of the International Property Maintenance Code" and deny adoption of ordinance Title 3, Chapter 16 "Rental Housing Licensing Provisions" with an amendment to the 2007 fee schedule. 4. Motion to Table the issue. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of proposed City Ordinance Title 3, Chapter 16 Copy of proposed City Ordinance adopting the International Property Maintenance Code with amendments, Title 4, Chapter 4 Copy of sample inspection checklist. Copy oflicense fee examples - License fee examples Type of Structure Fee per Fee per unit Total Fee structure Single Family Home $60.00 $15.00 $75.00 Detached Single Family Home $60.00 $15.00 per unit $90.00 Attached Example (duplex) 15 unit Apartment $60.00 $15.00 per unit $285.00 building Example (15 unit apt. ) These fees cover the initial license and two inspections. The first inspection will inform them of any corrections needed. If corrections are needed a follow up inspection will then be completed and that would be done under the initial fee. If items are not corrected at the first re-inspection, all addition inspections will be charged at the current building department inspection rate of $50.00 per hour, billed in quarter hour increments, with a one hour minimum. -.. ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE WITH AMENDMENTS AND ESTABLISHING A RENTAL HOUSING LICENSE PROGRAM, AMENDING TITLE 3 OF THE CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 16 AND TITLE 4 BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 4 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Title 3 of the Code ofthe City of Monticello is amended by adding the following Chapter 16. 3-16-1 3-16-2 3-16-3 3-16-4 3-16-5 3-16-6 3-16-7 3-16-8 3-16-9 3-16-10 3-16-11 3-16-1: CHAPTER 16 RENTAL HOUSING LICENSE PROVISIONS PURPOSE APPLICABILITY; SCOPE DEFINITIONS ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNER (LANDLORD) GENERAL LICENSING PROVISIONS INSPECTIONS CONDUCT ON LICENSED PREMISES CONDITION OF LICENSED PREMISES HEARING PROCEDURE MISDEMEANOR PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this Chapter to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the community at large and the residents of rental dwellings in the City of Monticello and to ensure that rental housing in the city is decent, safe and sanitary and is so operated and maintained as not to become a nuisance to the neighborhood or to become an influence that fosters blight and deterioration or creates a disincentive to reinvestment in the community. The operation of rental residential properties is a business enterprise that entails certain responsibilities. Owners and operators are responsible to take such reasonable steps as are necessary to ensure that the citizens of the city who occupy such units may pursue the quiet enjoyment of the normal activities oflife 130189 1 in surroundings that are: safe, secure and sanitary; free from noise, nuisances or annoyances; and free from unreasonable fears about safety of persons and security of property. 3-16-2: APPLICABILITY; SCOPE. This Chapter applies to all existing and new rental dwellings in the City, including any accessory structures on the premises upon which the rental dwelling is located, such as garages and storage buildings and appurtenances, such as sidewalks and retaining walls. This Chapter does not apply to Minnesota Department of Health licensed rest homes; convalescent care facilities; nursing homes; hotels; motels; or owner-occupied units. 3-16-3: DEFINITIONS. "Chief Building Officiaf' means the Chief Building Official or designated agent. "City" means the City of Monticello. "City Administrator" means the City Administrator or the City Administrator's designated agent. "International Property Maintenance Code" means the International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 Edition as published by the International Code Council. "Multiple Family Dwelling" means a rental dwelling containing three (3) or more units. "Occupant" means any person living or sleeping in a rental dwelling unit, or having possession of a space within a rental dwelling unit. "Owner" means, with respect to all matters involving the making of applications and the giving of notices, the individuals or entities holding legal and equitable title to the premises. "Premises" means a lot, plot, or parcel ofland including the building or structures thereon. "Rental Dwelling" means a building or premises, or portion thereof, containing one or more units used or intended to be used for residential rental purposes. "Unit" means a single unit within a rental dwelling providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. 3-16-4: ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The City's Chief Building Official is authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of this Chapter. The Chief Building Official may designate other City Employees to enforce the provisions of this Chapter. 2 130189 3-16-5: 3-16-6: 130189 RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNER (LANDLORD). (A) OWNER RESPONSIBILITY. Every owner of a rental dwelling is responsible for violations of duties and obligations imposed by this Chapter, applicable provisions ofthe City Code and the International Property Maintenance Code. (B) CLEANLINESS. Every owner of a rental dwelling is responsible for keeping the rental dwelling in a clean, sanitary and safe condition in conformance with this Chapter, applicable provisions of the City Code and the International Property Maintenance Code. (C) DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH. Every owner of a rental dwelling shall have all rubbish, garbage and waste stored and disposed of in a clean, sanitary and safe manner. (D) OBTAIN LICENSE: The owner must obtain a license and pay all license fees as required by this Chapter before the rental dwelling may be rented. GENERAL LICENSING PROVISIONS. (A) LICENSE REQUIRED. It is unlawful to own or operate a rental dwelling in the City without first having obtained a license from the City. An owner must obtain a license for each rental dwelling. If the rental dwelling contains two or more units, and has a common owner and a common property identification number, the owner shall obtain a single license for the rental dwelling. (B) LICENSE APPLICATION. The owner ofa rental dwelling must submit an application for a license on forms and in the format provided by the City. The owner must give notice, in writing, to the City within five (5) business days of any changes to the information contained in the license application. The application must include: 1. the owner's name, address, and telephone number, owning partners if a partnership, corporate officers if a corporation; 2. legal address of the rental dwelling; 3. the type and number ofunits within the rental dwelling; and 4. the type of structure to be licensed (i.e., single-family, duplex, Multi-Family). (C) LICENSE FEES. The owner must pay an annual license fee, the amount of which will be determined by the City Council. The owner must submit 3 the required fee along with the application for a new or renewal license. Applications for a renewal license submitted after December 31 are subject to an additional late fee, which shall be determined from time to time by the City Council. (D) LICENSE PERIOD. The initial license period begins upon issuance by the city and ends on March 14th, 2009. Thereafter, the license period is for one year and runs from March 15th to March 14th. The license must be renewed annually. All rental dwellings existing as of the effective date of this Ordinance shall apply for the initial license by August I, 2007. (E) LICENSE ISSUANCE. I. Preliminary Inspection and Investigation. Prior to issuing an initial license, the Chief Building Official will inspect the rental dwelling to determine compliance with this Chapter, the City Code and the International Property Maintenance Code. The Chief Building Official will review the application for completeness. All real estate taxes and municipal utilities must be paid and current. 2. Compliance Order. As to any rental dwelling existing as of the effective date of this Ordinance, if the rental dwelling is not in full compliance with paragraph (1), the City may issue the initial license and provide the owner with a compliance order pursuant to Section 3-16-9. (F) POSTING OF LICENSE. The owner shall post a copy of the license in the rental dwelling in a conspicuous place approved by the Building Official. In multiple dwelling units requiring a single license, the license shall be posted in a common area ofthe building such as a corridor, hallway or lobby. The posted license shall be framed and covered with clear glass or plastic. (G) TRANSFER OF LICENSE. Licenses are transferable. Any changes in the ownership of the rental dwelling require submittal of application and payment oflicense transfer fee. (H) REGISTER OF OCCUPANCY. The owner shall keep a current register of occupancy for each rental dwelling. This register of occupancy may be reviewed by the City at any time. Said register of occupancy shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: 1. Address(es) of the rental dwelling; 2. Number of bedrooms of each unit; 4 [30189 3-16-7: 3-16-8: 130189 3. Number of units in each building; and 4. Number of adults and children (under 18) currently occupying each unit. INSPECTIONS. (A) ROUTINE LICENSE INSPECTIONS. After the initial inspection and issuance of the initial license, the owner ofa rental dwelling shall permit access by the City to perform a minimum of one inspection every two years of the common space and every dwelling unit. The Chief Building Official may perform or require additional inspections if deemed necessary by the Chief Building Official or by the request of a tenant. The owner shall notifY the tenant or tenants of the time when the City inspection will be conducted and provide access to the units.. (B) RESPONSE TO COMPLAINTS. The Chief Building Official shall respond to complaints of violations of this Chapter. A complaint maybe cause for a complete inspection of a unit or building. If an inspection is to be made, the Chief Building Official shall notifY the owner/tenant of the inspection. If there are violations, the Chief Building Official shall notifY the owner/tenant pursuant to 3-16-9 to correct the problem which prompted the complaint. The cost of the inspection shall be paid by the owner if the City's inspection reveals actual deficiencies as described by the occupant, and the payment of such cost shall be a condition ofIicense renewal. CONDUCT ON LICENSED PREMISES. (A) OWNER RESPONSIBLE. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to see that persons occupying the rental dwelling conduct themselves in such a manner as not to cause the premises to be disorderly. For purposes of this section, a rental dwelling is disorderly at which any of the following activities occur: I. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 609.755 through 609.76 as may be amended from time to time, relating to gambling; 2. Violation ofIaws relating to prostitution or acts relating to prostitution as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 609.321; 3. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 152.01 through 152.027 as may be amended from time to time, relating to the unlawful sale or possession of controlled substances; 5 4. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 340AAOl and 340A.503 as may be amended from time to time, relating to the unlawful commercial sale and underage consumption of alcoholic beverages; 5. Violation of Minnesota Statutes section 609.33 as may be amended from time to time, which prohibits owning, leasing, operating, managing, maintaining or conducting a disorderly house, or inviting or attempting to invite others to visit or remain in a disorderly house; 6. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 97B.021, 97B.045, 609.66 through 609.67, 624.712 through 624.716,624.719, 624.731 through 624.732 as may be amended from time to time, relating to the unlawful possession, transportation, sale or use of weapons; 7. Violation of City Code or violation of Minnesota Statutes section 609.72 as may be amended from time to time, relating to disorderly conduct; 8. Violation of City Code Title 7, Chapter I, relating to nuisances. 9. Violation of City Code Title 5, Chapter 4, relating to recreational fIres. 10. Violation of City Code Title 6, Chapters 2 and 3, relating to animal control. (B) FIRST VIOLATION. Upon determination by the Chief Building Official that a licensed premises was used in a disorderly manner, as described in paragraph (A) of this section, the Chief Building Official must give notice to the licensee of the violation and direct the licensee to take steps to prevent further violations. (C) SECOND VIOLATION. If another instance of disorderly use of the licensed premises occurs within three months of an incident for which a notice in division (B)ofthis section was given, the Chief Building Official must notifY the licensee of the violation and must also require the licensee to submit a written report of the actions taken, and proposed to be taken, by the licensee to prevent further disorderly use of the premises. This written report must be submitted to the Chief Building Official within fIve days of receipt of the notice of disorderly use of the premises and must detail all actions taken by the licensee in response to all notices of disorderly use of the premises within the preceding three months. 6 130189 (D) THIRD VIOLATION. 1. If another instance of disorderly use of the licensed premises occurs within three months after any two previous instances of disorderly use for which notices were given to the licensee pursuant to this section, the rental dwelling license for the premises may be denied, revoked, suspended or not renewed. An action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not renew a license under this section must be initiated by the Chief Building Official who must give to the licensee written notice of a hearing before the City Council to consider such denial, revocation, suspension or non-renewal. Such written notice must specify all violations of this section, and must state the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing. The hearing must be held no less than ten days and no more than 30 days after giving such notice. 2. Following the hearing, the City Council may deny, revoke, suspend or decline to renew the license for all or any part or parts of the licensed premises or may grant a license upon such terms and conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section. (E) NO ADVERSE ACTION PENDING EVICTION. No adverse license action shall be imposed where the instance of disorderly use of the licensed premises occurred during the pendency of eviction proceedings (unlawful detainer) or within 30 days ofnotice given by the licensee to a tenant to vacate the premises where the disorderly use was related to conduct by that tenant or by other occupants or guests of the tenant's unit. Eviction proceedings are not a bar to adverse license action, however, unless they are diligently pursued by the licensee. Further, an action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not renew a license based upon violations of this section may be postponed or discontinued at any time if it appears that the licensee has taken appropriate measures which will prevent further instances of disorderly use. 7 (F) FINDING OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT. A determination that the licensed premises have been used in a disorderly manner as described in paragraph (A) of this section shall be made upon a fair preponderance of the evidence to support such a determination. It is not necessary that criminal charges be brought in order to support a determiuation of disorderly use nor does the fact of dismissal or acquittal of such a criminal charge operate as a bar to adverse license action under this section. (G) SERVICE OF NOTICES. All notices given by the City under this section, at the City's option, may be either personally served on the licensee, sent 130189 3-16-9: 3-16-10: 130189 - by regular mail to the licensee at the address listed on the application, or by posting on a conspicuous place on the licensed premises. (H) ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. Enforcement actions provided in this section are not exclusive, and the City Council may take any action with respect to a licensee, a tenant, or the licensed premises as is authorized by the City Code, state or federal law. CONDITION OF LICENSED PREMISES. (A) COMPLIANCE ORDER. Whenever the Chief Building Official determines that the condition of any rental dwelling or the premises surrounding it fails to meet the provisions of this Chapter, other applicable City Code provisions or the International Property Maintenance Code, he or she may issue a compliance order setting forth the specific violations and ordering the owner to correct such violations. (B) LICENSE ACTION. If the violations listed in the compliance order are not remedied by the owner within the specified time given in the order, the license for the rental dwelling may be denied, suspended, revoked, or not renewed by the City. An administrative fine in an amount set forth from time to time by the City Council by resolution may also be imposed. If the City decides that it will be denying, suspending, revoking or not renewing a license or imposing an administrative fine pursuant to this Section, the City shall send a notice ofthe proposed action to the owner of the rental dwelling. The proposed action by the City shall be heard by the City Council pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 3-16-10 of this Chapter. (C) APPEAL. When it is alleged by the owner that the compliance order is based upon the erroneous interpretation of this Chapter, other applicable City Code provisions or the International Property Maintenance Code, the owner may appeal the compliance order to the City Council. Such appeal shall be in writing, must specify the grounds for the appeal, must be accompanied by a filing fee, as set forth by resolution of the City Council, from time to time, and must be filed with the City within five (5) business days after service of the compliance order. The appeal shall be heard by the City Council pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 3-16-10 of this Chapter. The filing of the appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless such a stay would cause imminent peril to life, health or property. HEARING PROCEDURE. (A) SCHEDULING OF HEARING. If the City makes a determination that it will be denying, suspending, revoking or not renewing a license pursuant 8 to Sections 3-16-8 or 3-16-9 of this Chapter, or if the owner is appealing the compliance order pursuant to Section 3-16-9 of this Chapter, the City Council shaH conduct a hearing on the matter. The hearing shaH be scheduled at the next regular City Council meeting following the date of the notice or receipt of the owner's notice of appeal of a compliance order. (B) HEARING. At the hearing, the City Council shaH hear all relevant evidence and arguments and shaH review aH testimony, documents and other evidence submitted. The owner shaH have the opportunity to address the City Council at the hearing. (C) FINDINGS. After the hearing is concluded, the City Council shaH make its decision on whether to uphold the compliance order or to revoke, suspend, deny or not renew the license or impose an administrative fme. (D) NO OCCUPANCY. If a license is revoked, suspended, denied or not renewed by the City Council, it shall be unlawful for the owner to thereafter permit the occupancy of the rental dwelling or the unit. A notice of the action shaH be posted by the Building Official on the rental dweHing or the unit in order to prevent any further occupancy. No person shall reside in, occupy or cause to be occupied that rental dweHing or unit until a license is obtained or reinstated by the owner. 9 (E) APPEAL. An owner may appeal the decision of the City Council as aHowed under state law. 3-16-11: MISDEMEANOR. Failure by an owner to comply with a compliance order after the right of appeal has expired or violation of any ofthe provisions of this Chapter shaH constitute a misdemeanor. Each day that a violation continues shaH be deemed a separate punishable offense. SECTION 2. Title 4 of the Code of the City ofMonticeHo is amended by adding the foHowing Chapter 4. CHAPTER 4 ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE 4-4-1: ADOPTION. The International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, is adopted by reference in its entirety except as amended in this Chapter. 4-4-2: APPLICATION. 130189 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all existing residential and non-residential structures and all existing premises. 4-4-3: AMENDMENTS. The International Property Maintenance code, 2006 Edition is adopted with the following amendments: Section 101.1 Tide. Amended to read: These regulations shall be known as the Property Maintenance code of the City of Monticello, hereinafter referred to as "this code." Section 102.1 General. Amended to read: The provisions of this code shall apply to all matters affecting or relating to structures and premises, as set forth in Section 10 I. Where, in a specific case, different sections of this code specify different requirements, or if there is a conflict between the requirements of this code and other ordinances of the city, the most restrictive shall govern. Section 102.3 Application of other codes. Amended to read: Repairs, additions or alterations to a structure, or changes of occupancy, shall be done in accordance with the procedures and provisions of the Minnesota State Building Code. Nothing in this code shall be construed to cancel, modify or set aside any provision of the City of Monticello Code of Ordinances. Section 102.7 Referenced codes and standards. Amended to read: The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 8 and considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the most restrictive shall apply. Section 103.2 Appointment. Amended to read: The Chief Building Official shall serve as the "code official" Section 103. 5 Fees. Amended to read: The fees for activities and services performed by the department in carrying out its responsibilities under this code shall be as indicated in the City of Monticello Fee Schedule Ordinance. Section 107.2 Form. Subpart 5. Deleted. Section 107.2 Form. Subpart 6. Deleted. Section 111.6.3 Limitations of authority. Amended by adding new section to read: The board of appeals shall have no authority to waive fire and life safety requirements or to approve a condition that would create a violation of the Minnesota State Building Code. Section 201.3 Terms defined in other codes. Amended to read: Where terms are not defined in this code and are defmed in the Minnesota State Building Code or elsewhere in the City of Monticello Ordinances, such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as stated in those codes. Section 202 General Definitions. Amended by adding: Junk Vehicle: A vehicle without a valid current license, or without a valid current registration (if applicable), or which is apparently inoperable located outside an enclosed building in a residential area including, but not limited to , automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, trailers, all-terrain vehicles and watercraft. 130189 10 -.... Inoperative Motor Vehicle. Deleted. Section 302.4 Weeds. Amended to read: All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of six (6) inches in height. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. Upon failure of the owner or agent having charge of a property to cut and destroy weeds after service of a notice of violation, they shall be subject to prosecution in accordance with section 7-1-4 of the Monticello City Ordinances. Section 302.8 Motor vehicles. Amended to read: except as provided in other regulations, no junk vehicle shall be parked, kept or stored on any premises unless within a totally enclosed structure. No vehicle shall at any time be in a state of major disassembly, disrepair or in the process of being stripped or dismantled. Spray painting of vehicles is prohibited unless conducted inside an approved spray booth. Exception: Any vehicle is permitted to undergo major overhaul, including body work, provided that such work is performed inside a structure or similarly enclosed area designed and approved for such purposes. Automotive maintenance and repair shall be limited to the owners/occupants who reside at that address. Section 303.2 Enclosures. Amended and replaced with Section 3-2[F]10. of the City of Monticello Zoning code; 3-2 rFl10. All swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, and other water tanks exceeding 24 inches in depth must be completely fenced in. a. Residential swimming pooi fences shali be constructed as follows: i. Residential swimming pool fences must be at least 48 inches in height. The fence must not permit the passage of a 4-inch sphere through openings in the fence. Fences must be constructed of durable, corrosion- and decay- resistive materiais. Openings below the fence to grade must not exceed 4 inches. ii. Where an above-ground pool structure has walis that are at ieast 4 feet in height, the pool wali may serve to meet the fencing requirements; however, the access to the pool must provide equivalent protection to prevent unauthorized entry. iii. Fences for swimming pools must include a self-ciosing, seif-Iatching device on ali gates. Latches must be instalied at least 3 feet 6 inches above grade. Gates must not exceed 4 feet in width and must meet the same construction requirements as fences. You must provide temporary fencing during instaliation if your yard is not fenced. Building permits are required for fences exceeding 6 feet 6 inches in height. b. Commercial swimming pool fences shali be not less than 5 feet in height and constructed as required by the Minnesota Department of Health. (#305, 1/12/98) 130189 11 Section 304.14 Insect screens. Amended to read: During the period from April I to October 31, every door, window and other outside opening required for ventilation of habitable rooms, food preparation areas, food service areas or any areas where products to be included or utilized in food for human consumption are processed, manufactured, packaged or stored shall be supplied with approved tightly fitting screens of not less than 16 mesh per inch and every screen door used for insect control shall have a - - self-closing device in good working condition. Screens used for insect control must be maintained in good condition, securely held in place, and free from holes or tears. Exception. Deleted. Section 304.15.1 Landings. Amended by adding new section to read: Exterior doors, other than storm doors, must swing over a floor or landing of at least the width of the door opening, extending from the threshold for a distance of at least equal to the door width, and must not be more than eight inches below the height ofthe door threshold. Section 305.7 Food preparation. Amended by adding new section to read: All spaces to be occupied for food preparation purposes shall contain suitable space and equipment to store, prepare and serve foods in a sanitary manner. There shall be adequate facilities and services for the sanitary disposal of food wastes and refuse, including facilities for temporary storage. Section 308.1 Infestation. Amended by adding: Once exterminated, all carcasses, offal material, fecal matter, etc. must be removed and all surfaces and materials shall be cleaned and sanitized at the direction of the code official. Section 308.2 Owner. Amended by adding: The owner is also responsible for maintaining the exterior envelope of the structure by sealing or repairing all defects, cracks, gaps, holes and other openings in the foundstion and/or other building materials that may allow pests to enter the structure. Section 401.3 Alternative devices. Amended to read: In lieu of the means for natural light and ventilation herein prescribed, artificial light or mechanical ventilation complying with the Minnesota State Building Code shall be permitted. Section 404.4.1 Room Area. Amended to read: Every bedroom occupied by one person shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area, and every bedroom occupied by more than one person shall contain at least 50 square feet of floor area for each occupant thereof. Every living room shall comply with Table 404.5. Section 404.5 Overcrowding. Amended to read: Dwelling units shall not be occupied by more occupants than permitted by the minimum area requirements of Table 404.5. The number of persons occupying a dwelling unit shall not create conditions that, in the opinion of the code official, endanger the life, health, safety or welfare of the occupants. Table 404.5 Mi" A R lnlmum rea eqUlrements Minimum area in .quare feet Space 1-2 occuoaut. 3-5 occuoaut. 6 or more occupants Living room 1.2 No requirements 120 150 Dining room'.' No requirements 80 100 Kitchen' 50 50 60 Bedrooms Shall comply with Section 404.4.1 . . . . I. See Secl10n 404.5.2 for combmed livmg roomldmmg room spaces. 2. See Section 404.5. I for limitations on determining the minimum occupancy area for sleeping purposes. Section 404.5.1 Sleeping area. Amended by adding new section to read: The minimum occupancy area required by Table 404.5 shall not be included as a sleeping area in determining the minimum occupancy area for sleeping purposes. All sleeping areas shall comply with Section 404.4. 130lS9 12 Section 404.5.2 Combined spaces. Amended by adding new section to read: Combined living room and dining room spaces shall comply with the requirements of Table 404.5 ifthe total area is equal to that required for separate rooms and if the space is located so as to function as a combination living room/dining room. Section 505.1 General. Amended by replacing "International Plumbing Code" with "Minnesota State Plumbing Code." Section 602.2 Residential occupancies. Amended to read: Dwellings shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a minimum room temperature of 680 F in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms when the outdoor temperature is _200 F or warmer. Cooking appliances shall not be used to provide space heating to meet the requirements of this section. Exception: Deleted. Section 602.3 Heat supply. Amended to read: Every owner and operator of any building who rents, leases or lets one or more dwelling units or sleeping units on terms, either expressed or implied, to furnish heat to the occupants thereof shall supply heat during the period from September I to May 31 to maintain a temperature of not less than 680 F in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and toilet rooms. Exceptions: 1. When the outdoor temperature is below _200 F, maintenance ofthe minimum room temperature shall not be required provided that the heating system is operating at its full design capacity. 2. Deleted. 130189 13 Section 602.4 Occupiable work spaces. Deleted. Section 603.1.1 Appliance testing. Amended by adding new section to read: Central heating appliances shall be tested by a licensed mechanical contractor to verify that the appliance is in a safe working condition when evidence of malfunction, corrosion, deterioration or excessive interior carbon monoxide is suspected. Section 603.2 Removal of combustion products. Amended to read: All fuel-burning equipment and appliances intended for heating shall be connected to an approved chimney or vent to the exterior of the structure. Section 604.2 Service. Amended by replacing "ICC Electrical Code" with "Minnesota State Electrical Code." Section 702.1 General. Amended by replacing "International Fire Code" with "Minnesota State Fire Code." Section 702.2 Aisles. Amended by replacing "International Fire Code" with "Minnesota State Fire Code." Section 702.3 Locked doors. Amended by replacing "International Building Code" with "Minnesota State Building Code." Section 704.1 General. Amended to read: All systems, devices and equipment to detect a fire, actuate an alann, or suppress or control a fire or any combination thereof shall be installed and maintained in an operable condition at all times in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code. . Section 704.2 Smoke alarms. Amended by replacing "International Fire Code" with "Minnesota State Fire Code." Chapter 8 ICC references. All references to the International Building, Fire, Fuel Gas, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Codes shall mean the applicable chapters of the Minnesota State Building Code. All references to the International Zoning Code shaH mean the applicable chapters of the City of MonticeHo Zoning Code. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and publication and shall apply to all new and existing rental dwellings. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this _ day of ,2007. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 14 130189 &<LM.~\.a- ( . , J ~ - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING INSPECTIONS 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MONTICELLO MONTICELLO, MN 55362 City Hall Building Inspections Fax (763) 295-2711 (763) 295-3060 (763) 295-4404 CITY OF MONTICELLO MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING INSPECTION CHECKLIST INTERIOR DWELL/NG UNITS: A) LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM AND HALLWAY AREAS; I. Are smoke and heat detectors in place and operating properly? Have the detectors been replaced, if so, were they replaced with the proper approved device as required by fire code? Comment: 2. Are electrical fixtures such as air conditioners, lights, fans etc. installed properly and are they in good working condition? Comment: 3. Is there power to all the receptacles in the unit, is the polarity correct (are they wired correctly), this can be tested with a standard a.F.I. Tester, are they filled with paint or are they cracked or damaged in any way? Comment: 4. Do all the light switches work, are they cracked or do you notice any arching or sparks in the switch when operating it? Comments: 5. Are there receptacles or light switches missing cover plates? Comments: 6. Is there a circuit breaker panel in the unit, is it clearly and correctly marked or labeled? Are there and open knockouts that need to be plugged? Comments: 7. Are there any extension cords or cable wires running through any windows or doorways? Comments: 8. Are there entry doors and jambs to the unit in good condition, do they lock and latch properly, do they have proper security locks and door scopes as required by security code? Comments: (Continued) . 9. Does the patio door operate properly, does it latch and lock, is the seal around the glass in good condition or is it bad and causing the door to cloud up? Conunents: 10. Is the patio door screen in place and operating properly, is it damaged in any way? Conunents 11. Are the windows in good weather tight condition, do they have bad seals causing them to cloud up, do they operate properly, is there any cracked or broken glass, are all the window screens in place and are they damaged in any way? Conunents: 12. Does the closet doors operate properly, are they damaged in any way, is the closet shelving in place & Secure? Comments: 13. Is there damage to the walls or ceilings such as holes, cracks, water stains, drywall nails popping out, peeling paint? Conunents: 14. Are the floors and floor coverings in good condition, is there any wrinkled or tom carpet that can cause a trip hazard? Comment: 15. Does the intercom and door buzzer work properly (if applicable) Comment: B) KITCHEN; 1. Do the plumbing fixtures operate properly, including supply valves, are there any leaks? Comments: 2. Are the electrical fixtures such as hood fans, lights, exhaust fans etc. installed and operating properly, are the receptacles and switches in good condition? Conunents: 3. Is the oven in good working condition, is the gas hooked up correctly, is there a smell if gas in the room, does the oven door close completely, are all the control knobs in place and operating properly? Conunents: (Continued) 4. Is the refrigerator and freezer in good working condition, do the doors close and seal properly? Comments: 5. Is there a garbage disposal and or dishwasher, are they in good working order? Comments: 6. Are the cabinets and counter tops in good condition? Comments: 7. Are the walls and ceiling in good condition, is the floor tile in good condition? Comments: C) BATHROOM; 1. Are the plumbing fixtures in place and operating properly, including toilet, tub and shower units, sinks, supply valves, etc., are there any leaks? Comments: 2. Are the electrical fixtures, including lights, exhaust fans, etc., installed and operating properly? Comments: 3. Is the G.F.I. receptacle wired and functioning correctly, is the light switch operating properly? Ifthere is not a G.F.I. outlet in this room, when or if the existing outlet is replaced it must be replaced with a G.F.I. outlet. Comment: 4. Is there a window, is it in good weather tight condition, Is there a screen in the window, is there and cracked or broken glass. Comment: 5. Are the walls, ceiling and floor in good condition, is there any pealing paint, water stains, loose or missing tile, is there mold, etc.? Comment: D) BEDROOMS, DENS AND OTHER LIVING AREAS; 1. Are the electrical fixtures installed and operating properly? Comment: 2. Is there power to all receptacles, are they filled with paint or cracked, are the switches in good working, are all the cover plates on? Comment: (Continued) 3. Are the closet doors and room doors and jambs in good condition and functioning properly, are the closet shelves in good condition and secure? Comment: 4. Are the windows in good weather tight condition, do they operate properly, is there any cracked or broken glass, are all the window screens in place and are they damaged in any way? Comment: 5. Are the walls, ceilings and floor in good condition, are there any water stains, peeling paint, holes, cracks, drywall nails popping out, is there any wrinkled or tom carpet that can cause a trip hazard? Comment: E) GENERAL; 1. Are the balcony railings secure, is the railing missing any balusters, is it rusty or in need of paint, is the balcony in good condition, is it in need of paint? Comment: 2. Is the unit reasonably clean, is there a bug problem? Comment: INTERIOR COMMONS F) FURNACE I BOILER ROOM; 1. Is the heat detector in place and operating, if the room is sprinklered, is the sprinkler headls in good condition, is it clean? Comment: 2. Is there any penetrations through the ceiling, walls or floor? Comment: 3. Is there any storage in the room, is it combustible or flammable, if it is not combustible or flammable, is it blocking access to any of the heating, water heater or other units? Comment: 4. Are the pressure discharge pipes from the water heater and boiler made of ridged metal, are the directed in such a way as not to cause a potential hazard? Comment: 5. Is the fire alarm panel in this room, is it working properly? Is the trouble indicator light on, if so this usually indicates a problem, call your service company. Comment: (Continued) --- - 6. Are there any open panel electrical junction boxes, are there any open knockouts that need to be plugged in any of the electrical junction boxes or panels? Comment: 7. Is the door and jamb in good condition, is it self closing and latching, does the door have the proper fire rating? Comment: 8. Is there a working light fixture in the room, is it properly installed and in good condition? Comment: 9. Is the State Boiler Inspection Certificate posted in the room, is it up to date? Comment: 10. Is there a circuit breaker panel in the room, is it labeled correctly? Comment: I I. If there is a window in the room, is it in good weather tight condition, do they operate properly, is there any cracked or broken glass, are all the window screens in place and are they damaged in any way? Comment: 12. Are there any plumbing leaks? Comment: 13. If there is a floor drain in the room, is the grate or cover in place? Comment: 14. Is all the venting properly installed and in good condition? Comment: G) LAUNDRY ROOM; I. Is the heat detector in place and operating, if the room is sprinklered, is the sprinkler head/s in good condition, is it clean? Comment: 2. Is the door and jamb in good condition, is it self closing and latching, does the door have the proper fire rating? Comment: 3. Is the fire alarm panel in this room, is it working properly? Is the trouble indicator light on, if so this usually indicates a problem, call your service company. Comment: (Continued) 4. Is there any storage in the room, is it combustible or flammable, if it is not combustible or flammable, is it blocking access to any ofthe heating, water heater or other units? Comment: 5. Is there any penetrations through the ceiling, walls or floor? Comment: 6. Are the pressure discharge pipes from the water heater and boiler made of ridged metal, are the directed in such a way as not to cause a potential hazard? Comment: 7. Are there any open panel electrical junction boxes, are there any open knockouts that need to be plugged in any of the electrical junction boxes or panels? Comment: 8. Is there a circuit breaker panel in the room, is it labeled correctly? Comment: 9. Is there a working light fixture in the room, is it properly installed and in good condition? Comment: 10. Are there any plumbing leaks? Comment: II. Is the dryer exhaust connected and vented properly, is the damper to the dryer vent clean and functioning properly? Comment: 12. Is there a floor drain in this room, is the grate or cover in place? Comment: 13. If the room has an exhaust fan, is it in good condition and operating properly, are all the switches and receptacles in good condition and are all the cover plates in place? Comment: 14. Is the floor in good condition, are there any loose tiles, etc.? Comment: 15. Are the walls, ceilings and floor in good condition, are there any water stains, peeling paint, holes or cracks? Comment: (Continued) H) ELECTRIC / METER ROOM; 1. Is the heat detector in place and operating, if the room is sprinklered, is the sprinkler headls in good condition, is it clean? Comment: 2. Is the fire alarm panel in this room, is it working properly? Is the trouble indicator light on, if so this usually indicates a problem, call your service company. Comment: 3. Is there any storage in the room, is it combustible or flammable, ifit is not combustible or flammable, is it blocking access to any of the heating, water heater or other units? Comment: 4. Is there any penetrations through the ceiling, walls or floor? Comment: 5. Are all the circuit breakers labeled correctly, are there any open knockouts that need to be plugged, are there any open electrical junction boxes, are the panels to the electrical equipment secure? Comment: 6. If there is a window in the room, is it in good weather tight condition, do they operate properly, is there any cracked or broken glass, are all the window screens in place and are they damaged in any way? Comment: 7. Are the walls, ceilings and floor in good condition, are there any water stains, peeling paint, holes or cracks? Comment: I) HALLWAYS AND STAIRWAYS; I. Are the emergency and exit lights in good working condition? Comment: 2. Are the fire extinguishers in place and up to date, are the fire extinguisher cabinets in good condition, is the glass missing or broken? Comment: 3. Are the fire alarm pull stations in place and in good condition, are the glass bars missing? Comment: (Continued) . 4. Are the smoke and heat detectors in place and operating, have they been replaced, is so, were they replaced with the proper approved device as required by fire code? Comment: 5. Is there any storage in these areas, that is blocking any part of the means of egress? Comment: 6. Is the carpet in good condition, is there any possible trip hazards? Comment: 7. Are the railings on the stairs and landings in good condition, are they secure, are there any missing balusters? Comment: 8. Are the smoke and fire doors and jambs in good condition, do they self close and selflatch? Comment: 9. Are the entry and security doors and jambs in good condition, do they self close, selflatch and do the locking systems work properly, are they weather tight? Comment: 10. Are the light fixtures in good working condition, are there missing parts? Comment: 11. Are there receptacles and light switches in good condition, are they filled with paint or cracked, are all the cover plates in place? Comment: 12. Are there any broken windows in this area, are they in good weather tight condition, is there any broken glass, are the screens in place, are the screens in good condition? Comment: 13. Are the walls and ceiling in this area in good condition, is there any cracks, holes, water stains, etc.? Comment: 14. Is the area reasonably clean, is there any sign of bug I pest problems? Comment: EXTERIOR COMMONS J) EXTERIOR STRUCTURE; 1. Are the exterior walls, soffit and facia etc., fress of holes, breaks, loose or rotting materials and maintained weatherproof and properly surfaced coated to prevent deterioration? Comment: (Continued) 2. Is any of the masonry in need of repair or tuck-pointing? Comment: 3. Are the gutters and down spouts in good working condition and free of debris, are the down spout extensions or splash-blocks in there proper place as to direct roof drainage away from the building foundation? Comment: 4. Are all exterior electrical installations properly installed with materials approved for such use? Comment: 5. Are the exterior light fixtures missing any parts, are they in good working order? Comment: 6. Is any concrete in need of repair or replacement, are any stoops or patios sinking? Comment: 7. Is the roofing and flashing in good condition and free of defects that might admit rain? Comment: 8. Are the exterior stairway handrails in place and secure? Comment: 9. Are the building address numbers in good condition and clearly visible from the street or parking lot? Comment: K) EXTERIOR LANDSCAPING AND GROUNDS 1. Are there any trip hazards along the sidewalk or stoops? Comment: 2. Are the parking lot and driveway area in a proper state of repair and maintained free of hazardous materials? Comment: 3. Is signage properly installed and maintained? Comment: 4. Are the dumpster areas reasonably clean, are the dumpster screening in good condition? Comment: 5. Are there any grading problems, standing water? Comment: (Continued) 6. Are there any muddy area in need of sod or grass? Comment: 7. Is there and dead landscaping in need of replacement? Comment: 8. Is there any land erosion under stoops; patios or sidewalks? Comment: 9. Are there any abandoned I unlicensed I inoperative vehicles on the property? Comment: 10. Does the exterior lighting illuminate all the areas of the walkways and parking areas sufficiently? Comment: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: NOTE: The items on this list are items that are typically looked at during normal inspection procedure. Although every effort has been made to make the list as complete as possible, it is impossible to include every situation or circumstance, therefore, the items noted on the inspection reports will not be limited to this list. Address of Inspection Unitls Inspector Date 11. Consideration of Assessment Policv Rel!:ardinl!: Multiple Drivewavs (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Since the City has been completing street reconstruction projects, the policy for properties with multiple driveways was to charge the property owner two assessments. The other option was for the property owner to remove the extra driveway which would remove the extra assessment. While we have had several complaints in the past, the Council has not modified this assessment approach. Over the past four years we have had approximately seven property owners be assessed for two assessments. Some of those may have been for extra wide lots, but we have assessed some property owners according to this policy. This year's project generated a few complaints on this policy. There are five properties with dual driveways that include the following details: . 1803 River Street - Horseshoe driveway with two 12- foot street connections. . 1707 River Street - Two separate driveways to separate locations (14 feet and 24 feet). . 117 Hillcrest Road - Two driveways - River Street (14 feet) and Hillcrest Road (16 feet). . 1603 River Street - Two driveways - River Street (10 feet) and Hillcrest Road (18 feet). . 1413 Hilltop Drive - Horseshoe driveway with two 12-foot street connections. There are many different ways to address this issue, but it is most important that we are consistent in our approach. The Council previously discussed that the horseshoe type driveway was designed in that manner for the particular lot when the home was constructed. Both of those, in this project, have narrow driveways that encourage one way traffic. There are two of these on our project, 1803 River Street and 1413 Hilltop Drive. The other properties all have second driveways to access a separate location or structure on their lot. Two ofthese locations, 117 Hillcrest Road and 1603 River Street, have driveways on two separate streets. The final location, 1707 River Street, has a second driveway to serve the rear of the home. It is apparent that the two uses are very different and maybe should be treated differently. We have provided three alternatives for your review. F: ',da"'W',,,,=,niproc '2001 Council Age"'Ms',S-29-fJ7 cc ageMalll-MultDmry:.AssessPolicy-05l907.rJoc B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Follow the policy and charge properties a full assessment per driveway. 2. Modify the policy to exempt inplace horseshoe style driveways that serve as the primary access to a home and garage. 3. Modify the policy to exempt all multiple driveways and charge the street assessment per each residential home. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The intent of the policy is to limit the number of driveway accesses and separated structures. It seems reasonable that the two horseshoe style driveways were developed specific to these homes when they were constructed. I would recommend that the Council consider Alternative 2 which would give consideration to the horseshoe style driveways, but would charge the true second driveways an additional assessment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Figure I - Multiple Driveway Lots F-1daYMg'l<l>rdpl'O.,,2007 COWI(!i! Age""asIJ~19..{17 cc asenda,II.Mu!Ilh<lysASN.sPl)/lcy-051907.doc Council Agenda: 5/29/07 12. Consideration of Proiect Award for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Prol!ram Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Work (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2007-01C) (City/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bids for the referenced project were received and opened on Wednesday, May 23, 2007. The City received seven bids, which were very competitive, with Northwest Asphalt, Inc. submitting the low bid for this project as determined by the alternative materials and designs bid as part of the project. The public hearing for the project was held by the City Council at the March 12, 2007 meeting. Many of the comments from residents within the project area addressed the proposed width ofthe streets, the inclusion of a trail/sidewalk, and the overall size and scope of the project. Some changes in the design were made based on comments received during the public hearing and the final project that was approved by the City Council. This project will also require the acquisition of easements in two locations. A drainage and utility easement is needed off River Street to install a storm water discharge pipe. The City has been in negotiations with the affected property owner and expects to have the easement in place soon. The City has also contacted the homeowner at the end of Hilltop Drive to acquire additional easements to construct a cul-de-sac on what is now a street, which ends with a 20-foot width. In this case, the Engineer is working with the City Public Works staff and the homeowner on determining the size of the cul-de-sac needed in an effort to preserve mature trees and property. The bids for this project included four alternates. These alternates were to evaluate any cost savings associated with different pipe material and to evaluate the cost of paving the Hilltop Park parking lot or use a bituminous milling (gravel) surface. The bid prices using corrugated High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe came in approximately $30,000 lower than concrete pipe. The cost of paving Hilltop Park was an additional $12,971. Northwest Asphalt's Bid Alternate #1 of $1 ,282,690.27 is for the construction ofHDPE storm sewer pipe (Schedule C) and placing bituminous millings in the Hillcrest Park parking lot (Schedule H). Northwest Asphalt's Bid Alternate #3 of $1 ,295,661.32 is for the construction of HDPE pipe (Schedule C) and paving the Hillcrest Park parking lot (Schedule I). The Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for the project was $1,619,087.70 (Total Bid Alternate #1) and $1,630,804.70 (Total Bid Alternate #3). The bids for this project came in approximately $300,030 dollars below this estimate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Award the project to Northwest Asphalt, Inc. based on the Total Bid Alternate #1 HDPE pipe and bituminous millings in the Hilltop Park parking lot for a total of $1,282,690.27. F:',dawng,wo"dproc'.l007CouncilA?enM.<',5-J9-07ccarendniI2-1007S,,,,el!l.ecOltPrr.yecIAwd-051907,doc Council Agenda: 5/29/07 2. Award the project to Northwest Asphalt, Inc. based on the Total Bid Alternate #3 HDPE pipe and paving the Hilltop Park parking lot for a total of $1 ,295,661.32. 3. Do not award the project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, City Engineer, and Public Works Director to select Alternative No.2. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Bid Results Breakdown 2. Bid Tabulation 3. The letter of recommendation will be provided at the Council meeting. F:',dm<'I1{,~'ordproc\2no7 CoulIcil.WMda,'.5-19.07 C{; ogemfa,{2_1INI7.'iI",.IRecfJnl-'roiecLJ...d.052901.doc .. <.i . .5 0 0 0 0 0 j cj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 on ,.; 0 ,.; 0 ! J:: ~ '" 00 '" .,. 0 l:! ,... .,. 0 c:i c:i '" '" '" "". 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Q) >, t.l ca >, -0 .c Q) Q) ~ .... '- Q) 0) 1::_ .r:::. 0) C1l UCl City Council Agenda - 5/29/07 13. Consideration of a reauest for an amendment to the Zonina Ordinance establishina off-site directional sians. Applicant: Monticello American Leaion. (NAC) A. Reference and Backaround. Attached is a series of ordinance amendments that are designed to allow certain groups to establish an off-site directional sign within the public right of way. The ordinance amendments define "Civic Interest Groups", allow signs for such groups to be included in the definition of "Public Signs", and then limit such signs to one per group, with a fixed sign type (white lettering on green, 18" by 24"). One other amendment included with this request is a housekeeping amendment that permits "Public Signs" in all zoning districts (the ordinance currently limits these signs to residential areas). Civic Interest Groups are defined as being groups that provide a non-commercial service as their primary function, but which also may provide other services to the community. If this amendment is passed, the City would need to approve any sign that such a group would wish to install to ensure that the sign does not interfere with other official public signage. It is also important to note that the City does not have the authority to grant such signs within the right of way of other jurisdictions such as the County or State. The applicant had originally requested several off-site directional signs. Staff has been reluctant to recommend approval of these types of requests. The amendments proposed with this report are as narrowly drawn as possible in an attempt to limit clutter in the public right of way, where traffic safety and minimizing distraction is clearly the primary concern. B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: Zoning Amendment establishing off-site directional signs for Civic Interest Groups. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment, based on a finding that the amendment will help reduce traffic confusion by permitting Civic Interest Groups to better attract visitors to their facilities. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that such signs within the public right of way would increase visual clutter for drivers, resulting in potential traffic safety concerns. C. Staff Recommendation. If the City Council believes that such signs are appropriate, staff recommends limiting them to a single sign per facility, according to the requirements of the attached ordinance draft. As noted, such signs are not commonly permitted, both from the standpoint that they are "off-site" advertising, and would be non-governmental signs located within the right of way. As a result, staff has developed an ordinance which is narrowly drawn to limit such signage to the least amount possible. City Council Agenda - 5/29/07 D. Supportina Data. 1. Draft Ordinance CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF CHAPTER 2 RELATING TO THE DEFINITION OF PUBLIC SIGNS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 2-2 [PJ] relating to the defmition of public signs is hereby amended to read as follows: [PJ] PUBLIC SIGN: Signs of a public, non-commercial nature, to include safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, signs indicating scenic or historical point~ of intt:rest, ~emorialplaques, and the like, and signs for civic interest grOUPS as defltie<fbY f1ie: Zoill1i2"oflh'lFatice when signs are erected by or on order of a public officer or employee in the performance of official duty, CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO PERMITTED SIGNS AND AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR SIGNAGE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 3-9 [EJl(b) relating to the permitted signs is hereby amended to read as follows: (6) Pablie sigas, iRsIllEliRg p.ablie sigas that E1iSj3lay iRfaFfftat.ieR elee~:~ ::::a tJJ.at the gFess sEfllars rootage of S1ga area aaes Rat elleeeEl Slga R61gAt aHa s r iElsatifieEl iR SeetieR 3 9[B]1e eftfle Malltieelle Zeniag Or-aillaRee. . Public Si s requirements: SECTION 2. Section 3-9 [B] 1 is hereby amended to read as follows: I. Anv public sign for a i:iVft'llit~~si?imtm shall have a face area no larger than 18" x 24". ,-; ':':.4"":,\"""~"":<c:,\(,:,:,,,,,,,<:':"f"'E,""..:,:';.'~.:'d' 2. All civic'iriteresN~rorips shall be limited to one sign each. ''':w.>'~''';:.:'-''';:'::,'-'':.,'''W' :" '-f;::::".fiJ!::~~{:'::,~'~ 3. Anv public sign for a civic interest group shall be green in color with white lettering only. SECTION 3:'Secilon2~2 Yshereb"'am60oe<t;lmd:f~foi1owm'; ... ., " .... '.' -. ..... - '- ......... ..~..(Y;.. ..... _..,,, ,o".._tlt. ... . '. ..h........g tCEJj ciVIc INTEREST GROUP; . A CiVlC'interes~ Group Is it' rib\1"gov~mmeiitlUbiil\rii~at!gA which 1i!iS it publicorquailHmqlic seiVicS P.sJasiitS c~ti'iit fiuictioI;l;b!:1t\i1:iiy'P1:ftu:g(. additional uses and aCtiViti~s related to its public funstio~ orprPyided tQitsIrt#pership:'l\. 9vi.cm(eresf Group ~ay or nlliy.iiot have a speqifi~' site lqcati,()n or building Vyhich it o~cUpi~i wIlefhero-wned or leased,: Examples of such grou S1 ay incluaereligi(ju!finStiti!tl9nslpca!. or atiornu ge' ce Cliibs and or aDizationS rivaiciJ r:Us1ums'hi~tonCaJfacilr\~s""or~slmk"~'ciifiti~; n, '. " .,_..tyl.,. .. .... g ,", .,,,, ......dL ,,,,........'........h. ...", ..._.. ...' .. 11" ,..,.. .... ", l!f .. , .... CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO PERMITTED SIGNS AND AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR SIGNAGE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 3-9 [E]l(b) relating to the permitted signs is hereby amended to read as follows: (B) Plffilie sigflG, iRellldiag plffilie sigas that aisplay iafofffiafion eleetr-enieally, prsvided that the grsss sqllare restage sf sign area dses Ret el16eed sign height ana size reqlliremeHts ideHtified in Seetisa 3 9[B]1e snhe MeHtieelle ZSRing Ofdiaanee. SECTION 2. Section 3-9 [B] 1 is hereby amended to read as follows: 0) Public Signs (as defined in Section 2-2 rpm. Council Agenda: 5/29/07 14. Consideration of Adoptln!!: Resolution Supportln!!: Jomt Plannm!!: Effort between Monticello. Bi!!: Lake and Bi!!: Lake Township. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know, the City of Monticello initiated an Intent to Annex resolution in an effort to jump start joint planning in response to the impending installation of a sanitary sewer line that had potential of serving a large development area directly adjacent to Monticello. The planning concern for Monticello is the impact on our ability to circulate traffic through Monticello in the face of additional traffic on Highway 25 resulting from Big Lake development. There is also a concern over opening up of a significant amount of relatively inexpensive commercial land adjacent to our Business District. The concern is that an increase in inexpensive commercial land could result in reduction in commercial land values in both Big Lake and Monticello Downtown areas which would further reduce the financial viability of redevelopment. The letter of Intent to Annex was intended to communicate the need to plan and provide the City of Monticello with some leverage in development of a plan that supported Monticello's best interest. At a recent meeting of the City Council, staff was directed to work with Big Lake (s) in developing ajoint resolution that outlines the scope of the planning effort and sets a unified expectation defining the work of the joint planning group. Mayor Herbst met with Orrock and Sanford from the Big Lake side from which a resolution was prepared and adopted by the Big Lake City Council. Mayor Herbst had not had a chance to review the resolution prior to adoption and has made some suggested changes that are currently being reviewed by members from each staff. A more complete report on the status and language in the resolution will be provided on Friday or presented at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. Please check your email for updates on this subject. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolution as prepared by the Township of Big Lake and the City of Big Lake. 2. Motion to adopt resolution similar to the original, but modified slightly as proposed by Mayor Herbst and City Staff. City Administrator recommendation pending discussion with officials from Big Lake (s). C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. '" '" 0:J> ~ '" ~ '" "''' c..~ , '" '0 ___rn 0 0 ~ 0 '" c..tTH '" :J> ~ ":J> .o~ IV , " ---" " .. c.. " "''' "''' IV OJ '" rn 00 ..~ 0 , 0 '" :;~ ~~ 0 H C H ~n -J '" '0 '" " "''' , n rn ~~. '" " 0 0 IV ~. -J'O 0 '" 0 ..:J> 00 0 ~ "''"' ".. :J> j; '" ~il; 0 --. IV 0'0 '0 :;J .. ..t< ....~. 0 "'OJ '" " -J " "' " OJ 0 "' " ~ 0 '" " ~ (J) OJ 0 (J) 3 Z ~ n '" " po '0 --. "' '" ~ IV Z 0. ~. .. " " 0 --. .... rt 0 '" '" -J ~ 0 ,." "' :J> zo --. '" H '0 ~. 0. H " .... (J) "' 00 '0 OJ (J)" " '0 0 '" .. '" (J) '< . '" tT t< --. .... "''0 IV '" H .. --. 0 t< -J O~. 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