City Council Minutes 02-03-1964Minutes of January 6, 1964 continued. _'467 Motion by Kasper to renue the license to Springborg 8 Larson to operate a bowling alley end to T. Schneider to operate a pool room. The license fee to be $20.00 mid $25.00 respectively. On motion adjourned 12:10 A.M. J. A. Kasper Village clerk. February 31 1964 Regular meeting of the village council held this date inthe village hall. Yembers present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kasper, Madsen and Swanson. Absent- None. hi.nutes of the meeting of January 6th. were approved as read. G.Phillips, H. Gillhan and A. Zur0runnen of the hospital board met Irith the council requesting information regarding the hookup of the proposed new hospital to the village sewer and water systems. They requested information as to rates and size of grater main that would run past the hospital.They also requested to know if the council would consider at tthis time establishing the grade level of Oak street so that this might be excavated at the same time that excavation is being done on the hospital land. The council decided to check on this and give it anmier as soon as possablep Jim Merium was present to explain the pperation of the fire phone system to the council. He was also questioned about the difaculty in reaching the long distance operator. Mr. Ilerium said he would contact the St. Cloud office to see if this could be improved. 11otion by Kasper to have the fire phone in the fire hall removed because of it being of no value. Seconded by Swanson and carried. Ray Georges was present to complain of dogs running- at large. He reported that several times he had to chase dots away from c-iildren at psay. Tiotion by Adams to purchase a tranquiizer gun and serum for the purpose of catching dogs running at large. Seconded by Kasper and carried. R. Michaelis was orded to purchase this gun and to began using, it ir�miatly upon arrival. Motion by Kasper to approve a cigerette licenst for Fred Topel at the down- toim Phillips 116611 station. Seconded by Madsen and carried. A. 11clntime requested to have the radar unit repaired and to sell it -with the money obtained to be tHan used to purchase a monitoring, radio unit at a cost of approxanitly $x.50.00. Motion by Kasper that A. EcTnti.re have the Radar unit repaired and to investigate the probability of selling it, and to report back to the council what he feels the unit could be sold for. Seconded,by Adams and carried. Jay W. Tiiller requested to know if tine council was going to follow through with adopting an or dina�zc e governing the duties of a building inspector. I Iayor Bergstrom said that h e would call a special meeting at a later date to discuss this mater furt'f ier. A.* Tlichaelis sug-ested that the village install a siren neer each edge of the village so that emergency signals could be:eard throughout the whole village. R. 1--lichaelis was instructed to check on the coust of purchasing used sirens. i Lotion by Adams to relieve R. 11ich aelis of psis du t4 Seconded by Eadsen. Adams and arisen voted aye, Swanson and Kasper voted Ma. Bergstrom thafit broke the Ve by voting aye. Motion carried. T -lotion by Swanson to pay R. Ilichaeli.s one months severance pay plus two aquired vacation pay. Seconded by 114dsen and carried. I -lotion by Suanson to approve bills as read. Seconded by Adams and carried. I,iotion by Swanson to appoint R. I'Lenzel as temporary maintainence form an in charge of the Sewer, eater and street departments and to adverti.ze in the Yonti cello Tines for a man to take over this position on a Derma.nant basis. Seconded by Madsen 9nd carried. Kasper voting no. The clerk was instructed to write to the Itional Easter ileal Society ,and inform them that we strongly disaprove of their proposed doW to dome ca Iain in the Continue next page Y-Inuted of February 3 cont.inucd. 288 Village because the people have already gi von to Une local c,aT-)-' er t1irough U . U i L the corriunity chest* On notion ad'burned. 12:40 A.1-11* Dr. J. A. Karer T 11 -age clerk. Ilarch 2 161.x.Y Regular meeting of the villa e council held this date in the vill-- ge ball Ili emb e r s present- Bergstrun, Adams., Kasper, Eadsen and Swanson. Absent- None,, Idnutes of Vile meeting of Fcbru--.raj 3rd T, -,ere approved as read. Don Pitt., -oftl+er e., explained the vimis of -Ile citisefts in Zhe fireing of Red I'llichaelis. There were appro=mately fifty other citisens present dernainding an explination of cause for this council action. I-I'Otion by Kasper that R. Ilichaelis be rehired and a list of duties be set up to be --['olldwed by all t1le naintainence erq[)loyecs. Seconded by ST.-Tanson. Mayor or Bergstrum called for a signed ballot vote with no further discussion alloi.,Ted. Kas-oer and Swanson voted yes. Adams and 1111adsen voted no. Bergstrum, than broke the tie vote i-T-1-th a no vote. Floyd Johnson comlained of his garbage not being picked up for the past two weeks. I Al Kehn desired an explination of weather or not the council had plains of ,grading oak street. 1-fe was promdssed that '-e would be called in 1 -,-hen the :1 - II engineers plains were recieved and that we would discuss it at UrAt time. 1-Irs E. Sheldon and Don Dorn complained of the water mins not being flushed in over a i,,onth and that the water was becoming very faull. R. P. Bra -Lich give an e-sq)lination of how he was atterptin7, to help stop -U-1--te purchase of cigerett-s by minors es-pecially in those places -Ljhere ci--,erette machines were located. Ile desired to know we,-�.ther or not the council' had any plains of removing these machines. T,.e council felt teat the cigerette machines were showing no signs o -LE' causing rAnors to smoke and no action-,,%Tas necessar, ,to remove these machines. y A pitition eras recieved by Edward and marie -,-."Onak, and Walter & Helen Klatt to vacate -'U-I-Ie westerly half of cedar street fron Broadway to river street. 1--j'otion by S-r,,=son to ta-bel this until checkin,�, with the engineer and regester of deeds. Seconded bir Adams and car--,-.,ied. A request i -,-as recieved From Jim Sc!L,-,a.-I"-'-'er to install a-stre-t light at the corner of Fifth and IlLuiesota streAs. Illotion by Kasper to contact liorthe.,,n States Po'rvj'rer Co. and ask to have a light inst,-:.lied at the aUove mentioned corner. Seconded by 'I'ladsen and c,3rried. 110tion by Kasper to grant a building permit to Ea�tl Viskocil to build a 14 X 26, foot garage on the east side of his hone located on lot 13 block 3 in & U Lower biont-icello., vritn special permission being given in this case to build wit-11-iin four feet of the adjoining property. Seconded by Adams and carl,,ied Ilotion br Swanson to grant permission to H. Gilmer Lee to move 30 X32'foot U story and a half hone and double garage on lots 3 4 block 46. Seconded by Adams and carried. The clerk was instructed to have a notice published in the lionticello Times info -1- resedense 'Ueat ti'[4ey must -trim all. Eln tret. s on their property and adjoininn- boulivard. A discussion i-71as II-leld regarding the adoption of, - civil service plain coveriairr CD C -t. all fu -Li t.L..,e e.LI.,pl,)-rei.--I-I :L-1 tiie c. "-Joeled -Lu-iti! furflhi? :L-Ifurrniation could be obtainect. A. I.-Ciartire- -L,:.ras inSturucted to Lave a Ij-o Parkin, -,j- sign painted on the door of the police garage. A. I-IbIntire reqp)csted to have a Yonito--(--!InL,, -.'�Oio �rstem installed in his hone. Tabeled until it could be c'--Lecked into i-.Teather or not -brie radar unit cuu-Ld be sold. T',ie foP-o- n,r,- 'i-jad p.pi-ied "'or V -aint,,.-I form�-ji: I. Lusti; '2. Vog"'al; L. end J-. f:a1i -Lil..--ge 1-1 o -ii ioc-I n o:,du-