City Council Minutes 03-04-1964 Special1 :LTi1le df I°1a -ch 2i�Ci cont:,.3lu.ed. Motion ,p7 Ad.c as at applicants for maintainence forman be continued Until i,,rch 16 and to advertize for a full_ time police officer to assist �. acIntire. these applicants to be reviewed at a spedial meeting to be held l=urch 16 at 8:00 P,14 Lotion seconded by Sizanson and carried. 1 --lotion by Suanson to pay bills as read. Seconded by Adams and carried. Lotion by Kasper to have a special meeting Wednesday at 1:00 P.11. in the police station to review the monthly bills for the liquor store, that have not arrived from the bookeeper in time for this meeting. Seconded by Adams and carried, To the St. Lnp. fund Lotion by Adams to transfer $6.,000.00 from the Liquor fund4ptnd 1, O(DO.00 from the Sewer fund to the General i provement fund. Seconded by Kasper and carried. On motion a j ourned 11:05 P.E. (�Yerk. 11 -arch 4, 1964 Special meeting of the village council Meld at 1:00 P.14. this date in the village police station. members present- Ber_�strum, Kasper and I,1adsen. Absent- Adams and Swanson. Lotion by Kasper to pay the liquor store bills as read. Seconded by Madsen and Carried. Fleeting a journed. C rk, 11arch 16, 1964 Special meeting of the village council held tNais date in the village hall. Members present- Bergstrum, Adams, Kasper, Y14dsen and S-ranson, W. Daniels requested a permit to have dancing by recorded music in his newly established Teen Age Club. Tabeled until the council could check on license require- ,ment s. Don Pitt indormed the council that an attorney had been contacted to represent R. Eichaelis in connection with his being fired by the village council. In reading from the Handbook for Minnesota Villages I.Q. Pitt informed the council that their action was illigal in accordinance with the veterans preference act. The council was further informed that v=iolation of this act by council members could make thea personally liable for any damages that result. y Yotion by Kasper that the law be complyed with and that R. 1,111chaelis be put back on the village employment. Following much discu-sion Kasper moved for a 10 minute recess. motion seconded by Si-Tanson and carried. No second was recieved on Kas-oers motion that was still on the floor prior to -recess. r{otion by Swanson to wait until I -larch U, so that legal council could be sought, before raking a decision concerning the hireing or firing of R. 11-ichae3ds, and to have a special meeting on that date in the village hall at 5:00 Motion seconded b.r Madsen and carried, I -lotion by Madden th:_ t starting pay be set at $375.00 for police officer and maintain - enc e man, Seconded by Adams and carried. The fol loiring had applied for Police officer: Albert I lartin, Staples I- innesota; Calvin Thell, Maple plain, T- esota.; Kermit Lindberg, 1onticello; Paul Bollig, Miaplfe Lake, 11innesota.; and Don. Dorf, I-lonticello. The following had applied for Village maintainedce mane Jim 1iaurice, I=Monticello; Loyd Burk polder, Monticello. Two others had applied for this position but were not present to be interviewed, these were: Tom Vogel and George Davis. Decision on hiring of any• employee s tabeled until regul an meeting April 6, lo64,, Lotion by Kasper to transfer $1,000.00 from. the Liquor fund to the street Improve- ment fund. Seconded by &Tanson and carried. Lotion by Adams to grant Building permit to Arnold M. Nelson to remodle his house Continued next page.