City Council Minutes 03-16-1964 SpecialY:muted of I a -ch 2nd cont:�nued.
_S_.d . 9
1110- ion "b Ide is � � � applicants for maintainenc e f orrian be continued until
I'larch 16 and to advertize for a full_ time police officer to assist A. 1,Clntire.
These applicants to be reviewed at a special meeting to be held Earch 16 at
8:00 P,11, Motion seconded by Swanson and carried.
Iiotion by Swanson to pay bills as read. Seconded by Adams and carried.
Lotion by Kasper to have a special meeting Wednesday at 1:00 J9.I. in the
police station to review the monthly bills for the liquor store, that have
not arrived from the bookeeper in time for this meeting. Seconded by Adams
and carried. To the St. Imp. fund
111otion by Adams to transfer $6,000.00 from the Liquor fund�nd $1,000.00 from
the Sei,Ter fund to the General improvement fund. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
On motion a journed 11:05 P.I.
l arch 4, 1964
Special meeting of the village council Meld at 1:00 P.I. this date in the village
police station..
Members present- Berptrum, Kasper and 1-1adsen. Absent- Adams and S ,.anson,
Lotion by Kasper to pay the liquor store bills as read. Seconded by Madsen and
I'Leeting a Mourned,
C rk.
larch 16, 1964
Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall.
Members present- Bergstrum, Adams, Kasper, M4dsen and Swanson.
W. Daniels requested a permit to have dancing by recorded music in his newly
established Teen Age Club. Tabeled until the council could check on license require-
ment s.
v Don Fitt indormed the council that an attorney had been contacted to represent
R. Michaelis in connection with his being fired by the village council. In reading
from the Handbook for Minnesota Villages 11r. Pitt informed the council that their
action was illigal in accordinance with the veterans preference act. The council
was further informed that violation of this act by council members could make them
personally liable for any damages that result.
Motion by Kasper that the law be complyed with and that R. hi.chaelis be put back
on the village employment. Following much discu-sion Kasper moved for a 10 minute
recess. Lotion seconded by Swanson and carried. No second was recieved on Kasoers
motion that was still on the floor prior to -recess.
p� Hotion by Swanson to wait until 11arch ?3, so that legal council could be soug]rit
before raking a decision concerning the hireing or firing of R. llichaeli.s, and to
have a special meeting on that date in the village hall at 5:00 P.I1. Motion seconded
by 11adsen and carried.
1,11otion by Madden th_.t starting pay be set at $375.00 for police officer and maintain-
ence man. Seconded by Adams and carried.
The folloi-ring had applied for Police officer: Albert Martin, Staples 1wl
Calvin Thell, Maple plain, 1=innesota; Kermit Lindberg, Monticello; Paul Bollig,
Tiapli Lake, I1 nnesota; and Don. Dorf, Monticello.
The following had applied for Village maintainezice mans Jim Maurice, honticello;
Loyd Burkholder, Monticello. Two others had applied for this position but were not
present to be interviewed, these were: Tom Vogel and George Davis.
Decision on hiring of any. employees tabeled until regular meeting April 6, 1964,
Yotion by Kasper to transfer $1,000.00 from the Liquor fund to the street Improve-
ment fund. Seconded by &Tapson and carried.
notion by Adams to grant Building permit to Arnold 1.1. Nelson to remodle his house
Continued next page.
- t I Ung _te s of March 16, 1964 continued,
located on lot 3 block 9, Lower Yionticello. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
Motion by I,`adsen to pay Electronics Communications, Inc. $175.00 for radar repair
Seconded by Swanson and carried.
Mr Peterson of Peterson Plumbibg Co. Give a report of his findings on examination
of the village sewer lines. He reported that there was aT�,roximately 7,000 feet
Of sewer that needed cleaning. No action taken on this.
On moti..on adjourned.
11 I
March 23, 1964
Special meeting; of the villi. -;e council held this date in the village hall.
Members present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kasper, T_adsen and Si-zanson. Absent- done.
Bergstrom reported that Glen Swenson had been contacted for legal counciling by
Bergstrom, Madsen and S�ranson and that he had advised that the veterans law does
apply in the case of R. ilichaelis being fired as village employee.
Ylotion by Adams to proceede 7,rith the hearing on firing of R. Ili.chaeli.s and that
charges be filed to Mr. Michaelis in writting, and a special meeting be set up after
charges are filed to appoint a hearing board. Seconded by Madsen. Adams and Madsen
vented yes, Kasper and Swanson voted no and Bergstrom cast the deciding yes vote.
Motion therefore carried.
Motion by Kasper to approve a building permit for Don Lind to build a house for
David Reaney on lot 7, block 35 of Lower 11onticello. The house to be 44ft. 10 in. X
34 ft. 1 ln. attached single garage. I -lotion seconded by Swanson and carried.A request was recieved from Northern States Power Co. to mmve a utility pole from
approximately 10 feet south of the south line to about 10 feet south of the north
line of the N.S.P. sub station. Motion by Madsen to approve the raquest of N.S.P.
Co.. Seconded by Adams and carried.
On motio adjourned.