City Council Minutes 04-06-1964291
April 6, 1964
Re-"ula:2 nbetino- of the V'll-.7,a.ce council held this date in the vill-a-e hall
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161embers present-- Bn gstrorn-1 Adam., Kasper., 11adsen and Swanson. Absent- Yone.
17inutes of meetings of May 2., 43 16 and 23' approved as read.
Br. Bodreau. of Watertower Paint and Repair Co. presented a contract to the council
for paintirig, the exterior of the i-raterto,.,;er for the sum of $863-00. 1-iotion by ISadsen
to accept the contract of,1atertoi-,-,,e_r paint &- Repair Co. for painting the exterior of the
toTn-er. Seconded by Adams and carried. I
Yr. R. Pitt informed the council thatthe county assessor lad cl-ianged neost of tie land
va-lues in the assessment book raising many of then go &_ 100 % and some as -much as 300%.
Er, Pitt than submit led 'his resignation w -1-t-1-1 the reason given that reassessing all
lots in the village i,,rould be more than he is capable of doing. 1 -lotion by Adams to accept
the resignation of R. Pitt. Seconded by Swanson and carried.
Yotion by Kasper to contact Lando Kirscht to see if he would take o1er the position as
Village assessor and to so a�_,point him if he would accept. Seconded by Swanson and
R. 11enzel reported a YJ 14achanical .failure in one of the pumps in the lift station located
by ,.,--,e bridge. Tri -Stag Drilling co. had inspected this punp and Reported that they
C_ 4
lelt iLt could be repaired for under .0,t"50-00, E tion "by Adams to '.ave this punp repaired
Seconded b -
U. y IAdsen and carried.
Yotion by Suanson to aL,p rove sewer pperators schooling for A. henzel and to pay his
tuition fee of $12-50 plus $12,50 for transportation. Seconded by Adams and car-Cied.
Yotion by Kasper to approve renual of On (S -Z off sale malt liquor license to t`he following:
Tom Schneider, George Davis and Springborg&�&- Larson. Seconded by 1-ladsen and carried.
1 -lotion by Kasper to approve the permit for David 1-1. Koyes Construction Co. and Ivionticello-
Big Lake Hospital district to build a 1171- 311 by 69, 811 hospital on the hospital district
property located in blocks 23 & 24 of Lower 1Monticello. Seconded bar Swanson and carried.
R. Holker requested a buildirL permit tib build a 50 ft. by 28 ft. carport north of
his drive in. Tabeled until checking on property line and possable traffic hazord.
Y-Otion by Adams to grant a building per railt to J. E. 11'adsen to 26 X Ito ft. addition tb
tlkesoutl'i side of 1 -tis gelding shop. Seconded by Kasper and carried,
The clerk was in eructed to Puplisll a n6tice that dog licenses are due by Yay 1, 1964,
Yotion by Kamer to -,)u--,chase a tranquilizer gun., case and mp.lies from IT. Gillhban
for $135.00. seconded by S-r,-,-anson and carried.
Howard Y&ger ajprplied for position as village r;:<-intainence foreman:.
1 -lotion by 1-1adsen to advcrtize in the lionticel'il-o Times., The Wtight County Journ.12 Press
-i�,�ith applications
the Sherburne County Star Neivrs for village nuaintainence foreman
to be in by April 20 th. and to have, a meetin_, on that date at 8:00 P.11. to review
the an - -.�lic�ants. Seconded by Adams and carried.
letter eras recieved from Attorney R. Tesc-'ri informing the council tliat he 1a contacted
the county Welfare office concerning information on hooking up the sewer to 1-,.omes of
people on i-.relfare. He -vias informed that eacfl. homeoumer viould have to send there requests
to 'U -,La welfzu,e office and each case would be -handeled on an individual basis. The clerk
was instructed to contact tl-.-,e welfare office and request a list of the homes of
those in t1ae village on welfare.
A request waL- recieved from the Assembly of God c1aurch to install a drain at the corner
where t1neir churc11 is located. The clerk was instructed to check wit Krueger- 1,.:ichaelson
engineering for an estimate of/00% cost for installing a storm seT,,-er in this area.
Fulle.-ton Lunbel- Co. scequested l errzissi on to install ra, gate in the f(3nce on the west
end of the FLillerton lot so that they could drive through on to the parking lot instead
of having to back into the street. 111o'Uion by Kasper to --ant the request -provided due
caution is used to prevent breralking up blacktop due UO too heavy of loads., cmd that
they would repair any daxii-agge should it occur. Seconded bar STi,,anson and carried.
L. L. Senness requested to know weather it v. -as the villages or adjoird property
responsibality to trim elm tur-es in undeveloped streets. The ordinance on this was
exandned and it was deterrndned Uh,.at the responsiballity was that of adjoining pro-,-.)ertty ov.mers.
Suanson, to accept the bills as read. Seconded,y Adams and carried.
Notion by
Eotion by Madsen to hire AlTbe--t J. 1"artin as full time police oi_,icer'_a a starting
'is erv)lorment to start as of
salary o-17 G'375.0:7) per mons':.Ra7y 1, 196)--, and that he
�-,',rould be on -a 90 day probationary period. Seconded by Kas,,,oer and carried.
On _
lftwl- ion adjourned.