City Council Minutes 04-12-1964 SpecialApril 12,, 1964
Specie -1 meeting of -the vJ-111 age; council lield this date in the vdil-lage hall,
1,ierabers -present- Be1--,,Yst-.-oma, Adams, K,, spec, Mladsen and S,;,Tanson. Absent- J�jone.
1.16tion by Kasper to set 4d -ie salary oP L. Kirschb at $1.,000.00 for assessirw, both
real personal pr
.L operty for the year 1964. Seconded by S�vranson and carried. Adams
obstained fl'lon vo'uin(--. The council talked wit -h-, Dick Holke'r and looked over his
parking lot to reviei-,-, the request for a car port adjoining his drive in. The council
asked 1,1r Holker to Present �'a_scetch of the drivein and tile proposed carport to
be reviei-,-,ed at the next meeting,
On riaotion adjourned.
April 20-,, 196-4
Special meeting of the �vilL)lage cfDuncil held t' --is date in t1le village hall.
Mienbers present- Be-rgstrom Kasper, Eadsen and Stabnson. Absent- None.
The folio ring applications --ere recieved for village int3:1.inence foreman:
, plications 0) ma
116-c-rell L. Peterson of Big Lake.
Earion N. Avery of 111onticello.
Alfred H. Cairns of Elk River.
Rollie M. I'lenzel o Monticello
Howard F. Yeager of 11onticello
Ralph Lindenfelser Of Konticel ' lo
Omar J. Pauliat of E1.7k, -,Liver.
Action on hiring any of the above tabeled until checking on ref erances,
Y -�4 tte license for Flolkers
Motion b. Kasper to approve the rene ml of the cigereuL,
arive In. Seconded by Madsen and carried.
Motion by Swanson to tabel the request of R. Holker to build a carport -until the
village attorney could be contacted to see iihat liability the village may have to
assume in the event of an accident. Seconded by 1-t,-adsen and car--ied.
Lotion by Kasper that the village s;ponser two school patrolman to camp at a cost
of $25-00 'each. Seconded by lladsen and. carried. A,, IvIcIntire offered to send a
third patrolman at his om exq)ense. Oniot/or adjourned.