City Council Minutes 05-04-1964I jay 4, - -1-964 Regular meeting of the village cozmcil 14eld t<;is date in ti e village 'hall, Item -hers present- Bens trom,asper StTanson. Absent- Adams & Madsen. Minutes of the ne eating s of April 6, 12 & 20 were approved as read. Ya.yor Bergstrom called Tor a special meeting to be held ITondayr Yxay 11th at 8,-00 P.M. to appoint the village r,..aintainence forenaz. +'redTopel give; a repor t. to t:e coot icil of the park corartittee t s findings on inspection of the village parkcs. Be reported a broken railing on the stairs under the bridge, and a lot of dead v,,00d in the trees in the pares by the bridges he recuested that the spring puxT in the ,apper monticello park be repaired and that a cement slab be -Qut by this purr. R. Yenzel Teas informed to make t'zese -repairs when time allokTed. .ane park cor-settee also requested a neii slide in the parr by; tae bridge; signs to be posted on the high air iIlforr�7illg people of the picnic and c���ping areas; and that organizations ZTishing to use to park for group picnics be renvired to regester and reserve the paw , .for ti.e, day ta�ley Yvrish in order to avoid confusion of too many roIrpS using the park on the same days. The council informed the parts co +settee that they would c1.eck on the cost of a nev slide, and treat signs for posting on the highway were already being considered.. Dr. F. E. Ellison recuested a clean } i, e in -'Lsewer e ser rated to corrispond with the usage of the sewer .I otion 'oZr Kasper to sleet iri h t',e ineer to review. t' -ie sewer and water rates. Seconded by Siranson and carried. Ih°. Br e7311y requested to 1 ow .iow he was to connect '-.i s offide building to the -village sewage system. :,11e was informed that this woi ld be discussed rritl , the villege engineer to d.eterrdne the best TJay of corn-iectinrr and urzo T,aozld h ve to bear the cosi of getting a lead-in to the property line. Y. Noon re ues te.-� to laiow weather the village yjish.ed to continue use of the present ?0olice car or tb rent a new car at this tine. ��e in the council that his rental Nates iTould h4, e to be changed because of the increased usas;e of t' e car. The new rates to be : "150..-;0 per vont'- for a ne,T car and c„ 135.00 per month for tie continued use of Uie -resent caw'. Ybt-ion by Kasper to continue use of the present police car for a rental fee of 1 5.00 per month until sue' time as the macO., ' deal conditi on of this car neces'_-ated a change. Seconded by Swanson and car-^ied, 1r, Krueger castle to t'ie meeting and i<Tas questioned about the Dr. Brenny hookup. he advised the council teat -Uhe orae-in.al -pro��erty oimer requested teat tllie lead-in be stoped at tTe retaining ,all, and he felt that the connection from there on Lgrould be t'le responsibali ter of the property oirner. Pnrther action on this tabeled until the may llth a ieeting Dr. Sraorstos.. 11. Krueger and. Brenteson net- wi-�l 'die council to deib®rmine -Tihb is responsibal for the additional cost in _ookinz the Dr. Senor stole resedence to the vel _age surra ,e System, Ac tion on this Ug, until t'.,-,,e<ay 11th recti g'. mb- r Kas otion Dcr to publisel and -oost tae notice to have a hearing, 6n the pitition to vacate Cedar street (also luted on some rums as llulbe::ry street) in Loeser Monticello .from �.-oadlTay to giver street. This hearing to be -eld at < June 1,, 1964, Seconded by SiTanson an(-! carried. 1° otlon by S.Tanson 'GoDuxcn�'.Se S::x s1 -,ns ind cating picric and parming areas to :-'-� ays indica ting the wav to the Parks. Seconded b be posted on t'ae r Kasper and Carried. 'ti, Krueger: e:la.ined t e fireunder?Triters tests of hater flow to the hospital property. It wa£ e )lained that Taatew^ _flow, was rn.aff_qu i to to r��i7zt":i_n a high fire protedtion rate in this area. U otion by Kasper to approve a building perryt to C. ` usetL to build a 14 X 18 ft, kitchen addition to the>ack of 'Lis house located on 16t 3 and i-,-. of 3 in block 56. Seconded by ST -Sanson and carried, 1'-otion bar Swanson to pay bills as read. Seconded by 1,a.sper and carr Tied. Iti otion by Swanson to have the village police department wear standard blue un i $orals and to set Uric uLiforr� a1"_otn(n t fofull time police at 75.0o for the first year and $50.00 for each year thereafter„ Seconded bij, Kasper and carried. I ayor Bergstrom stated that in talking with the village attorney about the request of B. Hol -kcal _ to build a carport alongside, of lis drive Misr that the attorney had advised a ai-ist this, permit because it would be giving permission to park on village P, erty and there wou`- d be an extent of liability to the village for allozring Q3ar is on proper ty- t^ at would ordinarly be used for villan' s ' � T :tee U1dStTa�t L. T'otion by Kasper to ou�chase a police radi for X51 -4.o0. S.conded bkr swadon and. carried,