City Council Minutes 06-18-1964 Specialminutes of June 2 continued, G. Plzi1 ±ins, representin a service; club requested that the council- investigate tale feasibility of e}q,?�iring Flints airport a.s 4 r aicipaly o.�ned airport. hotio�z by Swanson that the council investigate the purchase of Flints airport as a municip^l;T o.vmed airport. Seconded by Adams and carried. Over 20 ap Aica.tions were recieved for village r;�aintainence -and sewage dispose 1 system foreman of tidhich the following were selected for further consideration: Roger Distad of Albe--t Lea; Rerbert J. Kukuk, os Qti��atonna; Glenn Dogger of 11inneapolis Raymond Kraft S Wort-xington; Own Bollin of Litchfield; 111elvin Fegre of Greenwood Wisc.; Thomas Nelson of Albert Lea; Philip Olson f o ?- enn ng; Heil 11assie of Park Rapids. Purchase of slides for parks labeled Until_ e.ecking on price. 1l11otion by Hadsen to pay bills as read. Seconded by Adams and c )rried. R. C. ansford sent a, request tth -.t more care be used in t1 --ie use of power mowers at the Hillside Cemetery. On m7ClerFk.;� June 13, 1964 Special meeting; of the vil_.- ge council held this date. E embejrs present- Bergstrom, Adams, 11,7,.dsen, and Stmnson. Absent- Kasper. It is moved tnat the villa, e council stste its charges in ixittiig and hold <a Public hearing on the Motion made to relieve Ronald 1.1ichaelis from his duties as an employee of Uhe ; Hilae of Eonticello, i4hich motion carried at a regular council meeting on February 3, 1961 , pe-rsuant to the request of said R. T�ichaelis that � the council did not like t �e iray he did things that the council. could get someone else to take his place, in accord u-ith Section 197.46 at Further, ur_ t the council appoint one person to the hearing; board that is agree- able to serving on said board and that a spacific date fa� said hearing than be designated. �-''otion by Adams to accept the above resolution. Seconded by Hadsen and carried. Nat)an Adams. June 3 01 1964 The village council het t1his date . at 8:00 P.M, in the village .tall as the board of review to he,= corr�Dlaints and answer questions on real estate and personal propert;T taxi s. Yembers present- Bergstrom, Adars and Kas 'er. Also present- Vill,. ge assessor L. Kirscht and county assessor J. Larson. z;bsent- Madsen and Swanson, A. Kue m asked the as--essed valuation on h�s property. Yr. & hers, Tony Gelid asked the: as:-essdd 'valuation on theme property. Motion by Kaspe-_­ to, approve both Ipersonal p,-.. oper ty and real estate tax alssessments as, presented. Seconded by. Adans and carried. On, 3potion a. journed 9:3; P.M. Clerk,