City Council Minutes 07-06-1964July 6, 1964 9 7
Regular meeting of the tri.11age council :field this date in the village hall.
Flembers present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kasper, Madsen and Swanson. Absent- None.
Minutes of tie meetings of June 2, 18, & 30 were approved as read,
G. Beech & Dr. Coe of the hien. State Dept.: of Agriculture met with the council
and advised of ways to help control tie Dutch Elm diseade. Wm. Sand erg was appointed
check with the village main.tamnence men and the officials of the surrounding town-
ships to see if better methods of control could be attained.
Two requests were recieved for building permits to build an a unit appartment building.,
one by K. Y.agnuson to build on lots 12 & 13 block 11 in Lower I-Ionticello and the other
by D. Engeles Construction Co to , buils on lots 3, 4 5 of block 54. Both requests
titiTere tabeled until a meeting Monday July 13th,
N. Krueger was present to show his plains of the proposed grade level for Oak street.
Mr Krueger also advised that his estimate for extending the water main down River at.
tot he Hospital would cost the village between $,8,000.00 000.00 a $10.000.00,
Mayor Bergstrom set a meeting date for July 13 at 8:00 P.1vil. inthe village hall to
discuss the water line extension and the sewer and water rates,
J. Iv'.,rerium requested perms -scion to instal a phone boothett or phone booth on one of
the village light poles or adjacent to the village liquor store. Tabeled until
checking further on location.
J. Eeri.url requested th:,.t a stree- light be installed ,on I-iighway 25 by the telep4one
bldg. Motion by Kasper to i- ave N.S.P. Co. install a dtreet light across from the
telephone bldg. Seconded by hadsen and carried..
J. 11erium explained a new fire calling telephone system whereby 20 or more fireman
could recieve a fire call at one time. No action taken on this at the present time.
Wm. Sandberg submitted a cor plaint on behalf of the park committee of a diesel engine
across from the Lower Monticello park that was very noisy and requested that the
council back them in any acta on that could be taken to quiet it.
Sandberg requested a sign in the lower park to restrict parking to the Eas7end of
the park. lotion by Adams to prohibit pamping in the Lower Ivionticello park. Seconded
by Kasper. Follojrring discussion on this Kasper moved to table ' the previous motion,
seconded by Sanson and carried Adams voting no.
potion by Kasper to limit gamping in all parks to 24 hours and to restrict camping in
the Lower I•Ionticello park to the East end of the park and also to check into the
purchase of additional picnic tables and barbique outfits. Seconded by Swanson
Kasper & Swanson voting yes, Adams and Madsen voted no. Bergstrom voted yes, motion
carried. Adams and Madsen stated there reason for voting against t,e previous motion
is t:lat they are against any caxTinrg in the Lower TIonti.cello park.
A request was recieved to byy eater from Land 0 Lakes drying plant to allow additional
hours of sprinkling. No action taken.
Motion by Kasper to have Vie village maintainence crew spray the Rod & Gun
Club grounds before the annuel steak, fry. Seconded by Adams and carried.
A letter was recieved from: Stan Hall informing that refuse from the dump is beinc
pushed over onto his fence and into his pasture. I -lotion by Kasper to have the ma.intainence
men check on this and see what can be done to clean it up. Seconded by Adams and carried.
Lotion by Swanson to add $1.68 for penality to the dog license fee for those who
pmrchase their license after July 31 of this year and for thmse who purchase license
ovef 30 days past the due date in succeeding years. Seconded by Adams and carried,
A complaint �Ai s recieved about the junk in the yz;rd of Wm, Allen and of his chickens
running loose. Hoti.on by Masperto check on this to see should be done. Seconded
by Svanson and carried.
A complaint was recieved of tires and junk being piled in the yard of B.Bland and of
him having a dog tied by the sidewalk so that people could not walk on the sideways.
Lotion by Kasper to c1jeck on this at the same time as checking on the .previous
complaint. Seconded by Iladsen & carriked,
YOtion by Madsen to approve the following building permits: Tars, E. Carter to build
a 5 ft. X 19 ft. addition to the front of her house loc..-.,ted on tyle south 1 of lot
1 block 12; and to Iileltrern Worth to build a 32 ft. X 42 ft. house the north partials
of lots 6, 7 & " of block 56 and on _patt of the vacated streed between blocks 56
and 62. Seconded by Kasper and carried n
� s Adams ob stainin:, .
T`oti.on by Kasper to pay the village share of the 1961-62 PERA and P&F g
C amounting to
$1,712,89 from the general fund and 415127.30; from the liquor fund. Seconded by Adams
and carried.
j S July 6, 1964 continued.
A letter ems recievcd from R, Tesch inforr' t"Cie council tll-h .t rye wished to resign
as Village Attorney. Notion by Adams to accept this resignation, seconded by I.-Adsen
and carried, Kasper
A letter TJTas recieved from t.4e Minn, Dept. of Hig aways inforilin.g that the "picnic -
camping" signs z-rere oil the state rir',-t of vTay and must be removed. Bergstrom informec,
the council that this had already been complied with.
1-170tion by II- adsen to hire Keil ITassie as vill�T_,e maintinence foreman tri. th a st -r ting
salary of , O0.00 per rionth, this erployment to st,?xt July 15, 1964. Seconded by
S,,Tanson and carried, Kasper voting Mo.
Motion by Madsen to approve the vbills as read, Seconded by Simnson end carried.
On 'ot' on adjourned ,1:10 AJi.
Cler ,
July 1,3 , 1964
Speciil meeting of the villa . e council held t =is date in t I_ _e village
Iier�bers present- Der= s4troms Kasper and Branson, Absent- Adams and I dsen,
Motion by Swanson to approve building permits for t m apartment buildings,
one for D. 1,11gles Eonstructi.on Co. on lots 3, 4, & 5 block 54 and one for
K Eagmuson on lots 12 & 13 block 11, Lower Monticello. ` ie perriv.t for K. Ma.,nuson
being subject to presentinM the council tirith .xit ten approval of two th'iyrds of
the property of mer s fit the following prescribed area: All of block 11; the nor -Un
half of block 32; lots 81 9, & 10 im block 3711; lot; 1, ?, 31 ll, 12, 13, 14 & 15
in block 12, Ilo tion . seconded by Kasper and carr ied,
ITotion by Yiasper tnat a iwitten notice r e sent to P, !s .aw cnd W. Allen infondml
them that the junk must be cleaned from their property tri thin tl:lirty days. Secondea
by Si nson and carrried.
Lotion by Swanson to ap-prove t.`ie liquor fund b__lls as read. Seconded by Kasper
and car. °ied.
I'lotion by K . sper to have Krueger IJ-cTlaelson engineering Oo. draw plains and spec-
ifications for the proposed extension of the Crater main doiem Fiver street to t �e
hospital, and froth the vacinity of tie watertower to the nain on third street,
and a store sewer on Wright street from third to fourth street. Seconded by Sti-ranson
and carried. .
notion by Kasper to have Krueger gTic' iaelson rhgLieering Co. review our water rates
and submit recomend.a.tions for chan0les. Seconded by Swanson and ca�Nried.
I -Ir. Chenetiveth of Uilers and I= informed us that the cost of drm,ring up and present-
ing a bond i s _sue umuld be a rdnLum of P 50, 00 ,
On Pio ' on ad j ournec .
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