City Council Minutes 08-03-1964y � August 3, 196. ��)gulag meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. ribers present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kasper, Madsen and Swanson. Absent- None. Brenteson requested = extension of tine to install sewer extensions contracted for. Ialotion by Kasper to extend the deadline date to AL�gust 20 for contractors to finish connecting "-omes to t'rie village sewage system. Seconded by Szranson and carried* I°t Brenteson requested to know if the village is plain ng an extension of the re.- line to t::,J�e in t'he h. Healey estate. I,lotion by I-iadsen to extend sewer along t River street adjacent to block 61 provided t0st hole proves sa.tisfacto_-y. Seconded by Swanson and carried. ` Minutes of the meetings of July 6 & 13 approved as read. mplaints were recieved of sevoral empty lots in toim being in need of mowing. Notion by Madsen to mow Mrs. Doughertyt s lot and to send a notice to Leonard DeChehe std Heakold Heck instructing them to now their lots within 10 days. Second' -ed by Swanson and carried. Al. Reiland and Sten hall corrplain.ed of hutch Eln disease posibaly spreading to their property from the dump grounds and of the poorly maintained condition of the durp grounds. Tlotion by Kasper to have the village rmintainence foremen post an ad.iquite number of signs at the d=2 informing where to, and whe_,e not to dump, and that a $25.00 fine be imposed for durpping in unauthor izwd areas, further that no Dutch Elm diseased trees be halted to the dump wi.tllout supervision of the riaintainence foren- . Motion seconded by 1 -Madsen and car_-ied. Mel Swanson informed the council that the Rotatory Club is 100;; favor of aquisition of Flirms airport as a municipally owned airport. Donald Shipp explained the operation of a gas chlorinator forconnection to the Village water systen the cost of 1-71lich would be � 50.00 plus 094.00 for a buster pump and $55.00 for a corporation cock. T abeled for inspection of units in use. Bergstrom advised tie cozuzcil t'ia.t an attorney :is needed to repzesent t' --le village in a traffic violation c4 se. I�lotion by Adams to hire G. Swendon to represent the vil"! ge, no second. Tlotion by Kasper to hire R. Tesch to represent the villcage, Seconded by Madsen and carried. Adams voting no. The hospital board reported trey had 600 yards of dirt from the front of the hospital t'riat they would give the village if we laid the moving costs. Motion by Kasper th.:�It the village pay- the total coat of r. -loving the dirt from tlhe hospital, provided that ' along frith the 600 yards from the front of t he hospital t11ey cut doim the parking lot to give us al)- 700 additional ition4�1 yards of dirt. Seconded bur STranson and carried. R. Krueger explained his study of the water r=ate schedule. Ho action taken at this time on changing the water rates. motion by Adams to assess tiro thirds of the water main extension to adjoining property owners. Seconded by 11adsen and carried. Kasper voting no. T otion by Kasper th.-.t the street grades on river street from Dayton to Oak sty ect and on Oak street from River street to Broadway be established as on plains dra-vm � by Krueger Iwiich nelson Engineerin g and on file in tl�e clerks off ice. Seconded by Swanson and carried. Motion by STanson to raise A. Iartint s pay to $400.00 per month effective Alagust 11 1964. Seconded by Adams and carried. .. I•lotionby Kasper to leave a yeald traffic sign installed on Cedar street at the corner ' Seconded by Swanson E of Cedar and EG. s� River streets. eet s . Tarrson and car - -,-ie' Motion by I�ladsen to adopt V -_e resolution approving the prelirdnary �d'epor�t and calling a public hear3ra g mn -water i :provement No. 1964 -1. Seconded by Adams and carried unanamously. Motion by Madsen to put an ad in the I-lonticelli Times for a part time maintainance err ploye e. Seconded by Swanson and curried. Motion by Kasper to 'told the re ular September meeting of the council on Sept. 1 due tQ a holiday f al ling on Sept 7. Motion seconded by Suanson and ca.:r -1-ied. Motion by Madsen to ap+-)rove a building permit for A. Neese to build a 7 X 12 ft. addition to his house on lot 4 block 9. Seconded by Kasper and carried. Motion by Madsen to have the sei,,-er lead in installed to tlhe propc_ht; line of Dr. 8rennY's by tun -leling under the retaining ,:Tall. Seconded by Kasper.xadd en and 4 Kasper voted yes, Adams and Swanson no and Bergstrom no. 1 -lotion not cara�ied.� continued page 2 2 AWust 3 continued. 4 Notion by Sijanson to approve t to wills as read. Seconded by Adams and carried. on motion a journed 1:30 A.21. &OE ,_ ' August 17, 196 r Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. IAembers present- Bergstrom, 'Kasper and Swanson. Absent- Adams and I-, .dsen. The following bids were recieved for extension of ihb iratermain and installation of one block of stoma sewer; Barb��rossa and Sons, Inc. of Osseo- $11,902.50 plus $8-55.00 for valves and hydrants and a deduct of $225.0,1 if no bituminous surfacing. Northdale Construction Co. of 11inneapolis- $10.804.30 with a deduct of $150.00 if no bituminous surfacing. F. D. Chapman Co. of 1,dnneapolis - $13,168.00 with a deduct of $450.00 'if no bituminous surfacing. A. N. Johnson Co. of Elk River- $11,372.25 with a deduct of $150.00 if no bituminous surfacing. Union Centran Contracting Co. of Minz?eapolis- $12,, 871.10 with a deduct of 035.00 if no bituminous surfacing. S. G. ldcl-Tilliams of Long Lake- $13097.80 tirit i a deduct of $800.00 if no bituminous surfacing. Three Way Construction do. bf St. Cloud= $11,366.30 with a deduct of $607.50 if no bituminous surfacing. The cost of the watermamn extension only on River street fror,? Washington to Elm and on Elm street (vacated) to Broad -,ray was given at 07,152.50 from the low bidder of j Northdale construction Co, this would set the cost at $2.95 per front foot' and if two thirds is to be assessed to property otirners their assessment would be approx. $2.00 per front foot. Mayor Bergstrom opened the meeting to flexr objections of the proposed as-essment on extension of this water main. The following property oVmers stated objections to the proposed as se s semen% : John and Bessie Kaz; William Sandberg; Wilhelm axed z Telen Vinen; Walter and Helen Klatt; Leroy Jensen and Edward Klein.They all objected because they -felt they would not be benefited by this extension of the eater ' main and because tiiere had been no assessments to ,�DropertT;r ozmers previously for inste-11 ation ofwate- mains. T`otion by Kasper to finance this project by other means irit+�out assessing property owners. This other means to be studied and derived at by the council. No second. F ollowinn muc ri discussion I ayo.r Bergstrom adjourned the hearing until 8:00 P.T . august 24, 1964. G. Phillips representing the hospital board requested the council consider establishing the curb ;rade in front of the hospital. No action taken on tris at this time. R D-,. J. A. Kasper 601 /