City Council Minutes 09-28-1964 SpecialSeptember 15, 1964
Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall.
Members present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kasper, Madsen and SL,Tanson. Absent- Uone.
%lotion by Kasper to advertize for bids for a new ?Tell, these bids to be in by
8:00 P.I.I. September 28, 1964. Seconded -,by Adams and carried.
Lotion by Swanson to install the new well east of the water tower as per recommendations
of -U--ie state board of health. Seconded by Madsen and carried.,
0n motion adj ned.
September 28, 1964
Special i,zeeting of the v llage- council held this date in the v .11ar e hall.
-i -embers present- Bergstrom, Adams, I adsen, Kasper and Swans=. Absent- hone.
Bids were recieved for construction of a new well and pump house as follows:
Tri State Drilling, Co.-- $16,113.00; Bergerson-Caswell Co.-- 18,346.00
E. H. Renner & Sons. --- $22, 932.00; 1IcCarthy Well Co. ---- $203751-00
Muller Brothers --------- $15.849.61; Keys Well Co. ----------- $21t3377.00
Motion by Adams to accept the low bid of Muller Bros. in the amount CC $15,869.61
provided it is agreed the pump Douse may be deleted from the contract by the council
if so desired. Seconded by Madsen and cox niec_.
IIaayor Bergsturom called a special neeeting of the village council for 3:00 P.11. Sept.
30th to meet ti,,.th a representative of Juran & Boody for the purpose of is sueing
waterworks revenue bonds in the ariount of 330,000.00 to pay for construction of the
new well, repair of the old well and to xray, for the iTatermin extensions installed
on East River street to Vie Hospital and from the tov-4Ter to third street.
0n moOPkUk<.X7z'__:_
tio adjourned.'
September 30, 1964
Special zneetinc of tree village council held taxis date in the villa Je hall
Members present- Ber�stro,?�, Kasper and Swanson. Absent Adams and Madsen.
Iiotion bar Swanson 'to accept the proposal of Jur,an 61 Ikloody Co. of a second lean
zrater revenue bond in the amount of $35,000.00 . Seconded by Kas;�er and car:_,ied.
On 3,Zotion ad j o%urned