City Council Minutes 10-05-1964i October 5, 196.
Rega_�.lar meeting of t e villa,e council held ,his date in tine village all.
lierbe--a present- Derr strori, Adams, I4adsL n, Kasper and 8ransons
1,21nutes of tie ne:�tings of September 1, 15, 28 and 30 approved as read.
A. McIntire requested that the village consider hiring a village a.ttorne,;T and
sug_restOd Will is q Hoffman for this position. Motion by 1,1adsen to contact William,
Hoffman and offer hire tile position as Village attorney an the same basis as the
previous villas e attorne_x. Seconded by Kasper and carried, Adams voting no.
G. Barthel coraplafined` oi' oran e col?_ered. and bad tastin water. 11. IMassie was
instructed to flush the water lines.
F. hiurph' of Tri State Tiachenry Co. offered to sell the road g,ra der that had been
left on trial for 55,500.00. He was informed t1liat t he coundil felt we had no need
for a grader at t his time and that we could not afford to purenase one.
N. I,iassie informed us that the Diamond and T truck has an anti freeze leak into the
engind and teat t{le transrlis� ion iiousin�; is cr :.clued.. Bergstrom is to checl on
-repairinf t' truck.
J. "otwium informed tele council t�,_et the cost of a new telephone s-rstem for the
fire de-cartment with a s-itch board and ten phones would be $58.00 per month on 4
five year contract. I,lotion by Kasper to have this new phone system installed
i.,ith ten conta6ctions. Seconded by Adams and carried.
It'loti.on by Kasper to approve th.e follotiring building perlaits: Tom Ewing to build
a 12 X 22 ft. garage on lot Zr block D; Earl S'-Itto build a 11[ X 2�0 ft.
on lot as described in property description 19931 block 56; C. B. Christianson
to build a 12 X 24 ft addition to louse on lots 6 &_ 7 block P; Tom Erring to build
to build a 36 X 28 ft house with garage on lot 8 block 33; Assembly of God Churdh
to build a parsonage L shaped ?3 X 47 feet on lots 10 &, E. of 9 block 35.
Iiotion seconded by Swanson and car.:-ied.
Iiotion by 11adsen to contact the following to serve as election judges: Lida Thompson,
1,.rs J. F. Madsen, hr s C. I . Swanson, meta Soltau, 1,1r^:. Jon ewaard, I`Lr s A. Garlid,
A. Z. Kuehn, 1rs Oscar Tapper and the follo�7jin.g as alta:-nates: M. Tiurra�r, Ed, Yonak,
and F. Swanber l`•'lotion seconded by Adams and carried.
Information zeas recieved that the Tony Poirier residence is not co-Mected to the
Village sewage system. Lotion by Adams to give Tony Poirier fifteen days to connect
to the village sewage system or the $100.0, per day fine i,rould be imposed as per
ordinance. Seconded by Suanson and carried.
Motion by Swanson to call for bids for fuel oil for the disposal plant and t'Ie liquor
store. These bids to be given to the clerk no later than 8 :00 P.II. November 2nd.
Seconded by Kasper and carried.
A bill for repair of t le old well `by Bergerson Cam %Tell was recieved in the amount
of $2,851.38 with a notation that repair oftne old pusmp nould be an additional
*2,167.00. I-lotion by Swanson to send tl-e bill back to Bergerson C4swell and ask for
a reconsideration in view of the faint thattheestimate was much loi4er than the
statement sent for the well Seconded by Kasper and carried.
14otion by Kasper to transfer $2,000.00 from the liquor to the general fund and to
issue-rarrants u—ith theWright County State Band not to exceed $6,000.00 against the
water fund until the bond money arrives. Seconded, by Swanson and carried.
I%tion by Yiadsen to purchase a cutting torch from William Allen fvr $75.00. Seconded
by Swanson and carried.
Descussion was '_geld relative to obtaining a neer dump a ound. F. Lindenfelser of
Albertville offered to pick up garbage t' at is now being picked up by the village
and hall to his oum dump at 800 per stop per month and H. -Rad_kli.ff of Delano offered
to pick up the garba,e that is no-IT being picked up by the village at 75�pe r month
per stop or to pick u everything that is put at the curb for 900 ��� month stop
�. p � p �' g L per � per t
and hall to his oeym dump. The council decided to continue to look for land to use
as a village dump and to continue free garba_,e pick up.
1-4otion by I,iadsen to have Bernard W. Nagy audit the village books again for 1964.
Seconded by Swanson and carried.
N, hassie reported the t one block of sewer on Broadi,ay contained a great amount of
sand and needed bucketing out. Ilotion �by Iv aG sen to 'sire Mr Peterson from Buffalo
to clean out this block of serer. secondee by Kasper and carried.
Lotion by Swanson to retain $1.,000.00 of the Northdale Construction Co, bill for
installing the Water extension Cantil the parts of the styeets th .t 11ave settled
Continued next p.tge
October 5 minutes continued. 7
are repaired. ' aired. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
Lotion by Sir,-anson to pay- bills as read. Seconded by Adams and carried.
Ilotion by Adams to set the 1965 levy as folloiTs: General- revenue %P1 " 6,
Streets $8,000.00; Recreation and park $1,500-00; PER. $2,500.,00; Audit $?1,000.00
Building and 'bonds; 1954 Street 04,500,005 FL -re Buildinp, -)-nd equd:'ontent 04.5,000,00
and General Inproveiilent $'22,000.00 for a total of 1-59 5 0.-00. Seconded by Kasper
and carried.
A letter i,,,as read from tr D
ept. of Agriculture conserning the dutch Elm disease.
On roti adjourned