City Council Minutes 11-03-1964 SpecialNovember 2 continued. and carried. Eadsen voting Tho. There` Vras a discussion regarding ice scating rinks and a warning souse. It was decided to put an ad in the paper to see if a warraLi g 'souse could be obtained. On motion adjourned 11:45 P.11. Xale� C rk. Yovenber 3, 1964 ' Special meeting of tie village council held this dote in t?�e villa -e hall at 1130 P.11 T• embers pre sent- Bergstrom, Adams, Kaspe - and I arisen. •� z. $4 y Yotibn by i`adsen to accept t -e results of the election judges as tine election was held in accordinance Trit" the laig3 and to certify the result,-, s follows: Total votes- 709. For Counciln n- William Sandberg 211 votes, Willian. Anderson 191 votes, ti^dalter Ir ar'�linID 166votes, Donald Dorf 120 votes. Sandberg declared elected. For clerk- Kasper 643'votes. Kas?oer declaired elected. For Justice of the Peace - C. ;,;. Christianson 532 votes. Christianson declaired elected. For con table P. Walters 30 votes, Akclntire 9 votes acrd G. 1)z _Ls 6 votes. For Hospital board t' -_e folloi,,-in votes d,rere recieved. 11onti cel.lo vill�.ge deliga,te- eorge Phi?lips 615 votes. For deligate at large A. C''Xistiyulsor_ 532 votes and F. E. Klein 105 votes. motion seconded by Ka seer and-carried. ebtin- adjourned, Clerk_. November 17, 1964 Special meeting; of the village council Meld this date in the village hall. 11embers present- Bergstrom, Adams, Kasper, Eiadsen and Swanson. Absent- hone. e. b- S<-anson to grant a use peri -ii -it to North Oaks Properties to b-rdld a 6 ft. redwood basket i,eave febce allong the east "side of their property located on lots 12 i�,13 block 11 of Lower Monticello, this fence to extend no furthe-_ forez,,aro th 30 feet from tele edge of t o street. Seconded by Ka. -pe--, and carried. I -potion by Madsen to adopt a resolution authorizing and directing; the issuance and sale of $35:000,00 on water revenue bonds of 1964. Seconded b, -,r Adams and carried x unan.amously. 1 oti on by Kasper `to pay- A. I,icIntire two weeks vacation pay 'of $200.00. Seconded by Swanson and carried. I -lotion by Adams to have Justice court held in the village hall instead of in the police department office. Seconded by Kasper and carried. The hospital board informed the council th _.t the' had ap )roi�iately x.00 to 450 yards of fill to be reraoved from the hospital property with an estimated cost of removal to ire about $300.00. 'they requested to kn.ov, if the village w1buld be willingy to pay part &f this cost of removal if the fill were to be put along the north side of river street in back of the hospital. They also requested that the village slope the west side of Oak street down to conform wits the parking lot. I,Iotim by Kasper to pay X150.00 of the cost of the dirt removal and to i_,`ve tie West =!.alf of Oak Street sloped to conform with the hospital parking lot. Seconded by 3�,.Tanson and carried. Motion by Kasper to hire Lanc.o A17 sci it as viilage assessor for 1965 for a salary of 750.00 and to allow him expenses of $8.00 per day for two da;Ts of assessors schooling. Seconded by Madsen and carried.. Adams voting no. On g;;AO76,� mot'on adjourned Clerk.