City Council Minutes 12-07-1964Decer be_r 7, 15 oar
egul�_r meetin_; of t'he vill-_,ge council held this date in t -' e villa -'e hall.
I enters present- Be Brom, Adams, Kasper. 11a'sen atd S,,anson. Absent- I• one.
The minutes of the meetings of Iolovenbe ° 2, 3 17 were approved witIci the
followinS exceptions: in th., meetin ; of Nov. 2 the Dmotion re: ardiati rejecting all
fuel oil bids �,,ras seconded by 1,adsen instead of Adams and on the Yov. 3 meeting
a-ianson was present, not absent. ��
z� y T C pay � r Bros. y�6,c29,91 as T first
- -_1 the
Motion by S�fan��on to �a %=uel_�e� te fig n� anent on con -
tr.-ct for constroction of t -ye new well. Seconded b;T T`:adsen and carried.
Inti. �-�as^ie informed the coirncil that two ne�,�,r rear tires are needed for tl�e vi11a.�oJ
ur.__ctor. SL,Tanson nd T as _-ie ,re -re i_is _ qac ed to cr ec on ti.e cost of ne,"r tires
an`- ?re t :- ?. in s t 'led -,
1 otion by ST,,anson t'a��t fr es e be no c' rge oa? the Jul,, Avg-�Ist "nd September water
bill of And x ' itsc ien because o ' overpa; mn.ent previousl - due to �. f !nit: T r{reter.
Secondel by Kasper -nd carried.
Bids I've..,e yeciev :d fo,.- rental. of a new police car 1s 1'olloi,rs : I'loon motor Sales
<4150."0 pe;° month. Swansons Ford- $150-00 per month. I'lotion by �Ia :ser7 to accept
the bid o:.0 Toon motor sales. as por q{L ecifications subrlitted. Seconded by Adams
c?,nc) ca"rLeO. i
I-1otion by Kasper to ap-,,:,,rove the followin cigerette License ap jlicrwtions:
'gay Adamson, Gor. dan Y-arx, George, Gould Bros. Cj rev. , Roy Laurin 7,, Keith
Cr?ndall, Tom. Sci;neide--I Bob Sade, T.lonticello An, erican Ler.,-ion Post 260,
L. Clausen, Vernon Klatt, Nelson Bros., Red Topel, I.-arie �'aniols, Elmer pornlund,
K. Springborg, and :H -at ,Tangerin. I�btion seconded b-iT Madsen'and ca_-ried.
hLotion by I arisen to renew the Pool -Room license for T. Schneider and the 'Do-k1ii1r
alley license for K. Springborg. Seconded b -,r &ranson and carried.
Motion by Kasper to transfer the bn and off sale non-into,dcating malt liquor
license for tie Town Cafe from G. Dvis to I-"arie Daniels. Seconded by I- arisen and
Bastion by IV11tadsen to allow -,11 full time village employees two we,---'C-,s paid sick
leave per gear but not to excede an accirmila.tion of over two weeks tonal. All
sick leave Aust a doctors a :pnoval. Seconded by Swanson and carried.
i-otion b-, Kasper to do;posit the :3:,093.33 water revenue Gond rioney as f^lloz•Ts:
06, 000, 00 on C.D. for the water fund, $23,000,00 to the water fund and �,;6, 093.3 3
to the waterworks sinking, fund for paynent o: bonds and interest. Seconded by
11adsen and carried.
`.mere was complaint recieved of the sidewalk in f pont of he Tori Bondhus building
not bein cleared of snow, and it i,, -,-::Ls reported th tt two elderly �rorien ?-ga d Pollen
on this compacted snow. 110tion by SiTanson that the clerk send hr. bondnus a
registered letter i forndng him that the snow should be 'removed form the sidewalk
after each snoiT fall. Seconded by Kasper Lind carried.
Motion by Kasper i to appoint A. Eclntire as village constable as the term of P.
Walters does not expire until Dec. 31, 1965, and T-cTntire" I} =.d recieved the next
largest number of votes in the villa s7. election. Seconded by Swanson. ._nu carried.
l otion by Ha.dsen that all vvater and se�,er bills past t -,,o quarters due th2.t have
not been paid be turned over to the village attorney fo,- collection. Seconded
by Kasper and carried.
Motion by Kasper to pay the villa =;e sh-lre of the i962-1963 P. P..R.A. as folloi,�; s :
1754.26 from the- general fund and ; 9CS6.1 ±-7 from the linuor fund. Seconded by
Adams and carried.
''lotion by Kasper to grant a° use permit to J. E. Yladsen to construct a eLft. wood
fence along; the north side of lot 1 bloct.-_ lb. seconded by Swanson and carried.
I,aotion by Hadsen to join the 111innesota Association of Civil defense dir- ectors for
a fee o.l' $2.00 pe7-- year. Seconded by Adams` and carried.
I-l'otion by Kaspaf-to i,dT.t` I' old. the $376.27 balance on t lt:.�f-v u �1 and storm seiner
e„tensio� t - the bil s ,.cn e �o. ' ' to the, local contractors by the bonding co.
erorarueger �_Lc� env r engLnearin_- wort }iref ormed on serer lead ins. Seconded by
f-Iadsen and
I -potion by ,dams to have the will: "e attorne�;r notify 1;. Lindenfelser that he is
violating ��illage ordinance., and to info ce the s vase, Seconded by Kasper, and
cag.,vied. 1.1adson vo tangy; no.
lotion by Sr.,Tanson to "0111 T bills as reap;.. Seconded by Adams and c wnz ied.
On :potion .-.djourned. 11:31-l' P.I, . �