City Council Minutes 01-04-1965Jan-uary 4, 11
•. ... 1. V`."•V.f. •V7t i.�a.,•. YrL II lJ E731 hCi S. �+.r V'4itfr.,:L..`... w'
II E;r s present- Iner-sul o,.:;a�ope
r, sen, "ani rsa Abstfit-
Ka.sner -nd Saiac3bc- r. -.Tere s7 -,.rcn into office b7r 1,1ayor Bergstrom,
t� � '-� i;.�e fire department met wlith discuss
�`-���� � q s p the council to dia
the need s`iif re - &ertment for the coring year. T. IIcLeod and a. I'li chaelis
offered to neA fixA..�. Jc_; C' -fire hose to be used b7T the street department.
IIotion by Kasper t• )t t .e fire department be allowed to one ne.,x 3 inch .n
nozzlo and to check on the need for 17- inch hose. Seconded by Sandr)erg and carried.
IVrr. Hiltz requested to kno -r if any action had been t ,Icen to have the outdoor
toile, removed from the property, adjoining his apairtnent building on T'n '..rd and
R?nsey streets. He was advised t1lat the Iiealth officer i-rould check into this.
Two representatives of Nort cern Natural Gas Co. net with the council re>r; the
co J ection of the village h; ill heating system to natural gas. They quoted their
prices ->,t 950 per 1, 000 cu. ft, with a minimun char` e of $2.50 per month, They
stated that ll gallons K ,%XXM of bmttle gas is equal to 1,,..)00 cu, ft.
of natural- gas in heating capacity and that with the cost of bottle gas being
150 per gallon we could expect to save at least 20% by being connected to natural
gas. Action on this tabeled until checking with the present sup_clier. I
Mr. L Ilrs L. Worth requested to kno�,r if somEthisn could be done to improve the
quality of their .Nater . ` There was a 11hengthly discussion after which Bergstrom
stated that he world see w iat he could do to get the new well completed so that it
could do all the p -Lu pin . After tIAe well is completed the council titi,.l :a-a��t2
?ti? problem: of , V e mains °cleaned.
R. Georges requested to ` -,;ra it until spring to have the well house painted and to the villa -ti irithhold $300.00 from the final contract until this -,rork is x
completed.The council agreed to `g ^ant this'reque-st.
D. I-lueller rec±uested perr`',ission to put his I'liatkins House of Qualit;jr" sign back
on his {;ara e.I otion by lradsen to; D. Hueller permission to errect his sign.
Seconded b_,,, `Kamer. lotion by Sandberg to table the previous motion until checking
ori. t �. the vill- = e at _:orney regarding- rezoinir No second to the motion to ;able.
I'lotion to -;rant D. Flueller permission to errect riis sign carried.
T otion by Kasper . er to -L
y p �r�xit A. actin permission to go to Police schoolinr, at villa n_ e
e.,,pense and to par his re};u1ar .,rages irhile attending school _plus $3.00 per day
for traveling expense. Seconded b;r I"a c_a_sen and c jr-ried.
Discussion was :Meld re arding lei! sing land for a #-illage' du up. I tion by Madsen ,to
call for bids on a used Cat, size DL. or eouivila.nt with a dozer blade or front
end loader, and to advertize in the lionticello Tires, League of YL-Mesota nnin ,c-
ipalities magazine and the Construction Bullitin, with bids to be turned over to
the villau e clerk rio later th,`i48 :00 P.I . Feb. 1, 1965. I.,otion seconded by K, seer
Kasper and carried.
L. Baker requested a permit t& move a 14 x 24 foot good building on lo-�Cs 1 :" 2
of block 31 t6 be used as storage building. T:_,beled until cheching .-orit'I the
state fire code regaxding the use of this type of building :� s a stora.. e building.
Another complaint i,, -as recieved re- ._rding the junk on D. Bland ' s property. Motion
by 1-'adsen to consult the village attorney to see ghat can be done to ruuke the property
o•v,ner Glen this up. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
Arequeut was recieved from Travelers Indemnity Co. -requesting trrat the village
no.:r release there from the se.,V-rer bond. T,,. -Lotion by Kasper that we send the bonding
cogpany a letter with a cop' T to Krueger I� it�haelson Engineering Lnform no t?g em
th tare 411 not releasethea frog, t«eir bond until all outstanduln claims are
setteled. Seconded by SandVer_r and carr ied.
I,iotion b-- S, -ran son to hire C. Lundquist as part tine maint: inence employee at
a salary of $1.5C) per hour. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
C • otion by I°1adsen to pay bil'-s as read. Seconded by Swanson .,-�md c,,.rried,
I otion b7r Sandberg to despense with reading of he minutes of December 7, 196
Seconded by ST-ranson and c, -r -lied,
A descussion as held rer,^arding clogs ��rahbI
d A. ntire ex-,.Dlained tll-e two incidences
of the police departrient shooting dogs, r
`IZe follob�rin .- �py7ointments for the year 1965 were made by I' ayor Bergstrom: Dr. F.F.
Alison as healt'i officer;-Uhight County State Bank ad official depositor{;-; Ilonticel7.o
Times as o'f.iicial newspaper; S%.Tapson as actin; rr��yor in the absense of the mayor;
continued page 12
12 January 4., 1, v5 continued
1,11adsen and sandber.g appointed to street co=.-ittee; Kasper and S-. -arson to Liquor
corimittee';and Hr cd Topel ca -id lim. Vigen to Park corm-kittee.
On ?tin adjourned 12:45 A.Y*
C rk,
February 11, 1965
legular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall.
1-lembers present- Bergstrom, Kasper, Sandberg and S% -ancon. Absent- None.
La- L
yor Bergstrom informed t-,ii-ic co-Lu-icil t1hat he, felt it was unnecrssaxy to read the
minutes of the previous meetings at each regular meeting due to the fact that tier
are publisi',,,edf C�p the council agreed and t-�erefore in reeding future the reedinof the
minutes -n-ill be dispeftsed i..rith unless requested blr one of the members.
Bids were'recieved on a used buldozer tractor as follows:
'Barftard-Cur-tiss Co. of 1,aLineapolis--D4 Caterpillar s/n 7ul6038-- $7,000*00
Elwood Errel of Howard Lake-- 1960 T340 International— $3,375-00
R. 11. S. of Minneapolis-- #!-- 1957 Case 600-- $3p000*00
#2-- 1959 John Deer-- $3,250.00
Ralph 111era-y of Foley-- Dl� Caterpillar s/n 7ul6829-- $3,050.00
Frank Smoltz of Chisholm— 1950 Dl� Cat. s/n 6u2011-- $3,000-00
Rintala Bros. of Aurora-- 1961 D4 Cat.-- $15,100,00
Freeway Equip. Co. of 1J1iruieapolis-- 11053 D4 6a -t. s/n 7u23720 SP-- $3,450-00
Eall Equip. Co of Idmarapolis #1-- 1961 International TD6-- V ,,400,,00
J2-- 1953 Case 600-- $3,000.00
//3-- 1940 D4 Cat. -_$2,400-00
George T. 'gran Co. of lidzinea-polis--1959 case 600-- $7,000.00
Wni. 'A. Zieglar Co. of 1,1inneapolis--#l-- Alles Chalmers HD6G -- $61500-00
#2-- 1955 Cat. -traxcavato_r s/n 1IA670-- $7,50--00
#3-- 1956 Alles Cl-ialriiers I-M6G -- 36.,500*=
#4-- 19510 John Deer 440C -- $3000900
#5-- 1961 John Deer 101OC-- $4,150-00
#6-- 1961 Alles Chalmers 1M3--a4,,xOOO.00
Purc'-,ase of an -
of the above equipment tabeled until c4ecking furt.",.c.-L, on t"le
condition of the equipment.
Rr. Bercrerson and his attorney met with the couiicil and t --ie village attorne-r
in -Lui at'emp
, t to coma;to a settlem, ent over the cost of 're -pair wnrk oil the old
well.After r,.iuch discussio.,# a ton rLccute --necess, -,..irao cailcd so that the council
could further discuss the matter and come up witli a price offer, After recess the
council made an offer to pay $1,800,00 for the work done wit' - the suL-mersable
ptLmp --i-emoved'. the -r.t.reil caa>>ed., and the old puzTi returned as is.Tr Berricrson stated
that the best lie felt lie could do was to reduce his bill frorii $2, 851,'58 to $2,55-1:.51")
NfD dicision was reached and hr. Bergerson left statin,,:-, that he 1.7011.1d thLilk the mater
over further and let us !mow of his diciSion.
T'liere i,,as further discussim on t�,e dump. Radclif sanitation offered 11-:1 s services
on L-1 three 0four month trial basis. Dicision on arbage dis7posal t,belled until
next reulcermcctJ_n- w.-Iile checking furrier 6n the cost of eslablis7 inrr our oi.,m
1ir 10 -ti
Lon to tabel rade by Madsen and seconded by &-4,anson. 1' 'otion caxried,
k-Lueller of 1--luelle-o B -cos. Well co. net Trith. the council to see if we were sat-
isfied witli their work to date.1,111otion b-,,- K-a-sper to pay 1.�_Ueller Bros. anot'ner
�1) -, t, C/
$4,50..8(f'. on t'ae contract for dig.ginr, the new well. Seconded by 5%.Tanson and car -lied.
T"he.e i,ras raic' discussion on do -s. Ber.,rs,`.*,rom reported Viat he had talk -ed to
Vet-inarens Drs. Kunlkel and Hagerty and t',.at they L, ad said that triere ,his getting to
be a real serious rabies Tier ',-lave of _
fe-ned to g' e rabbs
ies ots to dogs
fo.-, $1.00 per dog if b--rouglilt into a clinic to' be set up in to,'.111. Lotion b-
y Kasper
to set up 4 clinic for giving rabbics allots in Vhe village hall on saturday Feb.
20 betT,,,-een and 3:00 P.1'. and that no futureLdo�, license' be issued -�rithout a
certificate of cabbies vaccination. Seconded by Sandberg and carried,
notion by 3-uanson t'_, at the village pay Ed. Zang $39-00 for the adriitional cost
involved because 6f the lead in being too s', allow in connecting- tnc P. 1)ougherty
re'sid'ence to the village, seua T
_e system. Seconded b- Sandberg
U 6 and carried.
Cont-inuecl nex.t page,