City Council Minutes 02-01-196512
January 4., 10'5 continued
lv�adsen and sandber'- appointed to street corn ittee; Kasper and S- -ancon to Liquor
corilmittee-and Fred Topel `a -.d TWm, . Vi.,en to Park corfu,ittee.
On ;ijt i n ad-journed 12:45 A.I.
n �` G l�
February 1191 "D
Regular meeting of tie village council leld this date in the village hall.
E'embers present- Berc.-stron, Kasper,, Sandbenn, and 3i,,,anson. Absent- None.
--or Ber-stro? -i informed t -.-IC COIMCil that he felt it was unnecessary to read the
minutes of the previous meetings at each regu-1ar meeting due to V -1e fact that t'fle-,,r
C_> d
are publisi,,.ed., the council agreed and t.;.erefore in t'llie future the reeding of t1rie
minutes -ill be dis-Pehsed witir-.i. unless requested by one of the members.
Bids were 'recieved on 'a used buldozer tractor as follows:
Barhard-Curtiss Co. of 1,-i1_1neai)olis--D4 Caterpillar s/n 7u16038-- $7,000100
Elwood Eng -el of Howard Lake-- 1,Q,60 T340 International --3, $3"'�%00
R. 101. S. of i".1inneapolis-- #!-- 1957 Case 600_ $3,,000,00
#2-- 1959 John Deer-- $3,250.00
Ralph Hleiuy of r1oley-- Dli. Caterpillar s/n 7ul6829-- $3.050,00
Frank Smoltz of Chishol-m-- 1950 D4 Cat. s/n 6u2011-- $3,000-00
Rintala Bros. of Aurora-- 1961 D4 Cat.-- $15,100-00
're uv,,ray Eqiii- 7 0 $
p. Co. of 1,"1'iruieapolis-- 10153 D4 6a -t. s/n 7u23 2 SP-- 3,x.50.00
Hall Equip. Co of lam-it-apolis-- #1-- 1961 International TD6-- $)i -.,4000x)
#2-- 1958 Case 600-- $3,000,00
#3-- 1940 D4 Cat. $2
George T. 11�y,--m Co. of -1--ixuiea-,:)olis--1959 Case 600-- 437.,000*00
Wn 'A. Zieclar Co. of Alles Cllialn.ers HD6G $6$
#2-- 1955 Cat. -t�,-occavato-r s/n llA670--_$7.,50_.
#3-- 1956 Alles C'-Ialriiers ED6G -- $695009,00
#4-- 1959 John Deer 4400 -- $33300s00
#5-- 1961 John Deer 101OC-- $43150-00
#6-- 1961 Alles Chalmers 1033--�3.4,.sOOO.00
Purc'ase of an;,} of the above equipment tabeled until c4eckin(- furt:ie-. on t'.: e
condition of the equipment,
Rr. Ber(-erson and his attorney met with tae council and t --ie village attorney
in an at*_erqrt to come:� to a set tlenuent over t --ie cost of 're-r)air wor-k on the old
well 12 U
.After nuc' discussio-.. a t�an m1nnite recesz, ,��raQ cailc�d so that the council
could furthe-. discuss the matter and come up with a Brice offer. After recess the
council made an offer to pay $1., 800.0.E for the work done wit.., the subm er sable
the -�.zell caoed mid tlae old pump returned as is.h�r- Ber.gerson stated �
ti-iat the best he felt he could do was to reduce his bill frorii $2 8108 to $2
N(D dicision was reached and hr. Bergerson left stating that he would t1 -,.:L -1k the nater
over furt'ler and let us o -
'his dicision.
There was ffu:,.-V1-_,er d_iscussicn� on t".�-_-e dump. Radclif sanitation offeree. "iJs services
on a tl-,,-ree o- four mon-nu tri -al basis. Dicision on -3 arb ap: e dis7piosai t,abeled until
nc',':t re�zuiar mc(_tJ._n, w.`-1ile checkinr, f-?e-1-1-er fDn the cost-ol-P eAablisIcilnr our own
dura. 110tion to tabel rade by 1,_'adsen and seconded by &,,-anson. E
d lotion carried.
Pir Luelleal', of 11luelle, eros. Well co. net -va!-Uh the council to see if we Ire -re sat-
isfied wit -i- their work to date.1-Totion by Kasper to p2n,- lcrueller Bros. e-not.,.er
4,500,M) on t' e contract for digging the new well, Seconded b -
r Swanson and car - -Jed.
fne.e was mucd4scussion on dogs. Bergs'..-,ron reported V at ad talll-c-ed to
Vetinarens Drs. KM-121,el and T-4
.'agerty and t,. tlher 'F ,ad said t'atthere is getting to
be a real serious rabies, problun Tney have offel-ed to
j, i ve rab'Dies s1iots to do,, --,,s
fo-1- $1,00 per dog if b-coug1rit into a clinic to` be set up in tozi. 1,10tion b-
7 Kasper
to set iki 4 clinic for giving rabbics s -hots in the village hall on saturday Feb.
V (7
.1.. and hat no future do' license be issue' -�rituhout a
20 betT,,-een 1:(0" and 3: 00 P 0.
certificate of rabbies vaccination, Seconded b -T Sandberg and ca-r-Piec'.
!.',Otion by 'Tarson t"tat the villa pay Et. Lang $39.00 -for the ad: iitionail cost
because of the lead in being too shallol,.1 in con-nectinc- the P.
gher t,,
reside-_-nce to the village se-,-Ta,,-_-e t s t c-'
em, Seconded b7r Sandberg ')
& g and carried.
Continued nem t page,
_ Febx uaxy 1. 1 67. contillued.. 3
J r► jauken, co t :..civil defense diredVor reTaestecz t__ t tic vi..l? a e co- ncil
_ n J ,1'f
Ir.,j �o fines sorlaeoile wn.__lins to assuanze Use c� �zt, o -L c_� r_Ll ae�. c.nue du �.c i�o� for
I Ont -1
_ce o. S,- anson -,,,-Tas ap_' ointed to see if tie could find m
soeone i,, _ling to
exc ept t,, e T)o sition.
17 Massie �t,,as asked to assume the duties of Dog c- cher and along with the help of
V. -ie police department aselp rid the =village of do -,s on the loose. I ]r. I`�assie stated
that if ti;e council zr; s' -_ed. to appoint as do catcher he .could accent -Uie position.
I'Lotion bi Kasper to parr t"_e dor; catclie-: j and police :5,00 per do for dogs
.licked up and held at the pound and to appoint If. I•I-assie as dog cater=er. Seconded by
Swanson and carried.
I'Lotion by Kasper to pay Kruege x Michaelson Engineering the balance on tk ej r services
for the extension of t , e -nater and sei,=er mains in _ e araoiuit of $376.27 . Seconided
by I' dr.en and carried.
Motion by I,iadsen to pal, attorney Glen Swenson $76.95 for j1is ork on t=.�e R. Yachaelis
case Wad to p ay D. T,Jalters ',10.00 for his trip to Buffalo i-iiile on the hearing
board. Seconded b -•Ir Swanson amd carried. Kasper obsta
Emotion by , a.dsen to ;_,ant L. Baker a .Dema t to move a 11; x24 ft. =good frame build-
ing on lots 1 & 2 blocl- 31 provided this meets with the fire ai- .roval.
Seconded by Swanson end car --`:ed.
1--otion by 3 ancon to' pay bills as read. Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
Kasper ,Vara s instructed to ask 11, Kjellberg to come to our next re.-ular rieetin.g
to discus,-. the gas sevice for pie fire barn, and to check wit-- I'deske agency
on the cost of cash bLir,"lery insurance for the liquor store.
Op motion a.djoLr oed 12:50 A.Y.
Cle s.
February 19, 1967
Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall at 4:30. F.M.
Members present- Bergstrom, Kasper, Madsen and Sandberg. Absent- Swanson.
Motion by Kasper to accept the offer of Bergerson-Caswell Co. in the amount of
$2,,050.00 in .full payment of work on the old well completed as per letter of
February 89 1965, File,.,#H 3330. Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
Meeting adjourned.
March 2, 1965
Special meeting of tree village council held this date in Dr. Kaspers office at
10:30 A.M.
Motion by Sandberg to approve the bills as read. Seconded by Madsen and carried.
Motion by Kasper to have the regular meeting of the council on Monday march 8
because of the snow storm causing a eancilation of the regularly scheduled meeting
for Marcia lst. Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
Meeting adjourned until
March 8 at S O .N.