City Council Minutes 03-08-196514 March 8, 1965 Regular meeting oft -he village council held this date in the village hall. Members present- Bergstrom, Kasper, Sandberg and Swanson. Absent. Madsen. Minutes of the meetings of Fel�.I,Feb. 19, and March 2nd. approved as read. G. Maus ask the council to reconsider the water rates for large users. He informed the council that the rate had over tripled for the large users., and that his water and sewer bill bad went from about $70.00 per quarter to over $251.00 per auarter.Yotion by Kasper tp reduce the rates for usage of over 4,000 elf to .070 per 100 c/f.-Seconded by Swanson and carried. Notion by Kasper that adjustments be made for those who have been overcharged the last quarter of 1964 due to the higher rates on usage of over 4,000 c/1" of water. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. Mr. Florell of Kjellbergs J?lumbing and Heating met with the council regarding the proposed changeover of heating the village hall with natural gas instead of propaine he offered to reduce the rate on propane gas from 150 per gallon to 0 CD 130 p4 gallon. Motion by Swanson to accept the offer 6f Kjelibergs to supply the village hall with propane gas at 130 pergallon. Seconded by Kasper and carried, Followini-, much discussion on the dump a motion was made by Sandberg to enter into 01 a contract with Radcliff Sanitation Service to pick -up all garbage and thrash for all village residedce for $275.00 per month as per contract. This service to begain effective April 1. 1965 and that the mayor and clerk be authorized to sign the con -bract. Seconded by Swanson and carried. Motion by Sandberg to transfer $9,0000.00 from the liquor fund to the street imp. und. Seconded by Kasper and carried. V Motion by Swanson to have Mr. Hoffman obtain an easment.,to prevent installing a private sewer line., from G. Phillips and D. lm-igwitz on the north 35 feet of lot 3 block 34. Seconded by Sandberg and carr --'Led. The Chamber of Uonmerce requested that we join with them, the police depart4.ent and the school in requesting, that the st*te highway department- lower the speed limit by the high school to 30 m.p.h. and install school zone signs.. Motion by Kasper teat we join with the chrAtber in requesting that the speed limit by the highschool be lowered and that school zone signs be installed. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. There was a discussion on finding a civil defence director. Tabeled until next meeting. On motion �.djourned 11,'30 P.M. CN6ke