City Council Minutes 05-03-1965Aprill 10, 1965
Special meeting of the village council held this date. All members present.
Motion by Madsen to approve the renewal of "on sale" and"Off sale" beer license
tothe following: Thomas Schneider, Marie Daniels and K. Springborg. Seconded by
Kasper and carried.
Motion by Swap -son to pay Dick Brooks $50.00 for tractor tire chiAus. Seconded
by Sandberg and carried. Meeting apourned.
May 3s 1965
Regular meeting ofthe village council held this dateinthe village hall.
Members present- Blerigstrom, Kasper., Swanson and Sandberg. Absent Madsen.
Minutes of the meetings of April 5th, 6th and 10th approved as read.
G. Phillips and Ho Gillham represehting the Hospital board requested to Know what
portion of the expense of removing dirt from the hospital property to River street
north of the hispital would be paid by the village. The council had previously
agreed to'pay up to $150.00 of this amount. Motion by Swanson that the village pay
the cost of hauling this dirt at $126.00 and that the cost of grading estimated
to be about $150.00 bemain for the hispital to pay. Seconded by, Kasper and carri4
The h6spital board also requested that the tillage repair the street in front of
the hospital before July and that they contact'the state highway department to
see ihf a left turn lane could be installed by the turnoff to the hospital.
Motion by Sandberg that the clerk write to the State Department of Highways
requesting a meeting with then regarding the installation of a left turn traffic
lane and signs by the hospital at the earliest possable date.' Seconded by Sanson
and carried. I
John Bondhus requested permission to have evergreen trees for sale put in a planter
box in front of his place on Broadway West. Tabeled until the rest of the even'n&n
busineds is over so that the council could go and ex#nine the area.
L. Smith representing the chamber of cornmerct requested to use the park by the
bridge for Old Mississippi Days 'celebration and that the village remove the two
old Elm tree stumps before that time., and also that they be given permission to
have a street dance,on the evening of May 5th with the village parking accross
from the elementry school mentioned as the possable sight. They also requested
permission to park the pontoon boat on broadway street to advertize the sale of
tickets on it. Motion by Kasper to grant permission to the above requests provided
that the chamber furnish at least two deputy policemen durningt he time of tie
street dance with the street dance to be held in the village parking lot and to
run no later than 10:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Sandberg and carried.
There was discussion on installing sidewalks from Cedar street to the High school
and from the elementry school to the churches holding resease classed* Motion by
Sandberg that building of sidewalks be tabeled indefinately. Sedonded by Swanson
and carried unanamously.
Request by Blaine Bennett to build a 22 X 28 ft. garage on lot 11 of block 49
facing Linn Street tabeled until Mr. Bennett furnishes blite prints of the proposed
garage, ,
.A.. complaint was recieved of business men parking all day on the street in the
business area, The Police department was inst-racted to begain inforcinthe two
hour parking ordinance. bids on r-il
Motion by Kasper to advertize in the Monticello Times fora 4 ply pitch and
gravil roof, 20 year blond, to be installed on the Munici]�al liquor store building
with bids to be opened June 7., 19659 Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
There was discussion on hiring a Ciftl defense director. No dicision reached.
Motion by Swanson to pay bills as read. Seconded by
CSXXXand carried.
Motion by Kasper to transfer to transfer $3.,500.00 from the liquor fund to the
General fund and $2s500.00 from the Liquor fund to the Street improvement fund
and to transfer $3,000000 from the Water fund to the Waterworks Sinking fund.
Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
Continued next page.
May 31 1965 continued. 17
Motion by Sandberg that we name the park in Lower Monticello "Ellison Parke
in recognition and appreciation of Dr. Ellisens lung service to the commmity
and his interest in the village parks, and that this motion not be published
until June. Seconded by Swanson and carried unanamously.
Motion by Swanson to hire K. ' Lindberg as part time policeman. Seconded by
and carried.
The council than continued the meeting by the Bondhus Building where they ex rdned
the planter box of evergreens. The council agreed not to grant permissim for
this planterbox to remain but to allow a few trees in pots to be put on the side.
walk in the day if,they would be taken in at nites.
On motion. adjourned.
A �� , .
V. .1965
Special meeting of the village council held, this date in the village hall.
Members present- Swanson, Kasper, Madsen and Sandberg, Absent- Bergstrom.
Motion by Madsen to grant J.L. Brouillard permission ,to erect a sign no larger
than 1 ft. high by 3 ft. Ung on lot 10 block C Lower Monticello. Seconded by
Kasper and carried.
Motion by Kasper to grant Blame Bennett a permit to build a 22 ft. X 28 ft.
wood frame garage on lot 11 block 49 facing Linn street with the south side to
be 10 ft, north of his south property line and the back to be 10 ,ft east of his
west property line. Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
Motion by Sandberg that we buy a rotary self propelled lawn mower for use in the
parks. Seconded by Kasper and carried. y
On no i9p adjourned.