City Council Minutes 06-29-1965 SpecialJune 29, 1965
The council met as the board of review in the village age hall at 8:00 P.M.
Members present Swanson., Kasper., Madsen and Sandberg. Absent Bergstrom.
Swanson presided over this meeting in the absence of the mayor.
Motion by Sandberg to accept the, assessors report on both personal and real
property. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
On mot' n, - adjourned
July 6, 1965
Regular meeting of the village council held this date In the village hall
Members present- Bergstrom., Madsen, Sandberg., Swanson and Kasper. Absent- None
Minutes of the meetings of June 7 & 29 were approved as read.
S. Hall, B. Nobbs and D. Lind vioced objection to the dump remaining open after
a notice had been published shed in May 1965 stating that the dump would be closed.
A letter was rhad from t#e State Dept of Health indicating their approval of tke
land owned by Jerry's Auto Parts north of highway No. 10 as a dump.
Motion by Swanson that the village dump be cleaned up and closed by August 15.,
1965. Seconded by Kasper and carried. Madsen votion no.
Motion by Kasper that we contact Jerry's Auto Parts and D. Scherbing to see if
either will start a private pay dump by August 15., 1965. Seconded by Sandberg
and carried,
D. Maus requested permission to errect a lighted sigh Oft wide by 7 ft high
in the parking lot by the Red Owl store beyond the limits stated by the State
Dept. of highways. Motion by Sandberg that this request to errect a sign by
granted. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
A. Harwarth requested to take his weeks vasation from July 9th th July 16th.
Reque st granted.
Co Roadfeldt sent a report to the council that three possable cases of Dutch
Elm disease had been found. fte in Clearwater and two accross the river. None
of these being in the village.
A complaint was recieved from E. Sheldon concerning the bad oder and color of
the water. Motion by Kasper that we sterilize the water lines as soon an possable.
Secondee by Swanson and carried, I
Motion by M�dsen to have Big Lake Gravil Co. install a4 inch water main and
hydrant on Linn street from West river street to Fr6nt street as per bid,'
Seconded by Swanson and carried.)VOM46i
Motion by Saudberg to ,pay the bills as read. Seconded by Swanson and carried.
There was discussion on the horse's . calioes and arritic-ae c--- coirmdxig to Monticello
in connection with the Minneapolis Aquat6nnialp and on having a street dance
along with tl,pis,
On motion a4journed. 1130 P.M.