City Council Minutes 10-04-196522 October 4, 19/65
Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall.
Members present- Bergstrom, Kasper., Madsen, Sandberg and Swanson. Absent- None.
Mi#utes of the meeting of September 7th were approved as read.
D. Sherbing came before the council and stated that he was willing to start a
private dump on five acers of land one forth mile south of the catholis cemetary
in an old gravil pitt. He requested a five year contract with the village to XM
pick up garbage in the village stating it would be necessary to have this con-
tract before starting a private dump. Approval of a contract was tabeled until
Mr. Sherbing could get approval of the land from the town board and county planing
The council reviewed plans for the proposed warming house along with members from
the Rotary club and Chamber of Commerce and contractor Bud Schleif. Motion by
Kasper that that we build the warming house according to plans along with the
participating orginizations and that we equally share the cost up to$l.,000.00 for
the village share. Seconded by Swanson and carried.
There was discussion on heating the fire barn for the comming season* Swanson was
appointed to check on the differance in price of gas XXXX'tthe natural and bottled
There was a request that'a stop sign be installed on forth street at the corner of
Maple and Forth streets. The police chief was appointed to check this intersection
and report back next meeting with recomendations.
George Davis requested that the cigerette license and on and off sale malt liquor
license be transf ered fort he town cafe from M. daniels to his name. Motion by
Kasper to transfer the license of the town cafe th Geo. Davis. seconded by
Sandberg and carried.
The following were listed as election judges for the annuel election to be held
November 2nd. subject to their acceptance: Reta Soltau., Lida Thompson., Mrs Tony
Garlid and Mrs J.E. Madsen.
There was a report that the Leonard Lavadure house was not connected to the
village sewage system. The clerk was instructed to give Mr. Lavadure a ten day
written notice to connect to the village sewage system.
Motion by Madsen that we trade our tractor to Scharber Implement Co. of Rogers
for a Ford tractor with back -hoe and scoop. The price of the used tractor from
Scharber Imp. Co. being $2,500*00 with an allowance of $1,000.00 on our tractor
leaving a balance of $1,500*00 to be paid. Motion by Kasper that the previous
motion be tabeled until we check on our Diamond T snow plow truck to see if it is
reparable. Motion to table seconded by Swanson and carried, Kasper, Swanson and
Sandberg voting yes Madsen voting no.
George Davis made oral application for village maintainence foreman on a full
time basis.Motion by Madsen to hire G.. Davis ?D as full time maintainence foreman at
a starting salary of $375.00 per month for a 44hour week. This position to
start October 6., 1965. Seconded by Sandberg and carried., Kasper obstaining.
A letter was recieved from Bernare W. May wanting to know if they should plan on
auditing the village book's for 1965. Tabeled.
Motion by Swanson to set the 1966 levy as follows: General revenue $17.,000,00;
Streets $10.000.00; Recreation and Park $1,500,00; PERA $00*00; Audit $1.,000,00,
Building and bonds: Street and general improvement of 1960-$4,500*00; Fire building
and equipment of 1962-$5.,000,,00; and General Improvement of 1961 $22j000.00p.for
a total of $63,,500.00. Motion seconded by Sandberg and carried.
Motion by Kasper that wepay the village share of the 1963-64 PERA and P&F in
the amount of $1,,636.19 . from the general fund and $1,333o78 groin the Liquor fund,
Seconded by Madsen and carried,
Motion by Sandberg to transfer $5.,000o00 from the Liquor fund to the General fund.
Seconded by Kasper and carried.
Motion by Sandberg that we revert back to the sewer ordinance in charging the
schools for sewer usage,- seconded by Madsen and carried.
Motion by Kasper th set the hospital sewer usage rate at $200.00 per year.
Seconded by Swanson and
Motion bar Sandberg to pay the bills as read. Seconded by Kasper and carried.
There was discussion on our Liability insurance rates,, Bergstrom had stated that
continued next page
October 4x 1965 continued.
the League of Municipalities had informed him that we were earring more insurance
thaAnnecessary Bergstrom showed a chart from the League showing that some village
of comparable size were paying considerably less for insurance while some were ,
about equal. The council decided to check this over more and to look over our
insurance needs.
On motion adjourned 1:25 A.M.
October 15, 1965
Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall at 9:00 P.M.
All council members present.
Motion by Madsen that we trade our old mord tractor and $1,500.00 in cash to
Scharber Implement Co. for a used Ford industrial tractor with back hoe and
scoop. Seconded by Sandberg and carried unamously.
Meeting agourndd.