City Council Minutes 11-02-1965 Special24 November 1, 1965 Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. Members present- Bergstrom, Kasper, Madsen, Sandberg and Swanson. Abdent- none. Minutes of the meetings of October 4 and 15 were approved as read. Motion by Swanson to grant Geo. Liefert a building permit to build a 28 X 31� ft. garage for car and truck on lots 6 do 7 block 40. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. Motion by Kasper to approve a building permit for Main Line Homes to build a 24 X 28ft. 8in. home on lot9 block42. Seconded by 11'adsen and carried. There was some discussion on preparing the seating rinks. Bergstrom is to check on t he cost of polyetholine to put on the ground before flooding. R. Georges requested a storm sewer be installed over to his property.He informed the council that there had been a sewer line ofer there that had been blocked off. Action on this tabeled until checking existing line. Suberbon Gas Co. offered propane gas to the village ,for the village hall for this next year at a guarenteed tate of 12 cents per gallon, which is a 1 cent discount over last year. Tabeled until checking rate diferances with Northern Natural Gas. Motion by Kasper to approve renewal of the club liquor license for American Legion Post #260. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. Motion by Kasper to transfer $1.,000.00 from the Sewer fund to the General Improve- ment fund and $3,000.00 from the Water fund to the Waterworks sinking fund. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. There was discussion on auditing the �= Village books for 1965. Bergstrom is to check with the Public Examiners office on the cost of a state audit. Motion by Madsen tb meet to canvas the election results at 9:30 Tuesday Nov. 2,. Seconded by Kasper and carried. Motion by Swanson to renew the General Improvement fund Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $5,000.00 for six months. Seconded by Madsen and carried. Motion by Kasper that we set L. Kirsehtts salary for assessing both real and personal property at $1,000.00 for 1966. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. Motion by Madsen that we purchase a Sewer Demon sewer cleaner from Allen Coleman Co. for $153.00. Seconded by Kasper and carried. A request was recieved from Harry Bergstrom to vacate the following portions of village streets: Walnut street from Seventh street tb the south village limits, Locust street from Seventh Street to the south village limits.J and Eighth street from Jdm T.H. #25 to the West village limits. Motion by Kasper that we set a public hearing on this request for 8:00 P.M. December 6, 1965 in the village hall. Seconded by Swanson and carried. Motion by Swanson to pay the bills as read. Seconded by Kasper and carried. The council reviewed some planes for the proposed liquor store remodeling. On motion d jourjn/ed 1�1:35P.M. 1z 471 Clerk. November 2, 1965 Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall at 10:00 P.M. th canvas the election results. All members present Motion by Sandberg to approve the approve the results of the election as reported by the election judges and to certify them correct as follows: For mayor -C. W. Erlandson 209 votes and Harry A. Bergstrom 11 votes. Erlandsbn declared elected; For trustee- Fred E. Topel 209 votes. Topel declared elected; For treasurer - William Jongewaard 216 votes. Jongewaard declared elected! For Justice of Peace Rill I (Bud) McPherson 206 votes. McPherson declared elected. For Constable - Perry Walters 39 votes. P. Walters declared elected. Motion seconded by Swanson and carried. Meeting adjourned Ka701-', Cl r