City Council Minutes 01-03-1966January 3, 1966 2,-1
Reguiar meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall
Members present- Bergstrom, Erlandson., Kasper., Topel., Madsen and Sandberg. Abseht-none
Erlandson was swore Inas mayor by Bergstrom. Erlandson than swore in Topel as zAxmx
council -man and Jongewaard as treasurer
Minutes of the meetings of December 6th and 17th were approved as read.
Motion by Kasper that we adopt the resolution to vacate village streets in accordance
with the petition of Harry A. and Joyce M. Bergstrom. Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
Motion bar Madsen that we grant a building permit to Skelly Oil,Co. to build a concrete
block restaurant and service station 101-ft.8in. X 48 ft. on blocks 1. 21 L, M & No
Seconded by Kasper and carried.
Motion by Kasper that we hire Lee McKinnen as Civil Defense Director at a salary of
$50.00 per month. Seconded by Topel and carried.
There was some discussion on snow removal and moving cars. McIntire was instructed
that if he deemed necessary to facilitate snow removal that he should deputise
G. Davis to tag cars obstructing snow removal and have them towed away.
Motion by Madsen that we have the Public Examiners office do a general audit of
all village books for the period from January 1., 1965 thru. December 31, 1965*
Seco ' nded by Topel and carried.
The following appointments were made by Mayor E�landson for 1966: Sandberg and Maeb en
on street commiettee; Kasper and Topel on Liquor commettee; Vigen and Ojakangas on
Park committee; Monticello Times as the official newspaper; Wright County State
Bank as the official depository; Dr. F. E. Ellison as health officer and Madsen as
acting mayor in the absence of the mayor.
Discussion on changing the meeting nite. Tabeled until next meeting.
Motion by Madsen that the village bills not be printed monthly in the newspaperbut
that the minutes continue being printed. Seconded by Topel. Madsen and Sandberg
voted yes., Kasper no and Topel obstained. Motion carried.
Motion by Sandberg to raise Wm. Allen's wages to $1.75 per hour. Seconded by Madsen
and carried.
Motion by Sandberg to pay the, bills as read. Seconded by Topel and carried.
On maoti adjourned 11:00 P.M.