City Council Minutes 02-08-196628 February 8, 1966
Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall.
Members present- Erlandson3 Kasper, Topel and Sandberg. Absent- Madsen.
Minutes of the meeting of January 3 were approved as read.
A representative of N. S. P. Co. was present to discuss the new street lighting rates
that would come into effect April 1. 1967, and he explained the advantages and lower
rates that would apply to incandesent lights. Kasper and Sandberg were appointed as
a committee to study the street lighting and mum present recommendations at the
next council meeting.
K. Crandall requested a light behind his,drug store. Motion by Kasper that we request
N,'S.P. Co. to install lights on the existing pole behind Crandall's and behind the
Liquor store. Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
J. Miller requested that the village indtall a sewer leadin to the lots by the Mobil
station and to the lots south of this. The council decided this would be installed
in the spring.
L. Smith presented figures of costs of printing bills monthly in the newspaper. Action
on printing bills tabeled until next month with the agreement that the bills for this
month be published,
A. McIntire requested a raise in pay for the part time police to $1.75 per h6ur.
Motion by Sandberg that we raise the part time police salary to $1.75 per Your. Seconded
by Topel and carried.
Motion by Kasper that we raise G. Davis salary to $400.00 per month. Seconded by Topel
and carried.
Motion by Kasper to c4ance the council meeting night to the first tuesday of every
month. Seconded by Topel and carried.
Motion by Sandberg that we renew the license for T. Schneider to operate a pool room
and to K. Springborg to operate bowling lanes. Seconded by Topel and carried.
Motion by Kasper that we sponser three school patrol members to Legionville at a cost
of $25-00 per member. Seconded by Topel and carried.
Motion by Topel that we enter into a contract with Watertower Paint and Repair Co.
to clean the inside of the watertower at a cost of $75*000 Seconded by Kasper and
carried. '
Motion by Kasper to transfer $41000*00 from the Liquor fund to the General fund.
Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
There was deecussion on snow removal from the streets in front ansides of business
places other than in the downtown commercial area. It was decided that snow removal
would be only in the commercial area along T.H. 152 and T.H. 25,
The council discussed methods of z5c improving the village water supply. Sandberg wam
appointed to check on cost and advantage of water filtration.
Motion by Topel to pay the bills as read. Seconded by Sandberg and carried.
The council descussed civil defense and the adoption of a civil defense ordinance.
Tabeded until next meeting.
On motion adjourned 12:30 A.M.