City Council Minutes 08-02-196634 August 2, 1966 Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. Members present- Madsen., Kasper and Sandberg. Absent- Erlandson and Topel. Madsen presided as acting mayor. Minutes of the meeting of July 5th were approved as read. A letter was read from the plaining conmettee with the following recomendations to the village council: (1) That Utter be allowed to build a slaughter house subject to a public hearing and that the village council have control as far as seeing that the establishment is run correctly, and have full athor#y to demand changes if need be. (2) That the e village should look into the possability of opening a village dump (3) The the village should stub in sewer and water lines south of the proposed free- way before the highway is constructed. A grupe was present to state their objections to allowing a slaughter house in the village limits. Motion by Sandberg that any decision on allowing a slaughter house be delayed and not allowed without a public hearing. Seconded by Kasper and carried. A request was recieved by J. W. Miller to build a 26 x 36 ft. gX wood frame garage sout"11 of the High School auditorium. Motion by Kasper that ,we grant this permit provided they check with the, state fire marshal to see if a frame building is per- missable near a school. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. J. Bondhus requested pernissign to build a wood fence behind his residence on west Broadway. Tabeled until inspection by tie council. Dell Emil requested that the village install water -and sewer lines south of the proposed freeway to thp Stuart Hoglund property to ym '_' J ' rr survice a proposed trailor court. Motion by Kasper that we have a plaining engineer check on this in the near future. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. Mr. .& Mrs Vegin requested that the village water rates be reduced by increasul-ia, the minimum usage amount at the same cost. Motion by Kasper that we table this request until further checking into the water income and expenses. Seconded b;r Sandberg and carried. A cogplaint was recieved of burning in a thrash barrel at the corner of Ceder and Broadway. The council agreed to require that this be moved off village property., A letter was recieved from the department of health with recommendations for improv- ing the operation of the Disposal plant. This letter was turned over to R Aga. Madsen and Sandberg reported on their examination.of street sweepers. They felt.that the xx Model 81 Elgin from Olson Equipment Co. seemed to be the best buy, but that they could not get a deminstration on it at the time that trey looked. The council decided to see if they would let us have a weeks trial on this machine. Motion by Sandberg to pay the bills as read. Seconded by Kasper and carried. I On motion kadj ur eA , zl I (P�arA_", Clea