City Council Minutes 09-06-1966September 6, 1966 Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. Members present- Erlandson, Kasper, Madsen, Topel and Sandberg. Absent- None. Minutes of the meeting of August 2nd were approved as read. An outline of emergency plain was submitted by the C.D. director for approval by the council. Motion by Topel that we accept this plain as submitted. Seconded by Kasper and carried. A request was recieved from,the plaining committee to appoint ten more members to this committee. Motion by Kasper that ten more members be appointed to the plaining committee, Seconded by Topel and carried. T. Schingledecker requested to know if the village had any ordinance governing the installation/ of signs and he submitted modle sign ordinances from other villages and cities for our inspection. Ordinance # 137 states that a use permit is now required }before installation of any signs and the council felt .that this is sufficient for the present time. A complaint was recieved that John Huseby has an outside toilet on his property. The Cldrk was instructed to send him a notice giving him ten days to remove this. Motion by Kasper that we grant a use permit U Dr. King to install a 7 ft. high red- wood fence 20 ft. long along the west side of his property. Seconded -by Sandberg and carried. The following were appointed election judges for the primary election September? 13, 1966: Reta Soltau, Mrs A. Garlid, Mrs J. E. Madsen and Wm. Jongewaard with Wm. J&ngewaard as chairman. Motion by Kasper to grant a building permit to Nelson Bros. to build a 40 ft. X 30 ft. � block addition to the back of their store. econded by Sandberg and carried. Motion by Madsen to adopt the following resolution: Be it resolved that at the regular village election on the 8th day of November1966 the following proposition shall be submitted by ballot tot he voters of the village. "Shall Optional Plan A, modifying the standard plan of village government by providing fort -he appointment by the council of the clerk and treasurer, be adopted for tYE government of the village?". Motion seconded by Kasper and carried unanamously. Motion by Sandberg that the Village,Council of Monticello Ordains: That delinquent accounts owed the village shall be certified with penalities to the County Auditor with taxis due on the property upon which the account accures and shall be collected with other tars on such property. This assessment roll shhl.l be delivered to the Council for action theron, on or before the first day of October of each year. Motion seconded .by Madsen and varried. R.C.M. Engineering firm was present to discuss water cleaning and'proposed sewer and water main extensions. This firm was asked to arrange a meeting for us with the State Dept. of Highways. Motion by Sandberg to pay the bills as read. Seconded by Topel and carried. Motion by Sandberg to change the water rates as follows: Increase the minimum amount of water from 400 cu., ft. to 800 cu. ft. with charges remaining at $6.00. From 800 cu. -ft. to 4,000 cu, ft. at 27¢ per hundred cu. ft. and over 4,000 cu. ft. at 140 per hundred cu. ft. Seconded by Madsen and carried. On motio adjourned 1:10 A. M. Cck.