City Council Minutes 10-04-1966436 October 4., 1966 Regular meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. All members present. . Minutes of the meeting of.September 6th were approved as read. The fire department requested that a division fence be put in the fire hall between the maintainence equipment and the fire equipment., or that the maintainence eqtipment be kept back from the fire equipment. The council agreed to instruct the ,maintenance men to keep their equipment away from the fire equipment. N.S.P. Co. submitted a proposal to install new street lighting using 7000 lumen murcury vapor for ti -e Bide streets to replace the 4000-L incandescent and installing twenty 23000 L fluvvscent to replace the 10,000 L incan. on highways 152 and 25, and installing three 11,000 L MI in the parking lot to replace the 10,000 L incan.. This will give a total increase in light of 37% at an additional cost of $98-05 per month. Motion by Kasper to have N.S.P. Co. make the street lighting changes as proposed. Seconded by Topel and carried, Willard Anderson and associate give a breef explination of a proposed franchise group insurance for village employees. R.C.M. 8rigiiieering presented a cost estimate for proposed sanitary sewer and water main extensions. Action on this tabeled until it was determined -Which streets the highway department would allow to remain open between the RORO tracks and the freeway, The C.D. director requested the use of the village hall for 8 consecutive mondays for a medical self help training course. Thecouncil agreed that the hall could be used when requested. A progress report on B.D. activities was also given. - A request was recieved from the school to install a 4 way stop at the corner of 3rd street and Walnut durning heav traffic times when school is on. Motion by Madsen that a perminant 4 way stop be installed at this corner. Seconded by Topel and carried. Motion by Kasper to approve the following building permits: Jay Miller to build a 16 ft X 24 ft garage on lots 11, 12 & 13 blocl C lower Monticello; Robert Eccless to change the shed on the west side of his house to a garage by adding 4 ft west and 5 ft to the north side on lots 3 $6 5 block C.; L Weiman to build a 28 X 40 house with 10 X 12 breesway and 24X 24 ft. garage on lotIQ & 1 o - -9 block 38 Lower Monticello. Motion seconded by Madsen and carried, 2 Motion by Topel to set the election judges salary at $* $1.50 per hour for the day shift and $1,75 per hour for the nite shift for the November election. Seconded by Kasper and carried,. The names oft he eledtion judges will be picked by the council at a later date. Motion by Kasper to appoint L. Kirscht as assessor for�the next two years at a salary of $900o00 per year. Seconded by Sandberg and carried. Motion by Sandberg to transfer $6.v000*00 from the Liquor fund to the @eneral fund,. Seconded by Topel and carried,. Motion by Madsen to pay the bills as read ,with the exception of the one to Zep Mfg, Co, for snow plow wax in the amount of $113o74. Seconded by Topel and carried. Motion by Topel to set the 1967 levy as follows: General revenue -$20,000,00; Streets - 1 $11,000,00- PERA- $2 500, 00; Audit-$lpOQOoOO; Recreation and Park -$1,500.00 Building & bonds; General Imp. of 1960-$4.,500o00; General imp, of 1961-$22,000.00 Fire bldg. & equip. -$6$000.00, for a total of $68.,500.00. Motion seconded by Kasper and carried. Motion by Madsen that the clerk certify the deliquent water and sewer accounts., as listed by the deputy clerk, onto the taxis of the property owners., Seconded by Sandberg and carried, W �q On Tnleta- n adjourne.-I 2:15 A.M. Cle.,.