City Council Minutes 03-07-1967 Voided(7 Mt-rdI%, l93'//bntId) Motion by Mayor `-landson that th# Fill;© purchas. a. 1'cation entitl-d Minnesota 'NUnicical La- and Proct-dur�. Notion s-.condesd y cilman Kasper. carried u.n ^nimously. iviotion by Gcuncilm�.n 7 spar that off s �;.1 a.nd ons -;1 _ non -intoxicating ndi t liquor lice ns. s b� r,!n;�� �d for f ollo,,ing lst;4b. is h nt� : VFr. ��ora � Davis, :Ir. Kin Sprinfbor;, and Mr. Tomas Snyd-r. Motion m n,do, d by Councilman ynd carried unanimously. R(� U Motion by Councilm:�_n Kasper hthe iii Statr� Public �x�rnin�r aud�_.t tht Vi.11ag� r -,:cord:> :ach y�a.r. S� ndatt d by Io a.nd_ carried unanimcusly. Tfiotionby Mpyor �rl�ndaon to' -av °tise -r the hiring of a dog; c.=ttc -r. S� cone -d b y To a*1 and cf.rr:L.-d un.� riirnou, ,', lh� Council discussed the Village w. !-r trftA_rn ,nt. Situation. it v4;;,s &.cid,�:d to have C1=�r-k Schnr.11 ., tlritt 1'. Donald Shipp, Sa.l­,s1',.r.. g -r, Modern Kf!�m Conp.,:.ny, to ask th�.t i r. Shipp at end th next meting of the Council to 0 discuss trea.tm--nt of the water. Council reautsted that Cl!r Schno�ll�n c -- lir. Kunke l of St. Ficha.,�l, Minn-sota., in regard to set, ing p a clinic a.t th Village Hall for the purposes: of giving rabies innoculati �s to dogs prior to thy, issuing of dog licenses. Cl rk Schnelle ma gyral rncommend.ptions and ugg-estions to th Council regarding admin atiw� procedures. Council proved th = t Cl£mrk Schnelli, attend cone -nc- for ,lunicipal Clerks and iii a;nce Officers being offer d by the a_ , f. f. "inne-sota i"unicipafities on Marc 21 and. 22. Motion by lman Kaspas:r to adopt a resolution to w 1-t* to the Covernor and to .hr- St:ztn_ T _gislators stating that they Villago- is appo ed to th- proposed gross e, ni.n� tax l-gisla.tion on Priv-t- utilit.i�s. -Gond- ��y Councilm�.kn Sch; f�:r and carrL.sd unc-Mimously. Motion 'y Councilman kaspe�r that bills ba:� paid as presented. 'econd-d by Council an Schaffer and ca.rri�d unanimously. Mo, on by Councilma..n Kasper for �idjournmc nt. Se-conded by Council. ,an `loped .nd c=;rrit-d unanimously. T eting ad.journfc at 0045 x.ii. Signed ' Village Clprk a M h �r