City Council Minutes 03-23-1967 Special:00 P.11,11. -,D , March f- 23. lq'7 Special mt4�tins-,- of 'L.Ina Village Council hold this data in the Village Hall. illemb�rs present: M;Lyor Erl,�ndson, Councilmen Schaffer, S;;ndbiRro, KQsottr -I- Toped. Abs*,,nt Norie. 1,,Iotion by IN'layor Erl;Lndson to is-,zkus building permit to 1�17r, William Allpn to build Q gar.-jge 161k"20" on Lot 4, Block "Ll. 1,1otion stconded by Councilman Topel. Carri�d unnimou,-ly. Council di.icuss*d Ordin-z._nc- 11?4, 34 Section Iv, which ptrtair, to �n �xcoss of 4 weight loads on village streets. 'They d--,cidL-d to h�.V@ this and .all ordinarc�s revised at a future dote. Council corr��ct�d minutes of thm 7 March 1907 meeting to read as follows: Fr. R,!-d'Micha-elis filed for Q building p-rm-*Lt to move the old 3t. Hounry's rectory from its prc-n--!nt site At Lot 5, Block 2C to Lots 4 and Block 'Ie "Lower r.orticr-,llo" has been duly cormctt-d in the iv arch 7, 1967, minutes. 1°!,'Iltting adjourned 47