City Council Minutes 04-04-196748
8:00 P.N.
April 4, 1967
Regular meeting of the Village Council held this time and date ®t the Village
Hall. Members present: M;iyor Erlandson, Councilmen Kasper, S.a.nt berg, Schaffer,
and Topel. Absent: n,4ne. minutes of the .ricetings "car M4-Frch rl and March 23
read and approved.
Yj'rs. .Alison ;resented to the Council for review sev�-ral dr_si�,ns for the sian
for the Dr. Ellison Park. motion was made by'Councilman Schaff, -r to us- dtsign "A"
for the dedication sign. Seconded by Councilman Top -1 and carried.
Council discussed the spraying contract with Mr. Jean L. Brouillard -.,rho tolde
them that the sprayer needed a new tank, rac}iator rep.�Ars, and that the engine recde4
valve work done on it. Motion w s mace by Councilman Schaffer to authorize
Brouilla:r(a to have tyle above mentioned repair work done. Seconded by Councilm; n
Topel and carried.
s pr -Vying
Motion by Councilman Topel to sign contract with Nor. Jean L. Brouillard. Mir.
Broui.11:-rd is to commence spraying for Dutch Elm as soon as possible and to
spray f or in_ z,,.cts iotion s -Gond -d by councilman Schaffer and carri-d.
Council a.pprov-d of repairs to vill*-ge water pump.
Mr. Shin :ullede cke r brought in s.? -soles for a sign for the Village H;11. 'otion
made by Councilman Schaffer to purchase a, metal sign with 444 letters designating
Village Hall on it. The cost of this sign will be approximately $'1�.00. l-:otion
seconded by Councilman Sandberg and carried.
notion by Councilm2.n Scla.ffelr to iopprove, the following building permit 'or
Cleusen: An addition to his dairy store, 10' by on Blcek 37, Lots 9 and
10. Seconded by Mgyor Erlandson ?nd carried.
Motion by mayor Erlandson to have 14r. Enga attend the sewage works and
v�Tter course being offered by the lini versitJT of Miinnesota a.t the cost of `35.00.
TheA course& will run from May 1 through 5, 1967. Motion seconded. by Councilman
Kasper and carried.
Councilman Kasper orougfht up for discussion the selling of the 1945 Chevrolet
garbage•, truck that the Village oi,ins . Taction made by Councilman Schaffer er to advs-rtise
to sell the above mentioned truck by sealed_ bids. Motion seconded by Councilman
Kasper and carried,.
Motion by Councilmen Kasper to hire I'r. Rodn-y Enga as the Village Dog Catch -r
and to pay him fi5.00 for each dog that is running loose that he picks up. i,.otion
seconded by Councilman Topel Wand carried.
Council discussed the pros and cons of selling; portions of lots 3 and 9,
Block 15, of village properties to thA IITinnesota_ Stats Highway Dep.s_rtment. This
property would be used as a holding pond for water run-off from the interchange
of the proposed new interst: to hi. hway. Miotion made by Councilmion Sand -berg to sell
the Q.bove 4l -did 'Tillage prop,--rties to the ivlinnesota State Highway DepWrtrrent for the
above mentioned use. motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carr -_'-.d.
( April 4, 1-U'7 cont ° d j
Dir. Gillham Qnd fir. rhiilips, repre swntir.7 the Xbnticr.allo-Big LakA T os itB.l
Board, discussed with th- Council the possilc_i.lity of the hosoit?l getting
{ sp-cia.l large volume water rats . Tf.ey �11so w -toted to nknow :ghat the Vi_ll.�ae
was planning to do about treatment of the local water supply. Council decided to
ta.blA moth Watters until they hav- studied the wa ter rate matt -r and they have
received .) report from the consultant en inetr5 who are Curr-ntly :studying the
w ,.ter tre.= tment problem. „
Councilman Kasper brou-ht up for Oiscussion special grater rates for the
Vill j. , e during the summer months. This wT s t ablf!d until th- cl-rk could check
out how other muriicip&lities hQndle special summi!er rtes.
Mr. Enga discussed the problem of sand setting into disposal plr.nt machine=ry
and suggested th t a sand grit ehzmber be built to eliminate this problem. '-7e
also brought up other disposal :slant needs such �.s pRinti ng and building a sta,ir-
w«y to replace a ladder. The coimirii.ttee on streets and sewer will investigate
tht :;.bovc ma ;ter and report their findings ;;t the next me,�tino;.
Council discussed moving the furnace znd list water heater out o:f the clerk's
office and asked the clerk to find out the cost o -l" this.
q 4 n
Council �pprov(�d of h;vin;, th9 Village Hall roof pitched. where it. is 1-=,ki.n�_;
..nd to replace broken Ygindow li?ht in the Village Fall.
i�ir. Tiuller, of Reike, Carroll, a.: -,d ivlull_ar, Consultant Engineers, stated th, t
the -,esults of .he- test t;;ken on the Villa ge w9ter supply were wood, bL:t that
they were taking more s.mples to r,_ -check their first test. He further stated
th-.t they will have their aatcr survey study completed and recorrmen0a.tions msde
by next council meeting..
"otion by Councilman Ksper to tr ns fer P' j, OOC. CC *frorr the Liquor Store
and to the General Fend. Motion seconded by Councilmpn Schaffer and c;rriFd.
��o,ion by Councilman Kasper to s-)t;.y th- bills as read. Seconded by Council -
m_ -In Topel,,,and carried.
Meeting �.�- Mourned at 11: �0 P.M.